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No progress toward TT extension per Carucci; agent unhappy

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Maybe not $20M/year, but no doubt they saw what BO got from the Texans after just 7 career starts, all this past season, and worse stats this year and overall than TT (not to mention BO threw the ball an average of 22 times a game compared to TT"s 27). But holding out would be his worst option since I doubt they'd play him even when he returned.



I'm sure they did see the Osweiler deal, as did every GM. But I think the other GMs said to themselves something along the lines of "Better you than me, I don't pay that much for an Osweiler." That was a desperate team, and in my opinion they let their situation force them into a bad decision. I think we're going to see that deal looking back as an aberration for a guy with so little experience.


I could be wrong, obviously. And I hope Osweiler pans out, as it would make the league more interesting, but I doubt he ever makes that contract look good.


But I don't think there's another Texans out there to throw that kind of money at Taylor this year even if he wasn't under contract. Which he is.



I don't either, but it is still an option. I think that if he proves he worth it, they'll give him a large new deal.



Oh, so do I. But I can't see them giving him that $25 mill franchise tag under pretty much any circumstances. That would make him the highest paid QB per year in the league by around $3 mill. He'd have to look like Aaron Rodgers to deserve that, and if he does, they'll cave and give him pretty much what he wants for a long-term contract.

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I just read some quotes from Tyrod, and man, does he sound pissed. /sarcasm



“I’m not necessarily into the contract stuff,” he said. “I let my agent handle that. I know I’m under contract for another year. Whether they choose to extend me or not, that’s out of my reach right now. Like I said, I’m just focused on things I can control, and that’s preparing like I’ve always prepared.”


“I definitely think I showed what I can do, and I definitely think that I showed that I’m going to continue to get better,” he said. “I improved each game. I would love to be the long-term answer, but I understand the business side of it. If something happens this year, I’m happy for it, but if not, we’ll wait it out and see what happens.”

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I thought Nick Foles was the real deal in 2013 , 64% comp , 27 TD , 2 INT


Would be wise to give Taylor 1 more year before a big contract. Russell Wilson waited after proving himself a lot sooner.

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I can because the quote is bolded. That makes it a fact. he is furious!

That quote is PC. Read what he is saying. He has shown he earned the money in so many words... i think he has to go out and show it this year. He did NOT improve every game he has to go out and show it. Words are nice but i dont hear him talking from 1-4 on Sunday's in the fall... I can only see him talking. And honestly he hasnt said 100 mil yet

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That quote is PC. Read what he is saying. He has shown he earned the money in so many words... i think he has to go out and show it this year. He did NOT improve every game he has to go out and show it. Words are nice but i dont hear him talking from 1-4 on Sunday's in the fall... I can only see him talking. And honestly he hasnt said 100 mil yet

Well obviously i was joking , but i think he did improve in increments.

I am not really worried about the contract personally.

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I thought Nick Foles was the real deal in 2013 , 64% comp , 27 TD , 2 INT


Would be wise to give Taylor 1 more year before a big contract. Russell Wilson waited after proving himself a lot sooner.


Great points. Nothing wrong with the Bills' approach and especially so given the cap situation in 2016.

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I thought Nick Foles was the real deal in 2013 , 64% comp , 27 TD , 2 INT


Would be wise to give Taylor 1 more year before a big contract. Russell Wilson waited after proving himself a lot sooner.


Yup. It's a sad day when less than a full season of starts and decent stats means you "deserve" $15M/year or more. :rolleyes:

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I'd agree that both Tyrod and the Bills are handling this just fine so far.


But I disagree with a lot of your other ideas here. The Bills have a track record of taking care of their players that play ball with the organization? Yeah? I don't see it. Looks to me like the Bills track record is taking care of some players that play ball and not taking care of others. Scott Chandler was willing to take a pay cut, right? Did they play ball with him? There are plenty of others who were good little soldiers and it got them nothing but a sincere thank you on the way out the door.


Obviously they cannot keep everybody.....but I think this might have been a situation of going all in after Clay and therefore not putting out for Chandler....a NFL team is always looking to upgrade their position. I liked Chandler but I really think that his offers from elswhere were not that great so he resigned on a "prove it deal" with the bills.....then went to the pats.


Leodis made a big deal out of being a good soldier, he said he wanted to be in Buffalo and hinted that he'd take a lower salary by saying that he was financially secure. That's a guy who's playing ball. Did they take care of him?


Leodis said he would be willing to take a pay cut....but honestly do we know how much of a pay cut that was? I really feel there was some "well yes I said I would take a pay cut but not THAT much of a pay cut" thing going on behind the scenes.


