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North Carolina GOP Block Gay Anti-Discrimintion Law

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One thing that makes NC boycotts especially dumb, is that these "principled" folks are actually punishing cities that OPPOSE #HB2.



But logic is not their strong suit.


the democrats really are going to no ends to win north carolina back. they're trying to shame the sate.

hey every other state and people against this. !@#$ you.

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This all boils down to plumbing. If you have male plumbing, use the men's bathroom. If you have female plumbing, use the ladies room. Seriously, what could be fairer to all than that? ....and by the way, when you're in a public restroom - behave.


Edited by keepthefaith
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why would any dude want to actually sit down to piss?


it's probably the best thing about being a dude. unzip, unwind the snake with both hands and 15 seconds later you are done and can piss standing up.


Have you seen how addicted some folks are to their phones? I bet dollars to donuts more men than ever sit now to piss -- especially after they lose two or three phones in a toilet.

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“How did we get to this absurd place? You won’t go wrong if you point your finger at the [Obama] administration,” Clarice Feldman writes at the American Thinker in an article titled “The War On Women Moves to Restrooms.”


As Feldman writes, “To accommodate the perceived wishes of a very small number of people, the federal government and many states are placing women and girls at risk of rape and assault in restrooms.”

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Reminder:...Celebrities who support Charlotte Potty Law don't use public restrooms, unless it's cleared out first by security.



University of Toronto learns why mandatory unisex bathrooms are a bad idea



Considering how widespread these stories are across the United States these days, an incident in Canada may prove instructive for those debating the SJW’s demands for genderless public facilities and the intersection between those policies and traditional privacy concerns. The University of Toronto recently went down the same path being forced into place on American campuses, instituting unisex bathrooms, locker rooms and showers. What could possibly go wrong? They found out in short order. (The Daily Wire)


The administration at the University of Toronto was recently enlightened on why two separate washrooms are generally established for men and women sharing co-ed residencies.

The University is
changing its policy on gender-neutral bathrooms after two separate incidents of “voyeurism” were reported on campus September 15 and 19. Male students within the University’s Whitney Hall student residence were caught holding their cellphones over female students’ shower stalls and filming them as they showered.

Melinda Scott, dean of students at the University of Toronto, told The Daily Wire that campus police had been contacted immediately and worked with residence staff to “support impacted students and ensure the safety of the Residences.”




Do we really need to sanitize this story by referring to it as voyeurism? We’re talking about a crime here as defined in the laws of every state in the nation. And as much as we might like to think the best of our fellow human beings, we have these laws for a reason. Some people are just creeps (at a minimum) or potential felons in a worst case scenario. There is nothing racist, bigoted, hateful or homophobic about preserving the simple, fundamental privacy of women (in particular) by providing them with gender specific public facilities.


That’s not the end of the story, though. In this bold new world of the 21st century we also have to deal with questions of those engaged in gender impersonation who similarly demand unfettered access to showers, locker rooms and bathrooms. In this regard, Melinda Scott, dean of students at the university, demonstrated that she still wasn’t grasping the full scope of the problem because she remains locked in a “transgender” state of mind. (Emphasis added)


“Given the serious nature of these incidents and the impact on directly affected students, we made the decision to specifically designate some washrooms in Whitney Hall
for those who identify as men and those who identify as women
,” Scott said.




Even if we were to take every individual in this category at their word and assume that they truly somehow believed they are of the opposite gender, that doesn’t mean that the actual women using the showers must be forced to believe it or should have to expose themselves to someone who is clearly a male. Beyond that, such misguided thinking ignores the likelihood that we will see the two problems colliding as “normal” males of bad intent will simply claim to be “transgender” to gain an advantage. In fact it’s already happened.


A man claimed a right to use a women’s locker room at a public swimming pool after his partial undressing there caused alarm.

According to Seattle Parks and Recreation, women alerted staff at Evans Pool staff when a man wearing swim trunks entered the women’s locker room and took off his shirt.

When staff told him to leave, the man reportedly said “the law has changed and I have a right to be here.”




Gee… who could have seen that one coming? (Aside from anyone with a lick of common sense who isn’t blinded by political correctness, that is.)


Toronto should serve as a test laboratory for the dangerous, misguided plans being put into effect around the United States today. This foolishness isn’t just wrongheaded.. it’s dangerous. This Canadian university learned a quick lesson the hard way, thankfully without anyone being physically assaulted. How far does it have to go in the United States before we acknowledge both science and reality as well?




Let's make 2016 about whether men should be allowed in women's bathrooms. Fine with me.

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Right? Bruce Springsteen's worse to listen to than Tom Petty.


Over-rated, old, and obnoxious.


Neither achieves the harmonic purity of a cat hung by its tail scratching its claws against a pane of glass. But Bruce comes closer, at least.

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Tar Heel Tatters: LGBT Law strips the state of business and investments


As Connecticut makes overtures to lure away Bank of America from its long-established headquarters in Charlotte, has North Carolina's reputation already gone from Tar Heel to tarnished?

North Carolina's divisive new LGBT law is leading to massive nationwide fallout, and multi-billion-dollar companies continue to withdraw investment from the state as some residents decamp to "friendlier" locations.

Bipartisan legislators from Connecticut sent a letter to the nation's second-largest bank this month, inviting Bank of America to "move to a state that shares its social values and supports its LGBT workforce." Economic developers in the liberal northeastern state are also circling a number of other established businesses in North Carolina.



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I haven't seen a media crusade this big since Arizona decided to enforce immigration laws.


While I look forward to the day when women can walk around with their nipples out in public, I'll assume it will come with a law banning men from looking, because it would be harassment.

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I haven't seen a media crusade this big since Arizona decided to enforce immigration laws.


While I look forward to the day when women can walk around with their nipples out in public, I'll assume it will come with a law banning men from looking, because it would be harassment.


They already can in NY.

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