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Liberal Protests


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Well,..................I'm convinced now..........................stupid jerks


Knife Wielding Liberals Terrorize Children at Bloody Chick Fil A Protest


Liberals love to terrorize children. They were at it again on Tuesday at a Pinellas Park, Florida, Chick Fil A fast food restaurant where a group of knife-wielding vegan protesters staged a mock slaughter of cows inside the chicken-themed restaurant while parents protected their children. The occasion was Chick Fil A’s ‘cow appreciation day’ where customers who dress as a cow are given free food.


WFLA-TV reported customers and children were alarmed by the protest.

Afterwards they went fishing, or their version of fishing....




After that Hope said a group of half a dozen protestors came from around the corner, grabbed the fish they caught and threw it back in the water.

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No one loves cop killers more than the left.


Oh, they're given sainthood and are worshiped for their principles and unjust sacrifices they've been forced to endure. If only people weren't so closed minded. :blink:

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So, how are they going to advertise tampons?

How are they going to advertise anything?


If they're going to do it, I'm glad the bumbling boob one is covered:


Showing a father "trying and failing to undertake parenting and household tasks" could be deemed problematic under the new rules, according to the report.

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The violent left and the anti-democratic nature of antifa


“The democrat left antifascists have granted themselves the authority to decide which Americans may publicly assemble and which may not.”

The line I’ve highlighted above could apply not just to the Black Bloc anti-fascists rioting in Portland but to many of the student-led protest movements trying to shut down free speech and free assembly on campuses. This is the underlying point conservatives have been seeking to make by showing up at these institutions despite the threats directed at them: Antifa and the far left cannot be allowed to decide who gets to exercise civil rights.

That ought to be obvious to everyone, but in liberal bastions like Portland, or Evergreen State College, or Berkeley, authorities tend to stand down and let the far left use the heckler’s veto. And that means the extreme left is de facto in charge of these spaces, even though no one elected them to anything.

The appropriate response to these violent thugs should be to crack down on them. The recent arrest of three Antifa members in the northwest is a start. However, police noted that they were unable to identify who was responsible for multiple stabbing at the same rally because the offenders wore masks and because those involved refused to cooperate with law enforcement.

So Antifa not only committed multiple violent felonies, including an attack on a local news crew, they mostly got away with it. That ought to worry everyone who cares about civil rights, not just people on the right.


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We are witnessing in slow motion with BLM how bat Schitt crazy Racists evolve from your kooky relative to gatherings of bat schitt crazy kooks, to a small movement that continuously grows, gains minor political power, and evolves into the Final Solution Edited by /dev/null
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We are witnessing in slow motion with BLM how bat Schitt crazy Racists evolve from your kooky relative to gatherings of bat schitt crazy kooks, to a small movement that continuously grows, gains minor political power, and evolves into the Final Solution

This is the part where it gets kind of special in terms of full on whacked:


"Melanin enables black skin to capture light and hold it in its memory mode which reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge. Melanin directly communicates with cosmic energy..."

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