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The Logic Behind the Left’s Demonization of Conservatives
by Ben Shapiro
In the immediate aftermath of the murder of 49 Americans at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla., CNN’s Anderson Cooper descended on the scene of the crime. There, he confronted Florida state attorney general Pam Bondi, who was attempting to organize support for the victims and their families. She agreed to speak with Cooper, presumably to talk about those efforts.
Cooper, however, had a different agenda.
Bondi had defended Florida’s statute in favor of traditional marriage in court. This, according to Cooper, put her in league with the ISIS-inspired jihadi. “Do you really think you’re a champion of the gay community?” Cooper sneered. “Do you worry about using language accusing gay people of trying to do harm to the people of Florida when doesn’t that send a message to some people who might have bad ideas in mind?”
Cooper’s not alone. The New York Times lamented that the Orlando massacre did not drive sudden, wholesale acceptance of the LGBT agenda, from same-sex marriage to transgender bathrooms. Writing in the Times, Jeremy Peters and Lizette Alvarez mourned that the terrorist attack “only exacerbated the anger from Democrats and supporters of gay causes, who are insisting that no amount of warm words or reassuring Twitter posts change the fact that Republicans continue to pursue policies that would limit legal protections for gays and lesbians.”
Meanwhile, Democrats played the same routine with gun-rights advocates. After proposing, in fully unconstitutional fashion, that Americans placed on a terror watch list be stripped of their Second Amendment rights — without a showing of evidence, without an opportunity for defense — the Left suggested that anyone opposing this measure was in league with ISIS. Senators Chris Murphy (D., Conn.) and the execrable Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) stated outright that Republicans wanted ISIS to have weapons. “Republicans,” spouted Murphy, “have decided to sell weapons to ISIS.” Warren then repeated the line. So did the White House.
Why the demonization?
The mainstream Right has never claimed that the murder of military members at Fort Hood by a jihadist required Democrats to support more military spending. We never claimed that the jihadist had been motivated by an anti-military culture generated by the Left. When Donald Trump idiotically suggested that Barack Obama might be a secret Muslim in league with ISIS, Republicans nearly universally condemned him. The same isn’t true of the Left.
To the Left, failure to support their agenda is tantamount to support for murder. There are no conservative Americans who oppose same-sex marriage yet believe that gays and lesbians should not be murdered at nightclubs; there are no Christian Americans who don’t think men should enter women’s bathrooms, but also think that people who suffer from gender-identity disorder ought not be shot to death by a rampaging Muslim terrorist. There are no shades of gray in the Left’s view of the Right — we disagree, and thus we are evil.
That’s because the Left doesn’t believe in the basic concept of rights. The Left believes that you have a right to behave as they say you should behave — no more, no less. This is why the Left supports regulations on hate speech; they don’t agree that you have a right to say things that make people feel bad. That’s being a bad person, and the government shouldn’t let you be a bad person. This is why the Left thinks that private businesses have no right to discriminate in choosing their clientele — unless, of course, the Left is choosing which states to boycott for political purposes. The shibboleth so often parroted by the Left — “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” — no longer applies.
The Left projects its own view of rights onto the Right, imagining that if the Right disagrees with any particular views or behavior, it must want to stamp out the people who propagate them.
And this funhouse mirror-image rightly scares them. It scares them so much that they have to routinely demand government coercion.
Ironically, however, it’s precisely because the Left is what they claim to despise that conservatives insist on holding onto their guns. Not one conservative in America has called for Pulse nightclub to be closed. But leftist allies of Pulse patrons want conservatives to hand over their weapons in the mistaken belief that conservatives side with ISIS.
Obviously, the Left is wrong. Pam Bondi can oppose same-sex marriage and still stand with the LGBT community in their right not to be slain at gay clubs. Republicans can stand for gun rights and oppose jihadism.
But so long as the Left insists that its cartoonish vision of conservatism represents reality, there will be no room for negotiation. You can’t negotiate with a monster, even a monster of your own creation.

Posted (edited)

#Support Hillary's right to take money from autocratic, misogynist Muslim leaders who routinely kill GLTG people!

She needs the money. She's dead broke don't cha know.

Edited by Nanker
Posted (edited)

House Democrats Stage Sit-In On Guns


This morning Democrats brought the House’s business to a halt by staging a sit-in in the chamber’s well.


They demanded votes on a series of anti-gun measures, presumably the same ones that failed in the Senate. Their rhetoric was characteristically restrained:


“We have lost hundreds and thousands of innocent people to gun violence,” [Georgia Democrat John] Lewis said as he urged fellow Democrats to stand with him in the area near the podium, known as the well.

“What has this body done” to respond to the violence, Lewis asked, then answered his own question: “Nothing. We have turned a deaf ear to the blood of innocents. We are blind to a crisis. Where is our courage? How many more mothers…and fathers need to shed tears of grief?”



Gun control has never been a winning issue for Democrats, but they keep charging up the same hill, convinced that this time it will be different. Or maybe it is only a fundraising gimmick; I’ve gotten twenty or thirty emails from various arms of the Democratic Party in the last few days, using gun hysteria to raise money. One thing it surely is not, is a serious effort to do anything about crime. If Democrats actually cared about “the blood of innocents,” they would demand to know why prosecutions under our existing gun laws have declined by 30% to 40% during the Obama administration.


