Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted April 29, 2016 Author Posted April 29, 2016 So you're comparing a stand alone restaurant that may serve 50-100 people a night to one of the biggest retailers in the world? I guess I was mistaken when I said you were smarter than that. Once again this will affect Target very little. Not only are you being hysterical so are those that are fearing that if bathrooms at Target are made gender neutral all of a sudden rapists are going to start using the bathrooms. I love the fact that the term voyeur has come up. So tell me what exactly is a voyeur going to see in a ladies room? I'm not sure if you've ever been in a ladies room but they do their business behind locked doors. I'm not sure how many male voyeurs get their kicks from watching a woman wash her hands. We have bigger issues in this country than this. You two retards fighting
Chef Jim Posted April 29, 2016 Posted April 29, 2016 You two retards fighting You bring so much value to this place. It was nice when you were MIA.
3rdnlng Posted April 30, 2016 Posted April 30, 2016 This why I think Target was/is stupid in making this an issue for them: "An online petition urging people to boycott one of America’s largest retailers has reached the million-signature milestone one week after being launched. Last week the American Family Association announced its boycott of Target in the wake of the company’s reiteration of a controversial bathroom policy. “We welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity,” Target announced. “… Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.” Responding via a press release, AFA said it was clear to them that the policy “poses a danger to wives and daughters.” Believing that many of its supporters – as well as many in the general population – agreed with that assessment, the Mississippi-based group asked people to pledge to boycott Target stores until it makes protecting women and children a priority. The petition documenting those individual pledges – launched on Thursday, April 21 – topped the one-million mark the next Thursday evening. The first half-million were logged in over the weekend and had grown steadily since. The boycott also gained the support of Concerned Women of America this week – and was the subject of a video released by a Tennessee pastor that has gone viral."
Chef Jim Posted April 30, 2016 Posted April 30, 2016 This why I think Target was/is stupid in making this an issue for them: "An online petition urging people to boycott one of America’s largest retailers has reached the million-signature milestone one week after being launched. Last week the American Family Association announced its boycott of Target in the wake of the company’s reiteration of a controversial bathroom policy. “We welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity,” Target announced. “… Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.” Responding via a press release, AFA said it was clear to them that the policy “poses a danger to wives and daughters.” Believing that many of its supporters – as well as many in the general population – agreed with that assessment, the Mississippi-based group asked people to pledge to boycott Target stores until it makes protecting women and children a priority. The petition documenting those individual pledges – launched on Thursday, April 21 – topped the one-million mark the next Thursday evening. The first half-million were logged in over the weekend and had grown steadily since. The boycott also gained the support of Concerned Women of America this week – and was the subject of a video released by a Tennessee pastor that has gone viral." So have they demanding that no pedophiles enter the men's room looking for little boys? I mean they need to be consistent right? Once again if you think this stupid controversy is going to hurt Target at all you're kidding yourself. People have very short attentions spans.
3rdnlng Posted April 30, 2016 Posted April 30, 2016 So have they demanding that no pedophiles enter the men's room looking for little boys? I mean they need to be consistent right? Once again if you think this stupid controversy is going to hurt Target at all you're kidding yourself. People have very short attentions spans. Not the people who are signing the petition. Target was stupid in announcing this policy. No upside with a lot of potential downside.
Chef Jim Posted May 1, 2016 Posted May 1, 2016 Not the people who are signing the petition. Target was stupid in announcing this policy. No upside with a lot of potential downside. Bull crap. I imagine a good percentage of the people that signed the petition have already shopped at a Target. This will be a blip on Target's P&L if even that. People sign petitions all the time and never follow through.
B-Man Posted May 1, 2016 Posted May 1, 2016 COMEDIAN D.L. HUGHLEY: Don’t Compare Civil Rights Movement to Transgenders’ Bowel Movements. Hughley is so far to the left that in 2009 he told then-Republican National Party Chairman Michael Steele that Republicans ‘literally look like Nazi Germany.’ (An odd thing to say to a fellow African-American.) Pass the popcorn if he’s now forced into one of the left’s mandatory reeducation camps to maintain his career.
boyst Posted May 1, 2016 Posted May 1, 2016 I went to the race last night here at the local small track. mccrory was grand marshall. mostly cheered, still many many boos. no matter what, rural north carolina is still southern democrat.
