Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted March 26, 2016 Posted March 26, 2016 Nice reminder that it's not just the Trump wing of the party that is hateful. It's almost the whole party
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted March 27, 2016 Author Posted March 27, 2016 On Wednesday, as the bill was being considered, Dow Chemical, Biogen, and Raleigh-based software company Red Hat all opposed it. Others have since added their voices, including IBM, American Airlines, PayPal, and Apple. (Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, is openly gay and graduated from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business.) As my colleague Gillian White reported this week, North Carolina has sought to make itself a hub for tech companies and startups. Democrats in the state say the law could endanger federal Title IX funding for schools. The NBA, in a statement, suggested it might reconsider plans to host the 2017 All-Star Game in Charlotte. The NCAA also suggested the law might cause it tochange plans to hold elements of its annual college-basketball tournament and other events in the Old North State—a move that could resonate in this hoops-crazed state.
Chef Jim Posted March 27, 2016 Posted March 27, 2016 Nice reminder that it's not just the Trump wing of the party that is hateful. It's almost the whole party Great point because there is zero hate from the left.
B-Man Posted March 27, 2016 Posted March 27, 2016 Like everyone else , I had ignored this thread for the past two days, not just because Gator had posted it (though that is certainly reason enough) but, because it was just another hilarious slanted spin on the actual news, that the Left is trying mightily to push. Since, his promoters have him reposting nonsense, I guess that I am obligated to remind everyone of the truth of North Carolina's law...............Please Read. Earlier this week, North Carolina’s governor, Pat McCrory, signed North Carolina House Bill 2 into law, after an emergency session of the NC General Assembly voted and passed the bill overwhelmingly in both the NC House and Senate. The law, called the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act, was in response to a Charlotte, NC ordinance making public bathrooms sex-neutral, in order to allow those who identified as a gender other than that on their birth certificates to use the bathroom or locker room of their choice. The prevailing concern with the public was that it posed a security threat, since the only requirement is that somebody say they felt like a different gender. The ordinance was so broadly worded that the potential to be taken advantage of by individuals with less than innocent motives was great. Now begins the great wailing and gnashing of teeth by those social justice warriors of the left, far and wide. House Bill 2 is being pushed as an “anti-LGBT” bill, suggesting that the bill somehow outlaws LGBT citizens. If you listen to North Carolina Democrats, Governor McCrory has commissioned jack booted thugs to storm homes in the middle of the night and drag away our LGBT loved ones to labor camps. What North Carolina Democrats and the carpetbagging leftists across the country don’t remind citizens is that McCrory, who is now being labeled Enemy #1, has already ceded ground in this fight, siding with Democrats in March of 2015, in opposing a religious freedom bill that would have protected public officials who refused to perform gay weddings, based on religious objections. McCrory, at that time, stated that the wording made no sense, as written. He also said no further protections were needed, and that it was time for North Carolina’s citizens to learn to accept each other. McCrory’s veto was ultimately overturned by the NC House and Senate, but it came with stiff requirements for those officials who expressed religious objections. These are hardly the words or actions of a man bent on persecuting or discriminating against a select group of people. None of that matters in this culture war, however. The battleground has been established, and compromise for the sake of peace is not on any leftist agenda. They demand fealty without question, and anything less than total abandonment of tradition at the altar of secular humanism is unacceptable. North Carolina’s Democrat party, rather than act to enlighten their ranks about the realities of HB2, have joined with outsiders in ridiculing and attacking the government, and the people of North Carolina as “bigoted” and simpleminded. They see the threats of outside special interest groups against their own state as a convenient cudgel for forcing compliance to their worldview. So far: Director Rob Reiner (You know… “Meathead” from “All in the Family”) has called for a boycott of the