And where did Jerry Hughes suddenly become a guy who "played ball." He was the guy who said he'd never heard of a home-town discount. The way it looks to me is they sign the guys they need who they can make deals with.


He had never heard of a home town discount yet when the final numbers of his contract where known they were very affordable compared to where pass rushers were being paid. I remember hearing this somewhere.


As for Peters having his hand out, yeah, but he had good reason. They re-negotiated with him one time, when he was playing right tackle. They gave him a good salary for a right tackle and a long-term deal, and then very quickly switched him to a higher-paid position, left tackle, once again making him legitimately undervalued, this time only half a year after re-negotiating. Despite being one of the very best LTs in the league immediately, he was one of the two or three lowest-paid LTs in the league not on a first contract.


As far as Peters....doesnt it mean anything that you have signed a friggen contract? This was a UNDRAFTED TIGHT END........the bills drafted him.....then gave him more money......and he still held out (by the way....I dont consider holding out to be the "right way to handle business" if you have a contract you play.....and you let your agent and the mgt behind the scenes get things worked out. Byrd was much of the same.....trying hard not to play except when he had to and holding out. This kills team chemistry.


And Byrd didn't B word a single bit till his first contract was completely finished. Yeah he bitched about being franchised. Lots of people do. He didnt just B word....he refused to play.


Again, I agree with you that the Tyrod situation is quite different from Byrd's and Peters' situation, but IMHO those two guys handled their situations just fine too. They just couldn't come to an agreement with the Buffalo Bills. But they estimated their market values very exactly. Both got exactly what they thought they would get.

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Just because the player states to the media he's willing to take a pay cut means very little. It could mean:


A) I'm willing to take a 2% cut in pay


B) Yeah I know I'm not very good so will take a 30% cut in pay even though I still be paid twice what I'm really worth.


C) Actually I want a 10% raise, but the way I se it after inflation that's really a cut for me, plus as long as I say I'd take a cut it makes me look like the good guy and it's highly unlikely the team would publicly call me out on this.


As for Peters I recall more what the original person stated, he kept wanting more. I thought the first re-do of his contract was after he had already switched to the left side, but even if what you're stating is true, how long was it after he switched one season? He was a disgruntled player who's actions showed that continuously both on and off the field, so the Bill's made the right move at the time.


And beyond all that whether he's willing to take a cut or not, it depends whether the team feels the player is worth bringing back. . The three words in your post I agree with is "They sign the guys they need" which is what every team does.






I'd agree that both Tyrod and the Bills are handling this just fine so far.


But I disagree with a lot of your other ideas here. The Bills have a track record of taking care of their players that play ball with the organization? Yeah? I don't see it. Looks to me like the Bills track record is taking care of some players that play ball and not taking care of others. Scott Chandler was willing to take a pay cut, right? Did they play ball with him? There are plenty of others who were good little soldiers and it got them nothing but a sincere thank you on the way out the door.


Leodis made a big deal out of being a good soldier, he said he wanted to be in Buffalo and hinted that he'd take a lower salary by saying that he was financially secure. That's a guy who's playing ball. Did they take care of him?


And where did Jerry Hughes suddenly become a guy who "played ball." He was the guy who said he'd never heard of a home-town discount. The way it looks to me is they sign the guys they need who they can make deals with.


As for Peters having his hand out, yeah, but he had good reason. They re-negotiated with him one time, when he was playing right tackle. They gave him a good salary for a right tackle and a long-term deal, and then very quickly switched him to a higher-paid position, left tackle, once again making him legitimately undervalued, this time only half a year after re-negotiating. Despite being one of the very best LTs in the league immediately, he was one of the two or three lowest-paid LTs in the league not on a first contract.


And Byrd didn't B word a single bit till his first contract was completely finished. Yeah he bitched about being franchised. Lots of people do.


Again, I agree with you that the Tyrod situation is quite different from Byrd's and Peters' situation, but IMHO those two guys handled their situations just fine too. They just couldn't come to an agreement with the Buffalo Bills. But they estimated their market values very exactly. Both got exactly what they thought they would get.

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Mario Williams? Nope. The player I was referring to is Jairus Byrd. We franchise tagged him and he suddenly developed planter faceitis and missed most of the season. This after he told the Bills not to tag him.


I bring Byrd (and Peters) up as cautionary tales to everyone who believes the Bills hold all the cards. (And not to root for a holdout as NoSaint stupidly suggests.)


I keep reading that TT is under contract and he has no choice but to report, play and earn his contract only from the Bills. But the history of this franchise should not allow us to be so smug.