B-Man Posted May 2, 2016 Posted May 2, 2016 Curt Schilling has been fired...for having an opinion. Down the Memory Hole............... One of the great games in Boston history...................Nope..............ALL HAIL THE NARRATIVE ! ESPN erases sports history: Network edits 17 MINUTES out of documentary to memory hole Schilling’s ‘bloody sock’ game ESPN admits it selectively edited out a key portion of a sports documentary to alter the content, claiming it made the changes due to broadcast time constraints not because of animosity toward ex-Boston Red Sox ace Curt Schilling. F you ESPN
B-Man Posted May 5, 2016 Posted May 5, 2016 THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE JUST DECLARED WAR ON NORTH CAROLINA, David French writes at NRO: Is there a single person who believes that the Congress that passed Title VII in 1964 believed that it was doing away with the distinction between male and female — making it completely dependent on individual preference — and thus granting men access to women and girls in bathrooms, lockers, and showers? LGBT activists used to be angry with the Obama administration for its failure to pass or even press hard for ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, a bill that would have added sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes in federal employment law. But passing bills is so tiresome and inefficient, especially when a mere memo can change the law, and the Obama administration can be confident that leftist judges will uphold most anything done with Obama’s ”pen and phone.” The letter claims that North Carolina treats “transgender employees, whose gender identity does not match their ‘biological sex’ . . . differently from similarly-situated non-transgender employees.” This is a howler. I wonder . . . will the DOJ intervene to defend the state from liability the first time a woman or child is assaulted in a bathroom by a man who was granted a legal right to be there? Quack science meets quack law, and social justice warriors rejoice. Jazz Shaw writes “For their part, the state is thus far standing firm against the threats coming from Loretta Lynch’s office.” Shaw links to a Boston Herald article today that notes: Giving no indication of yielding to pressure, North Carolina’s Republican leaders called a federal warning about the legality of the state’s new law limiting LGBT anti-discrimination rules a broad overreach by the government. Gov. Pat McCrory and top state legislators were determining what steps to take after the U.S. Justice Department said in a letter Wednesday that the state law violated federal civil rights laws and threatened possible litigation. “This is no longer just a North Carolina issue, because this conclusion by the Department of Justice impacts every state,” McCrory said. As Shaw writes, “The stupidity surrounding this entire argument is staggering, but we unfortunately seem to be living in a time when the courts must be called in to decide every demand from the You Will Be Made To Care battalion of the SJW. It’s sad, but unless there is a resurgence of common sense around the electorate you can expect more and more of this nonsense to clog up the courts for years to come.” While a two-front war is always a dangerous proposition, it’s got to be good for Mr. Obama to have President Ash Carter in charge of fighting ISIS. It frees up our reverse von Clausewitz, the man who views American politics as the continuation of warfare, to continue his all-out war against the American people, which as we’ve seen over the last seven and a half years, Mr. Obama views as the much more important of the two struggles. (Just ask him.)
boyst Posted May 5, 2016 Posted May 5, 2016 this **** is getting sad. how the !@#$ is this title ix? i !@#$ing hate this government. by keeping someone whose birth certificate says "male" out of the females bathroom in a public building ... it's discrimination? now they're threatening to take away funding to an already underfunded school system??? (thank you democrats!) Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger called the ruling “a gross overreach.” And Lt. Gov. Dan Forest blasted the Obama administration. “To use our children and their educational futures as pawns to advance an agenda that will ultimately open those same children up to exploitation at the hands of sexual predators is, by far, the sickest example of the depths the … administration will stoop to (to) ‘fundamentally transform our nation,’ ” he said. Read more here: kiss my !@#$ing ass federal government. may the south rise again.
boyst Posted May 9, 2016 Posted May 9, 2016 (edited) The Justice Department and North Carolina filed dueling lawsuits Monday over the state’s controversial “bathroom” law, with the Obama administration answering an early-morning lawsuit filed by Republican Gov. Pat McCrory with legal action of its own. In a suit filed late Monday in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina, the DOJ alleged a “pattern or practice of employment discrimination on the basis of sex” against the state over the law requiring transgender people to use bathrooms that correspond with the sex on their birth certificate. !@#$ off Feds. Edited May 9, 2016 by Boyst62
B-Man Posted May 9, 2016 Posted May 9, 2016 (edited) North Carolina sues Justice Department over bathroom privacy law demands Loretta Lynch wanted an answer fast and now she has one. I thought that McCrory might cave under the pressure from the SJW contingent and the threats of economic boycotts. The Feds Gave North Carolina a deadline of Monday to report whether it would refuse to enforce the bathroom law. The Feds said they would sue North Carolina if the state did not comply. North Carolina beat them to the punch. According to the ABCNews article, the lawsuit called the bathroom law a “common sense privacy policy” and said “the Justice Department’s position is an attempt to unilaterally rewrite long-established federal civil rights laws in a manner that is wholly inconsistent with the intent of Congress and disregards decades of statutory interpretation by the courts CNN poll: 57% oppose “bathroom bills” aimed at transgendered Looks like the media spin on the story has been effective. ADDED: I should have guessed CNN Uses Misleading Poll to Claim Most Oppose NC Bathroom Law On Monday, CNN not only continued to misinform its viewers about the contents of the North Carolina bathroom law, but it also used a misleading CNN/ORC poll to dubiously claim that most Americans oppose the law. New Day, CNN Newsroom, and Legal View with Ashleigh Banfield have so far cited the poll claiming that 57 percent of Americans oppose the bathroom law, but the wording of the poll gives the false impression that transgenders are required to use the public restroom of their gender at birth when, as clarified by the North Carolina governor's office, the law still allows transgenders to legally change their birth certificates with their updated gender and use the restroom of that gender. Edited May 9, 2016 by B-Man
TH3 Posted May 10, 2016 Posted May 10, 2016 !@#$ off Feds. Nothing adds credibility and depth to a point of view better than the confederate flag
boyst Posted May 10, 2016 Posted May 10, 2016 (edited) Nothing adds credibility and depth to a point of view better than the confederate flag piss off yankee slime! i dint post the confederate flag. lern' yer history, ya dumb city folkin' fool. Edited May 10, 2016 by Boyst62
birdog1960 Posted May 10, 2016 Posted May 10, 2016 Nothing adds credibility and depth to a point of view better than the confederate flag close contest between this and an informal poll of minor league stock car race fans....
IDBillzFan Posted May 10, 2016 Posted May 10, 2016 close contest between this and an informal poll of minor league stock car race fans.... Says the guy who relies on framed pieces of papers from peers to validate what you each perceive to be intelligence as measured and tallied by the very peers you pay for the paper. Oh joy! Rapture!
3rdnlng Posted May 10, 2016 Posted May 10, 2016 close contest between this and an informal poll of minor league stock car race fans.... Do they have minor league stock car races there in Bristol?
Magox Posted May 10, 2016 Posted May 10, 2016 These culture war issues, so inconsequential yet so loud.
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