movie industry in North Carolina, in order to force compliance to the LGBT agenda. Ed Lee, mayor of San Francisco, CA has banned publicly funded employee travel to North Carolina. The NBA and the Carolina Hurricanes hockey team have issued statements against what they deem a “discriminatory” bill. is pushing a petition to have Governor McCrory impeached. Make no mistake, there are consequences to be paid when an official does not bow to the agenda of the left. There is no sense of unity as countrymen or the grace of mutual acceptance. There is only total surrender to the way of social justice and the “feel good” agenda that often overrides anything resembling commonsense. Governor McCrory’s office released a convenient checklist of facts about the bill, in the wake of the left’s onslaught of outrage. Nothing about the bill encourages discrimination, and it even allows for private businesses to have whatever bathroom policy they feel comfortable with. One of the questions answered about HB2 states: Can private businesses, if they choose, continue to allow transgender individuals to use the bathroom, locker room or other facilities of the gender they identify with, or provide other accommodations? Answer: Yes. That is the prerogative of private businesses under this new law. For instance, if a privately-owned sporting facility wants allow attendees of sporting events to use the restroom of their choice, or install unisex bathrooms, they can. The law neither requires nor prohibits them from doing so. We are very much in the days where good is called evil and evil is called good. This “tolerance” of the left is nothing but intolerance of everyone else. We are in a war against cultural Marxism, so we’d better close ranks and guard our flank, lest we be overcome. Our enemy is ruthless and the battle rages on. It won't matter whatever misspelled 'response' that Gator attempts here. The truth of the matter is clear. North Carolina legislators are responding to an extreme law from the Left, people will need to utilize the bathroom that is corresponding to the gender at their birth. This way the 99% of the citizens will feel safe (I thought safe zones and feelings were what liberals were all about)
boyst Posted March 27, 2016 Posted March 27, 2016 hey asshat... IN try using the search function for a brain, then for similar topics.
/dev/null Posted March 27, 2016 Posted March 27, 2016 I am a male living in Virginia. But I self identify as an NC State women's volleyball player. Now if you'll excuse me, which way to the locker room?
boyst Posted March 28, 2016 Posted March 28, 2016 I am a male living in Virginia. But I self identify as an NC State women's volleyball player. Now if you'll excuse me, which way to the locker room? if you find it, let me know. i, too identify as a north carolina female athlete. i am a gymnast and prefer to now go by the name Dominque Moceanu. I think it sounds elegant.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted March 28, 2016 Author Posted March 28, 2016 I am a male living in Virginia. But I self identify as an NC State women's volleyball player. Now if you'll excuse me, which way to the locker room? Why, you want a bunch of hot chicks laughing at you? It won't matter whatever misspelled 'response' that Gator attempts here. The truth of the matter is clear. North Carolina legislators are responding to an extreme law from the Left, people will need to utilize the bathroom that is corresponding to the gender at their birth. This way the 99% of the citizens will feel safe (I thought safe zones and feelings were what liberals were all about) And what about the corporate response? You seem to just want to focus on "The Left" but ignore the rest
B-Man Posted March 29, 2016 Posted March 29, 2016 IF ONLY THE LEFT FOUGHT THE WAR ON TERROR WITH AS MUCH FEROCITY AS THEIR WAR ON BATHROOMS: Law is NOT anti-Gay or about enforcing a religious matter how many times you repeat it........ NBA’s Threatening North Carolina Is Textbook Cultural Cronyism. Big business has stomped into another state, trying to impose the values of the cultural left. This time, a governor who dared to stand up for responsible policy is being targeted by big business’ bullying over bathrooms. At issue is H.B. 2, a bill Republican Gov. Pat McCrory signed into law last week after it passed the House 83-25 and the Senate 32-0. The bill accomplishes two main objectives. First, it says that private schools, restaurants, stores, and businesses are free to establish whatever bathroom policies they’d like, but that access to government bathrooms will be determined primarily by biological sex. Second, it says that North Carolina will have one set of regulations for the entire state when it comes to employment and public