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(OT) It's Race Week in Daytona

Terry Tate

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I just moved here a few months back, about 15 miles away from the speedway.


This place is just crazy right now. I've been here during Bike Week before, but never Race Week. The speed limit on International Speedway Blvd in front of the track is 50mph, and I was down to about 25mph for much of it this afternoon. The cops have set up additional stops in between the lights with officers stopping traffic, and directing people through temporary crossings marked with traffic cones. A lot of connecting roads are being turned into one-way traffic.


All the same, I don't know the first thing about racing, but I tell you what, just driving by the track this week while races were going on was kinda cool (if not a little frustrating because of all the traffic and pedestrians). It's not easy to hear the roar of engines and rubber on pavement emanating from the track and not want to go see what it looks like. I don't think I want to go to the race Sunday, but since I live here now I'm going to have to check this out sometime. The only track I've ever been to is Watkins Glen for the drags.

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Rednecks love Jeff Gordon. Be sure to cover your car with lots of 24 stuff and you'll fit right in with the locals.


I met a guy this week who's a Jeff Gordon fan, has his favorite country music stars that he's a fan club member of, etc. Yeah, he's pretty redneck, but a nice guy. He drives a delivery truck for a cola company that is the competitor for a cola company that sponsors Gordon (I don't know which is which - the big two). He shows up for work wearing a '24' hat with the competitor's logo on it, and his boss says 'what the F are you wearing?'. He replies 'hey, I'm a Jeff Gordon fan, you knew that before, so if there's a problem with that, you should have told me'. I can't believe they didn't fire him right there (both big colas have a rep for doing things like that). He's been hunting down all the drivers for autographs and such this week.

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When Papa France built the track he was looking for $$$ Pepsi said yes Coca-Cola said NO. I have been to 4 Daytona races and wished I was down there now. We parked at the mall before it was closed off. Your there, GET A TICKET as close to the start/finish line. Walk the lot with a sign I NEED ONE TICKET or walk the road . I have lucked out with some great seats for $50 over ticket price. It's one thing to see it on TV, but in person.....

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Cant wait for the 500! My brother wanted me to come down this weekend,but it was a little too late deal,HOWEVER,I told him I have off 4th of July week when the Pepsi race is down there! :rolleyes: So if he doesnt have to come up here for a HS Reunion that week,hes going to try and get tickets so I can come down,but Im waiting to here whats going on yet...nothing definite. Never been to a NASCAR race...just Holland Speedway.

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When Papa France built the track he was looking for $$$ Pepsi said yes Coca-Cola said NO. I have been to 4 Daytona races and wished I was down there now. We parked at the mall before it was closed off. Your there, GET A TICKET as close to the start/finish line. Walk the lot with a sign I NEED ONE TICKET or walk the road . I have lucked out with some great seats for $50 over ticket price. It's one thing to see it on TV, but in person.....


I had to stop at Bill France's house the other day for something. I didn't meet him - just as well, didn't know who he was until this week. Very nice place over on the beach side of Daytona. I have met quite a few other NASCAR higher up muckety-mucks, at their HQs and down at their marina.


The 'I need tickets' folks (scalpers) have been all over the main roads all week, but I'm going to pass on this one, got too much going on right now (I'm still getting settled in and trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up). I live here now, so I'll have plenty of chances to go to a race some other time.


Yeah, parking's nuts, but I see a lot of 'park and ride' signs also, so I guess it's just something you have to figure in. I was making deliveries in Daytona all week, and traffic's heavy, but you get there. The Daytona Intl Speedway official site has recommendations for getting to/from and parking.

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GO BORIS (friend of mine)! 


too bad they screwed up the qualifying system so you can run 11th in time trials, 10th in your duel, and still get stuck starting 41sr.



Similar thing happened to Kerry Earnhardt,Juniors step-brother and oldest son of Dale Sr. He finished 11th in the first race,but was beat out by seconds to Kenny Wallace. So he was wacthing the second race and he still could of made it,pending the results of the second race,but was beat out by someone with a better speed than him. I believe under the old system,he would have made it. <_<

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Can someone explain the appeal of NASCAR? To me it is equivalent of wrestling when it comes to being a "sport". And is sure as hell isn't interesting in the least.


Someone tell my why I should be interested in NASCAR. I just don't get it, but am willing to listen.

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Can someone explain the appeal of NASCAR? To me it is equivalent of wrestling when it comes to being a "sport". And is sure as hell isn't interesting in the least.


Someone tell my why I should be interested in NASCAR. I just don't get it, but am willing to listen.


Well, I'm not a race fan (at least not yet), but I'll give it a shot.


I've driven vehicles that weren't made to go fast around 85-90mph, when you start to feel you're on bicycle tires, and the difference in feel from 65-70mph to 85-90mph is pretty amazing. I've driven in a lot of major cities' rush hour traffic, and I found the Washington DC beltway to have some of the most aggressive drivers. After an hour of white knuckle driving within a few feet of everyone doing 65-70mph, I would arrive at work with an adrenaline rush - sweating, tense, etc. The top speed I've personally driven is around 125-130mph in a roadster with no traffic around, and it was not for an extended period of time, only a minute or so, and it was a pretty thrilling ride, but not something I could do on a regular basis.


These guys are driving about 200mph within inches of each other, bumping (!)each other for position for an extended period of time in order to come in first. That's pretty freaking intense. If you don't think that takes a little something extra, you're just flat out wrong.


I can understand there's people who are not interested. It's not something everyone wants to watch. But the folks who write it off saying it's not a sport, or they're not 'athletes', etc are just being ignorant. Being bored by it is a matter of opinion, but if the 'just make a left turn' crowd thinks it's so easy - hey, those seat belts are adjustable, they'll fit you too. Buckle up and give it a shot.

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Can someone explain the appeal of NASCAR? To me it is equivalent of wrestling when it comes to being a "sport". And is sure as hell isn't interesting in the least.


Someone tell my why I should be interested in NASCAR. I just don't get it, but am willing to listen.


You have to go to the track.


You have to go to the track with an open mind.


You have to go to the track with an open mind and someone who knows the sport.


If you do those things and you still don't enjoy you're day, then auto racing just isn't for you.

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You have to go to the track. 


You have to go to the track with an open mind.


You have to go to the track with an open mind and someone who knows the sport.


If you do those things and you still don't enjoy you're day, then auto racing just isn't for you.



LOL that's great :doh:


NASCAR is just like anything else. Some people don't get the appeal of football or basketball either.

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Hey Wingnut, if you want people to leave you alone, you need to fit in with them.


Thai's suggestion of putting a 24 on your car is good, but I wouldn't stop there. Get an old fridge, put it in your front yard, and then hang Christmas lights on your house.


Oh, yeah. You'll blend.

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