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North Carolina GOP Block Gay Anti-Discrimintion Law

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So it's safe to save every bathroom is now a free for all, we should take down the men and woman's signs to avoid confusion. We should also get rid of any law that pertain to pissing in public, if we are sharing restrooms let's share everything.


Pissing in public is more of a health issue than a modesty one.


I go to India a lot. Trust me: You don't want public urination.

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That makes perfect sense as long as he jumped in at the spot he peed.


Jumping down river of where someone peed: That is a possible problem.


Urine from a healthy bladder and urinary tract is completely sterile, actually.


Not that I'd bank on anyone peeing in a river in India having a healthy urinary tract, of course...

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Urine from a healthy bladder and urinary tract is completely sterile, actually.


Not that I'd bank on anyone peeing in a river in India having a healthy urinary tract, of course...


I'd sooner drink the piss than any river I've seen in India.

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Inevitable move by the Left.



In a pair of since-deleted Facebook posts, the Capitol Bureau Chief for NBC North Carolina affiliate WRAL blamed supporters of the state’s transgender bathroom bill and their “rhetoric” for the Orlando terrorist attack that left 49 people dead and 53 others wounded.



In one of the Facebook posts–both of which were captured by conservative blog The Daily Haymaker–Laura Leslie wrote:


f you’re an elected official in NC offering ‘thoughts and prayers’ and ‘support’ in the wake of this horrific anti-gay crime, maybe you should think long and hard about your support of legislation that singles out LGBT people as fair game for discrimination on ‘religious freedom’ grounds. Rhetoric matters.”



In a second facebook post, Leslie wrote: This is not radical Islamic terrorism,. This is a mentally ill homophobe, who drove over an hour to target a gay club and blamed his religion for something he wanted to do anyway"



and there's your media narrative folks..................




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They're called kilts.


I've occasionally wished I was Scottish, so I could wear a kilt. Supposedly they're very comfortable.

The solution to the problem is intuitively obvious Tom.

Simply self-identify as a Scott and kilt away!

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NBA Moves All-Star Game From Charlotte Due to Bathroom Law



The NBA has decided to move their February 19 All-Star Game out of North Carolina due to the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Bill. The league stated:




The law states that biological males cannot use female restrooms and vice versa. The government implemented it over privacy and safety concerns:


The NBA told Charlotte they can host the game in 2019 if North Carolina changes the law. Now executives are looking at New Orleans to host the festivities in February.


Governor Pat McCrory did make some changes to the law,”restoring the right to sue for discrimination in state court.”






When the NBA selected CLT for 2017, the law was essentially as it is now. The city ordinance issue happened in the interim.


If the NBA is so outraged, why did they select CLT in the first place?





Alternate headline:
NBA refuses to bake NC a cake over moral objections.



The funny part is the other teams (white) owners have now punished the only team with a principal African American owner, for something that was completely out of his control.






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The funny part is the other teams (white) owners have now punished the only team with a principal African American owner, for something that was completely out of his control..


The other funny part is that in spite of everyone on the left insisting that no one ever do business in NC again, you see this: NC Unemployment dips below 5% for first time in five years.

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The other funny part is that in spite of everyone on the left insisting that no one ever do business in NC again, you see this: NC Unemployment dips below 5% for first time in five years.


I never understood how liberal boycotts ever made an impact when their supporters don't even shop at the businesses in the first place. Most of the time, they have to ask for the government to levy fines and revoke permits instead.


...but when conservatives call for a boycott, the stocks plummet.

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I'd venture a guess that hosting the NBA All Star Game takes alot of prep work. Prep work that takes over a year. Prep work that costs quite a bit of money.


If I were a Government official for the city of Charlotte or the state of North Carolina, I'd look into suing the NBA to recover those costs. And to make a statement

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Will the NBA pull out of China because of human rights' violations, including ethnic discrimination, religious repression, and cultural suppression? Only if someone tweets about it, I guess...


Oh, and I forgot to mention the government-forced abortions and birth-control. Good thing they took a stand about those bathrooms at Target, though.

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Will the NBA pull out of China because of human rights' violations, including ethnic discrimination, religious repression, and cultural suppression? Only if someone tweets about it, I guess...


Oh, and I forgot to mention the government-forced abortions and birth-control. Good thing they took a stand about those bathrooms at Target, though.



So much ado about assplay.

I'd venture a guess that hosting the NBA All Star Game takes alot of prep work. Prep work that takes over a year. Prep work that costs quite a bit of money.


If I were a Government official for the city of Charlotte or the state of North Carolina, I'd look into suing the NBA to recover those costs. And to make a statement

Agree. I wonder what percentage of us are gay, seems to be the only thing everyone wants to talk about.

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