accommodation, rather than additional piecemeal regulations city by city. The NBA has said North Carolina’s law might make it move the 2017 All-Star Game out of Charlotte. The NBA threat over the All-Star Game is particularly amusing. The NBA (and its sister organization, the WNBA) apparently think bathroom access shouldn’t be based on biology, but basketball leagues should. The NBA and WNBA, of course, are free to have gender-neutral basketball teams—and to have gender-neutral bathrooms at those games. That they are threatening the state to impose a policy that even they haven’t voluntarily adopted is the height of hypocrisy. And it’s another example of “cultural cronyism.” Just as we saw in Indiana last year, and in Georgia today, big businesses are using their outsized market share to make economic threats to pressure the government to do their bidding—at the expense of the common good. What’s in the Bill? The first provision of the bill—the bathroom provision—is simply common sense. It leaves actors in the private sector free to do what they think best with their bathrooms, and it says government-run facilities will operate according to biological sex as noted on a birth certificate. Even then, the North Carolina law makes accommodations. The governor’s office explains: “Anyone who has undergone a sex change can change their sex on their birth certificate.” And the law allows government buildings to make special accommodations by using single-occupancy bathrooms and allowing students to have controlled access to faculty locker rooms. The bill tries to find a reasonable compromise. It prevents biological males who identify as females from using women’s and girls’ private facilities in public schools and government offices, but it also allows local school officials and office managers to make reasonable accommodations for such students and employees, such as providing access to single-occupancy facilities. Ask yourself: Why do we have sex-specific bathrooms and locker rooms in the first place? It’s because of biology, not because of “gender identity.” Separate facilities reflect the fact that men and women have bodily differences; they are designed to protect privacy related to our bodies. So the North Carolina bill continues the bathroom policy America has always had. The second provision—the employment provision—is simply a preference for statewide uniformity. It says North Carolina will have one set of employment regulations for the entire state rather than a multiplicity of additional laws set at the municipal level. More at the link: Can any of our local lemmings tell us what is specifically wrong with H.B. 2 ?? .
Dante Posted March 29, 2016 Posted March 29, 2016 Nice reminder that it's not just the Trump wing of the party that is hateful. It's almost the whole party Lets talk about real hate for a minute and not the fake hate that you have been programmed to spew out on a regular basis. Your ilk are the biggest murderers in history. But I guess thats not really hate correct? It's equality for all.
B-Man Posted March 29, 2016 Posted March 29, 2016 (edited) Governor Pat McCrory (R., NC) responded to the lawsuit brought this morning, in regards to the recently passed House Bill 2, named the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act. In responding to the lawsuit, McCrory stated: “We have not taken away any rights that have currently existed in any city in North Carolina, from Raleigh to Durham to Chapel Hill to Charlotte,” he said. “Every city and every corporation have the exact same nondiscrimination policy this week as they had two weeks ago.” Further statements from the governor’s office: “The governor respects the right of any legal challenges; however, he does not respect the continued distortion of the facts by the groups challenging this law and by many members of the state and national media,” said Graham Wilson, the governor’s press secretary. What HB2 does prevent is cities in North Carolina from enacting their own ordinances to make all public facilities gender-neutral. Private organizations and businesses can maintain whatever policy they prefer, in regards to bathrooms and locker rooms, however, no city government can implement such policies. McCrory went on to say: “I frankly think some of the media has failed miserably in communicating the clear facts.” No kidding. . . Edited March 29, 2016 by B-Man
