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Erik Prince under investigation for ties to Chinese intel

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This could get really, really, REALLY ugly for both Prince and the US Government considering how much dirt he probably has on them:

(Long but worthwhile article)



What began as an investigation into Prince’s attempts to sell defense services in Libya and other countries in Africa has widened to a probe of allegations that Prince received assistance from Chinese intelligence to set up an account for his Libya operations through the Bank of China. The Justice Department, which declined to comment for this article, is also seeking to uncover the precise nature of Prince’s relationship with Chinese intelligence.

Prince, through his lawyer, Victoria Toensing, said he has not been informed of a federal investigation and had not offered any defense services in Libya. Toensing called the money-laundering allegations “total bull ****.”

The Intercept interviewed more than a half dozen of Prince’s associates, including current and former business partners; four former U.S. intelligence officers; and other sources familiar with the Justice Department investigation. All of them requested anonymity to discuss these matters because there is an ongoing investigation. The Intercept also reviewed several secret proposals drafted by Prince and his closest advisers and partners offering paramilitary services to foreign entities.

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Boy, Victoria really gets around


Ms. Toensing was chief counsel for the Senate Intelligence Committee and deputy assistant attorney general in the Reagan administration.


Victoria Toensing, an attorney representing Benghazi whistleblower Greg Hicks

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Boy, Victoria really gets around


Ms. Toensing was chief counsel for the Senate Intelligence Committee and deputy assistant attorney general in the Reagan administration.


Victoria Toensing, an attorney representing Benghazi whistleblower Greg Hicks


Good catch! I missed that. :beer:

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This could get really, really, REALLY ugly for both Prince and the US Government considering how much dirt he probably has on them:

(Long but worthwhile article)



What began as an investigation into Prince’s attempts to sell defense services in Libya

So just to be clear...this started with Prince and the Revolution?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Inside Erik Prince's treacherous drive to build a private air force:


One of the mechanics soon recognized Echo Papa from news photos — he was Erik Prince, founder of the private security firm Blackwater. Several of the Airborne staff whispered among themselves, astonished that they had been working for America’s best-known mercenary. The secrecy and strange modification requests of the past four months began to make sense. In addition to surveillance and laser-targeting equipment, Airborne had outfitted the plane with bulletproof cockpit windows, an armored engine block, anti-explosive mesh for the fuel tank, and specialized wiring that could control rockets and bombs. The company also installed pods for mounting two high-powered 23 mm machine guns. By this point, the engineers and mechanics were concerned that they had broken several Austrian laws but were advised that everything would be fine as long as they all kept the secret.



Prince congratulated everyone for making the plane “rugged” and then left. The plane was due in South Sudan, where it was urgently needed to salvage Prince’s first official contract with his new company, Frontier Services Group. Prince was eager to get the Thrush 510G in the air.



The conversion of crop dusters into light attack aircraft had long been part of Prince’s vision for defeating terrorists and insurgencies in Africa and the Middle East. In Prince’s view, these single-engine fixed-wing planes, retrofitted for war zones, would revolutionize the way small wars were fought. They would also turn a substantial profit. The Thrush in Airborne’s hangar, one of two crop dusters he intended to weaponize, was Prince’s initial step in achieving what one colleague called his “obsession” with building his own private air force.


FROM THE EARLY DAYS of the war on terror, Prince aggressively built up an aviation wing at Blackwater and supplied aircraft to the CIA and other government agencies. His “little bird” helicopters — with armed commandos hanging from their frames — became a notorious symbol of the U.S. occupation of Iraq. By 2013, after scandals, investigations, and a $42 million settlement with the Justice Department, Blackwater had been broken up, with its pieces renamed and Prince largely excluded from their operations. But his vision of creating a private air force endured.

(Much more at the link) https://theintercept.com/2016/04/11/blackwater-founder-erik-prince-drive-to-build-private-air-force/

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  • 7 months later...

Bumping this due to Betsy Devos' cabinet appointment. She's Prince's brother and he used seed money from her to start Blackwater originally...

So Benghazi wasn't about arming the Libyans after all.

It was a multi-level marketing scheme to introduce soap products to the Middle East. Hoo New? :blink::o

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Bumping this due to Betsy Devos' cabinet appointment. She's Prince's brother and he used seed money from her to start Blackwater originally...

Oh my, you may have broken news that the MSM had missed entirely. Donald Trump has named a transgender to his Cabinet?

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