One of the Democrats’ proposals would bar “suspected terrorists” from buying firearms. As far as I know, not a single Democrat in Congress has expressed misgivings about denying a constitutional right based on suspicion. Given the Democrats’ hostility to the First Amendment, this probably shouldn’t be surprising, but keep it in mind next time a Democrat–any Democrat–claims to be a civil libertarian.


When John Cornyn offered a compromise proposal in the Senate–people suspected of being terrorists could be put on a list that would bar them from buying firearms, but the government would first have to offer evidence sufficient to convince a judge to sign the order, in a procedure analogous to a search warrant–the Democrats filibustered it.


So much for any claim that Democrats actually care about keeping firearms out of the hands of terrorists.




Edited by B-Man

So let me try to understand this


Republicans not voting for a Democratic is akin to the NRA arming ISIS


Meanwhile the Obama administration is shipping arms to Syrian rebels and there's that whole Fast & Furious thing. But that's not relevant because why?


So let me try to understand this


Republicans not voting for a Democratic is akin to the NRA arming ISIS


Meanwhile the Obama administration is shipping arms to Syrian rebels and there's that whole Fast & Furious thing. But that's not relevant because why?


And the Democrats will prevent the House from doing business in order to force the House to do business.


But hey...the important thing is that it's getting them votes.


Providing sustenance for @HouseDemocrats during this sit-in.We’ll stay on the floor til we get a vote #NoBillNoBreak



Who paid for this ?



and why does the word "trough" come to mind ?




Representative John Lewis is leading a sit-in to strip Americans of their civil rights.


Let that one sink in.



Apparently, to democrats, Constitutional due process only applies to Gitmo detainees.




It's not really a sit-in if you're authorized to be there. It's really just sitting around at work.






Posted (edited)

Worst terror attack since 9/11 and less than a week later Democrats are protesting YOUR rights.


Take that in for just a second




Even the lib media knows this is nonsense


slateLogo-S-facebookSquarex200_bigger.jpSlate@Slate 11h11 hours ago

Sit-in or fillibuster, Democrats are protesting on behalf of lousy policy: http://slate.me/28QdzAH #NoBillNoBreak #HoldtheFloor




The "no fly, no buy” gun measure is a terrible idea that progressives should hate: http://slate.me/28Ovo08 #NoBillNoBreak





Dear @HouseDemocrats : Should people on the terror watch list be subject to stop-and-frisk?





And even the ACLU opposed using secret lists to ban guns








Los Angeles Times @latimes


Democrats are singing "We Shall Overcome" on the floor of the House: http://lat.ms/28NQ1Gp

How's THAT for irony.............



Ballad of powerless vs. oppressors, now used by powerful as excuse to take rights from ordinary citizens.

Edited by B-Man


Worst terror attack since 9/11 and less than a week later Democrats are protesting YOUR rights.


Take that in for just a second




Even the lib media knows this is nonsense




The "no fly, no buy” gun measure is a terrible idea that progressives should hate: http://slate.me/28Ovo08 #NoBillNoBreak



The interesting point no one's bringing up is that these are the same people "protesting" for the suspension of a constitutional right based on inclusion in a list, who protested against the suspension of constitutional rights for people in Gitmo. "But that's different!" they'd no doubt claim. Yes, it is...the people in Gitmo were demonstrably terrorists, not suspected.


The basic principle at work here can only be that they simply believe they're superior to the Constitution. They believe that gun ownership shouldn't be a constitutional right (obviously), but believe they can affect that change without amending the Constitution...


Registered Democrat kills 49 gay people and this is what happens. Sometimes it's hard trying to make sense of the world.






Most LGBT so-called "activism" is just Democrat propaganda anyway.






gu9e3Xwb_bigger.jpg Stephen Miller@redsteeze 11h11 hours ago

If gay community ignores who it is murdering them they become another democrat subset & should be ignored themselves




I have a suggestion for this 'protest'


1) Walk to Broadway


2) Replace "The Book of Mormon" with "The Book of Islam"


3) Let me know how it goes


Registered Democrat kills 49 gay people and this is what happens. Sometimes it's hard trying to make sense of the world.






Most LGBT so-called "activism" is just Democrat propaganda anyway.









I have a suggestion for this 'protest'


1) Walk to Broadway


2) Replace "The Book of Mormon" with "The Book of Islam"


3) Let me know how it goes


You expect common sense from the gay community?



You expect common sense from the gay community?



Yes, I was...............why wouldn't I ?


now the devoted liberals that are part of their community, as well as many other 'groups' they refuse to have any sense.



I'm a big fan of Milo, but he's HARDLY representative of the gay community.


That's true, but it's a start.


So lemme get this straight, I ain't the smartest guy in the world, but even I have to agree that some folks shouldn't be allowed to buy guns and ammo. Registered Democrats for instance shouldn't be allowed to buy guns and ammo nor should they be allowed to play with sharp objects or matches. It just makes sense, if you want to take away other people's rights yours should go with them.


But I gotta disagree with what the smart guy said above. there ain't no difference between the terrorists in Gitmo and the people on the Terrorist Watch List beyond where they was picked up and put on their respected list. Except for the fact that the jerkwads in Gitmo did something and the funktards on the TWL are mostly still waiting for their chance to do something. So okay I guess that's a difference.


Rock meet Hard Place, they got the right to bear arms, they also got the right to catch bullets. Hopefully before they slaughter any more innocent folks.

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