Peters and Byrd both thumbed their noses at this team and left us no choice but to let them go. None suffered any stigma from their antics. In fact the national media spun it as good players trying to get off a dysfunctional team.


So pay attention to this Taylor saga. Tyrod is being the good cop. His agent the bad one. Meanwhile the media is already spinning this as a Cheap-Bills-not-paying-franchise-player story.


We aren't in Defcon mode yet but be aware it could.

Ya, I get your points and don't disagree. However, Peters and Byrd both had Eugene Parker as their agent. There is ZERO chance TT has or will have Eugene Parker as his agent. So, that is positive for the Bills.

OK I gotta say something PTR


I respect the hell out of you.....I agree with you on a lot of things that the masses here scoff at.....so....just throwin that out there


I think your off base on this one


You have brought up a couple of examples here.....Byrd and Peters


- Byrd was bitching long before he didnt get his mega contract....and was holding out long before he was out the door......I think it was also widely known that the bills dont place huge priority on putting their salary cap into safeties. They did give a contract to Aaron WIlliams that wasnt close to what Byrd got and for a while this ended up looking like the right play before Willaims injury....meanwhile....Byrd has been the same self serving......me guy that he was when he was with the bills and hasnt been near the same player.


- Jason Peters continually had his hand out asking for money.....they redid his contract when he out performed it...he asked for money again.....then they traded him and he unlike Byrd went on to a successful career somewhere else


OK.....so the differency here?


- The bills place high priority on this position

- TT has said NOTHING to indicate that he is holding out or is disgruntled...he is saying the right things in that he has a agent that will handle it.....he has a contract that he is gonna honor....and he doesnt know whats gonna happen after that. NEITHER of the above examples handled this the same way.


In addition.....I would like to point out that the bills actually have a track record of taking care of their players that "play ball" with the organization.....guys like.....Stevie Johnson.....Eric Wood.....Jerry Hughes.....Marcel Darius....guys that did not mouth off to the media were taken care of this organization so lets not act like the bills dont take care of their players...they have....and they will.


We are in a situation were TT has a contract....they probably want to see some consistancy in his play (as in carrying over his fine play from last year) before tying up 18 million dollars a year into a player.


I think Tyrod is doing it right and I think the bills are doing it right.


Agree on everything




I'd agree that both Tyrod and the Bills are handling this just fine so far.


But I disagree with a lot of your other ideas here. The Bills have a track record of taking care of their players that play ball with the organization? Yeah? I don't see it. Looks to me like the Bills track record is taking care of some players that play ball and not taking care of others. Scott Chandler was willing to take a pay cut, right? Did they play ball with him? There are plenty of others who were good little soldiers and it got them nothing but a sincere thank you on the way out the door.


Leodis made a big deal out of being a good soldier, he said he wanted to be in Buffalo and hinted that he'd take a lower salary by saying that he was financially secure. That's a guy who's playing ball. Did they take care of him?


And where did Jerry Hughes suddenly become a guy who "played ball." He was the guy who said he'd never heard of a home-town discount. The way it looks to me is they sign the guys they need who they can make deals with.


As for Peters having his hand out, yeah, but he had good reason. They re-negotiated with him one time, when he was playing right tackle. They gave him a good salary for a right tackle and a long-term deal, and then very quickly switched him to a higher-paid position, left tackle, once again making him legitimately undervalued, this time only half a year after re-negotiating. Despite being one of the very best LTs in the league immediately, he was one of the two or three lowest-paid LTs in the league not on a first contract.


And Byrd didn't B word a single bit till his first contract was completely finished. Yeah he bitched about being franchised. Lots of people do.


Again, I agree with you that the Tyrod situation is quite different from Byrd's and Peters' situation, but IMHO those two guys handled their situations just fine too. They just couldn't come to an agreement with the Buffalo Bills. But they estimated their market values very exactly. Both got exactly what they thought they would get.

You are spinning your examples to fit what you are trying to say. Twisting....all examples are not factual at all.
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Next year there will be plenty of cap room to do a deal.

Enough anyways.

If he takes the big leap, there is no reason whatsoever for the Bills to nickle and dime the Man. and i really do not think they will. Bills FO will be grateful if after all these years the messiah has appeared to take the Team to the promised land.

Heck i would even chip in !

Edited by 3rdand12
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Tyrod Taylor Agent @AdisaBakari: The #Bills didn't go the playoffs last year because of discipline and the defense. TT was exceptional.



I am confident in Whaley that he will have no problem paying TT next year if he plays as well as everyone expects






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