DC Tom Posted March 29, 2016 Posted March 29, 2016 Governor Pat McCrory (R., NC) responded to the lawsuit brought this morning, in regards to the recently passed House Bill 2, named the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act. In responding to the lawsuit, McCrory stated: Further statements from the governor’s office: What HB2 does prevent is cities in North Carolina from enacting their own ordinances to make all public facilities gender-neutral. Private organizations and businesses can maintain whatever policy they prefer, in regards to bathrooms and locker rooms, however, no city government can implement such policies. McCrory went on to say: “I frankly think some of the media has failed miserably in communicating the clear facts.” No kidding. . . "Facts" are a part of western European philosophy used to oppress the narrative of the rest of the world, and hence are invalid. [/CRT]
B-Man Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 (edited) One illustrate the liberal foolishness. Make Bathrooms Great Again New York governor Andrew Cuomo got lots of news coverage yesterday for his directive restricting state travel to North Carolina on account of the law passed last week that overrides local “non-discrimination” pro-choice bathroom ordinances. If I lived in North Carolina I’d be tempted to send Cuomo a big thank you note for cutting down the number of New York government employees coming to NC, since their visits cannot be good in the first place. But a better response is the short statement put out by North Carolina governor Pat McCrory: “Syracuse is playing in the Final Four in Houston where voters overwhelmingly rejected a nearly identical bathroom ordinance that was also rejected by the state of North Carolina,” said Governor McCrory Communications Director Josh Ellis. “Is Governor Cuomo going to ask the Syracuse team to boycott the game in Houston? It’s total hypocrisy and demagoguery if the governor does not, considering he also visited Cuba, a communist country with a deplorable record of human rights violations.” Boom! Incidentally, eight black Democrats in the NC legislature voted in favor of the bill that has Cuomo upset. Are those black Democrats, along with the multi-racial Houston majority that voted to override their pro-choice bathroom ordinance, also bigots? Someone should also ask the 'corporations' such as the NBA, that question........ . Edited March 30, 2016 by B-Man
Nanker Posted April 4, 2016 Posted April 4, 2016 NC eliminated Syracuse from the NCAA - right? So obviously we should nuke the entire state. #ORANGELIVESMATTER
unbillievable Posted April 5, 2016 Posted April 5, 2016 I want to see a Transgender player dominate the WNBA.
B-Man Posted April 6, 2016 Posted April 6, 2016 (edited) Predictable silliness............. THE HYPOCRISY OF PAYPAL’S ‘MISSION AND CULTURE:’ The online payments company cancels plans to expand in North Carolina while maintaining offices in some of the most anti-gay countries in the world. Click on, to enlarge But then, such hypocrisy can often be found at the intersection of megacorporations and SJWs. Reminder: The law is not antigay as is being spun, its about bathrooms. . Edited April 6, 2016 by B-Man
IDBillzFan Posted April 6, 2016 Posted April 6, 2016 Predictable silliness............. THE HYPOCRISY OF PAYPAL’S ‘MISSION AND CULTURE:’ The online payments company cancels plans to expand in North Carolina while maintaining offices in some of the most anti-gay countries in the world. Click on, to enlarge But then, such hypocrisy can often be found at the intersection of megacorporations and SJWs. Reminder: The law is not antigay as is being spun, its about bathrooms. . Paypal is the perfect corporate representation of the SJW movement; too stupid to realize how stupid they are. Watching its hypocrisy get mocked online is a lot of fun.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted April 8, 2016 Author Posted April 8, 2016 "As a black person, I'm against any form of discrimination — against whites, Hispanics, gays, lesbians, however you want to phrase it," the NBA Hall of Famer and basketball analyst told CNN this week. "It's my job, with the position of power that I'm in and being able to be on television, I'm supposed to stand up for the people who can't stand up for themselves." Related: North Carolina Starts to See Economic Damage From Anti-Bias Law Fifty-three-year-old Barkley, despite his infamous ad from the 1990s where he declared "I am not a role model," has been exemplary on the issue of gay rights for years. When ex-NBA player Tim Hardaway went on a homophobic rant in a radio interview back in 2007, Barkley quickly condemned him. In 2011, he went further during an interview on Sirius XM Radio. "If somebody is gay, that's their own business," he said. "But it bothers me how people try to say that jocks are not going to like a gay … I think gay people should be allowed to get married and God bless them, that's their own business. Listen, if a guy can't play that's the only time we don't want to play with him. We don't care about all that extracurricular stuff."
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