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A Buffalonian's observations on his move to Texas

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I couldn't get past the line where he said New York and Texas may as well be different "counties."


Doesn't anyone employ editors anymore?

He is correct that Houston and Buffalo are located in different counties. I assume he is in Houston.

Read like an 8th grade book report.

Which I could forgive if there was any actual insight. Since I recently made the same move not long ago, I was interested in this kid's take. Instead I was treated to things that everyone basically already knows whether they've been to Texas or not.

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I heard a story where BFLo and Houston are pretty big in the collection agency business. Well, the story I heard was a guy, debt collector/lawyer from Houston asked: "What do they put in water up there?" Implying that the tactics they use in BFLo are down right ruthless...


...Wow, some sort of "honor" amongst debt collectors & lawyers? What is this world coming to!



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"Texans do not know good “comfort food”. Comfort meaning pizzeria style of food."


Son, if this is your idea of "comfort food," I'm not sure it means what you think it means.


So, subs, wings and pizza are his interpretation of comfort foods? :blink:

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"Texans do not know good “comfort food”. Comfort meaning pizzeria style of food."


Son, if this is your idea of "comfort food," I'm not sure it means what you think it means.


So, subs, wings and pizza are his interpretation of comfort foods? :blink:

The building consensus here, though Tom has not yet weighed in, is the author is an idiot...

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My parents moved to Houston when I was in college (yes, I found them). Lived with them during the summer. It was so hot and humid it took me a few days to get use to being outside without getting exhausted. No matter how clean your house was, seeing cockroaches was something you had to get used to. Big suckers. It was around the time Urban Cowboy came out. No internet or CDs, and there was only one radio station that didn't play country or Mexican music. After a couple years my parents moved to Tyler, east of Dallas. It was a dry county, so you had to buy a membership at clubs to drink alcohol. And everything closed up on Sundays. After I graduated I moved back to NYS.

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when you make big moves like that, the best thing is to embrace the new area, saves a lot of 'buyers remorse', sure you miss the comfort and familiarity of home, but time to make a new home, and perhaps a new home after that and so on and so forth...and why the hell worry about chicken wings and pizza when you have a new world that buy all his accounts is some of the best food he's had, bbq and authentic mexican....

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when you make big moves like that, the best thing is to embrace the new area, saves a lot of 'buyers remorse', sure you miss the comfort and familiarity of home, but time to make a new home, and perhaps a new home after that and so on and so forth...and why the hell worry about chicken wings and pizza when you have a new world that buy all his accounts is some of the best food he's had, bbq and authentic mexican....

Theres far more available to him than that if hes in Houston which I'm guessing from the name of the publication. There's Vietnamese everywhere, a very large Indian neighborhood, sprawling Chinatown, sizeable Korean neighborhood, a lot of middle eastern, and of course tex-mex, mex-mex, caribbean, latin American and south American. Its the most diverse city in the country and its reflected in the food. As for comfort food, this place is obsessed with burgers. I know the whole country has experienced a renewed interest in burgers over the past few years, but the number of burger joints here and number of new ones opening up seems excessive.

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and i don't believe you cannot find an awesome mexican restaurant in buffalo or any city or town in the US, may not be aesthetically pleasing a place to draw you in, but i bet you could find several places that would knock your socks off



Theres far more available to him than that if hes in Houston which I'm guessing from the name of the publication. There's Vietnamese everywhere, a very large Indian neighborhood, sprawling Chinatown, sizeable Korean neighborhood, a lot of middle eastern, and of course tex-mex, mex-mex, caribbean, latin American and south American. Its the most diverse city in the country and its reflected in the food. As for comfort food, this place is obsessed with burgers. I know the whole country has experienced a renewed interest in burgers over the past few years, but the number of burger joints here and number of new ones opening up seems excessive.

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I didn't read past the first sentence. I have a feeling when he backed out of his driveway it was likely the first time he ever did that.


So people talk differently? Yeah I get that by driving over the bridge to SF

They drive differently? Yeah I get that when I go 600 miles to SoCal

They act differently? Yeah I get that when I drive 5 miles to Berkeley. And by differently I mean !@#$ing hippy weird like. That's why I don't go there often.

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and i don't believe you cannot find an awesome mexican restaurant in buffalo or any city or town in the US, may not be aesthetically pleasing a place to draw you in, but i bet you could find several places that would knock your socks off




Yeah but the mexican food is not real authentic. At least compared to Texas. I have feeling though once he goes thru a Houston summer he is going to be changing his tune about the weather.

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Yeah but the mexican food is not real authentic. At least compared to Texas. I have feeling though once he goes thru a Houston summer he is going to be changing his tune about the weather.

I'll take Houston summer not to deal with WNY winter again.

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Yeah but the mexican food is not real authentic. At least compared to Texas. I have feeling though once he goes thru a Houston summer he is going to be changing his tune about the weather.

It is also important to recognize there are variations of Mexican. Also, Tex-Mex, southwestern and Central American foods while awesome are not Mexican.

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