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Someone thinks that they are a little more important than they are.............. :lol:




Teachers Union Issues Press Releases on Gorsuch and Syria



The American Federation for Teachers (AFT) has had a busy day, issuing press releases on both the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and U.S. Airstrikes on Syria. Neither mentions education in any way.


Ms. Weingarten, may I suggest that AFT work on improving our failing educational system and stay out of unrelated political matters? People might start to think you’re a shill for liberal/Democrat policies rather than an advocate for education.



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Someone thinks that they are a little more important than they are.............. :lol:




Teachers Union Issues Press Releases on Gorsuch and Syria



The American Federation for Teachers (AFT) has had a busy day, issuing press releases on both the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and U.S. Airstrikes on Syria. Neither mentions education in any way.


Ms. Weingarten, may I suggest that AFT work on improving our failing educational system and stay out of unrelated political matters? People might start to think you’re a shill for liberal/Democrat policies rather than an advocate for education.




Used to work there. They're useless. Have met Randi. She's useless.

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If the highlighted text is too small for your screen, the Berkeley Police Department’s “Event Planning Checklist” asks protestors:

• Would you like symbolic arrests?

• If so, where and when?



Even the local police are costars in Berkeley’s never-ending Theater of the Absurd.

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I think we owe Gator and the rest of the sheep a little thank you for his 'protesting' a few weeks back.................. :D


Upstate New York Congressman Raises Record $585,000 after facing angry crowds


Post Standard, Syracuse, NY ^ | April 17, 2017 at 3:19 PM

WASHINGTON -- The Upstate New York congressman who faced overflowing crowds of protesters at town hall meetings managed to raise a record amount of money after the protests gained national attention.

U.S. Rep. Tom Reed raised $585,282 in the first quarter of the year, a personal high for the fourth-term Republican from Corning.

Reed's cash haul more than doubled the amount raised by each of the other members of Congress from Upstate New York, according to new disclosure reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.

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If the highlighted text is too small for your screen, the Berkeley Police Department’s “Event Planning Checklist” asks protestors:

Even the local police are costars in Berkeley’s never-ending Theater of the Absurd.

• Would you like symbolic arrests?

• If so, where and when?




i have to think they get some money in this...

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Democrats will look right over and happily vote for more of the grossest thievery and crime and pat them selves on the back for being more moral than republicans, all the while ignoring that they themselves vote for a living.

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SJWs: "Trump supporters are all idiots"

/pol/: *invents facial recognition system to ID Antifa terrorists*


Is the funniest tweet of the week.


Charges being pressed against masked fascist professor who beats people that disagree politically with him with a bike lock.http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/04/antifa-terrorist-beat-bloodied-trump-supporter-bike-lock-identified-professor-video/


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SJWs: "Trump supporters are all idiots"


/pol/: *invents facial recognition system to ID Antifa terrorists*


Is the funniest tweet of the week.


Charges being pressed against masked fascist professor who beats people that disagree politically with him with a bike lock.http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/04/antifa-terrorist-beat-bloodied-trump-supporter-bike-lock-identified-professor-video/



and this is why if you don't frequent /pol and /b several times a day to see whats really going on you'll never know.


i get my news from b-man, robin quivers and 4chan


they hacked his amazon and sent him 14 bike locks



NSFW!!!!! http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/122067398here is a rececnt thread of this, ther are more. but this is just some of the stuff they're doing.

Edited by Boyst62
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Today “marches for science” were held in hundreds of cities. The one here in the Twin Cities reportedly drew 10,000 liberals. In reality, of course, these were marches against President Trump or, stated differently, in favor of the Democratic Party. There isn’t anything surprising about that. When political factions are out of power because most people don’t agree with them, they like to march.

To a remarkable degree, liberal media pretended, at least, to take seriously the “marches for science.” (As though the marchers’ political opponents were against science, whatever that might mean.) I spent most of the morning in the gym, and for an hour or so CNN featured visuals of the marches with a legend across the screen that said, “Climate deniers persist despite evidence.”

Probably no one at CNN knows anything about the global warming debate. Possibly people at CNN are so clueless that they seriously believe that “climate deniers,” or “climate change deniers,” exist. They obviously have no idea what the evidence about the Earth’s climate actually shows, i.e., that the alarmists’ models are wrong.

We have been writing on those topics for years. For the moment I just want to note, wistfully, that we can’t even imagine what it would be like if the mass media were conservative. Can you imagine CNN, or anyone else (Fox is no exception), covering Tea Party demonstrations with a line across the bottom of the screen saying, “Obama’s defenders persist despite evidence”? Or any media outlet covering a pro-gun demonstration with the tag line, “Gun control advocates persist despite evidence”? Or how about a Tax Day demonstration in favor of tax cuts, with a legend across CNN’s screen that says, “High tax advocates persist despite evidence.”

Every one of those examples would be far more justified, if one actually has a nodding acquaintance with the facts, than CNN’s stupid reference to “climate deniers.” But we can’t even imagine a world in which commentary from a conservative perspective could routinely be inserted into supposedly objective news coverage.



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I wonder if any of these "pro-science" people are aware of the Dunning-Kruger Effect?


Probably not. But in essence B-Man, CNN is a prime example of it. For a long time people have thought that CNN is following some sort of master plan. That is largely due to the fact that when Ted Turner was in charge, they did. Turner would routinely go on the set of CNN and tell anchors what to say, or pass them little pieces of paper and demand that they read them on air. Captain Planet! :lol:


But that was a long time ago.


Today, CNN is run by people who don't seem to know any better(or, only care about the bottom line). How many fake news fails will it take, before they learn? They will never learn. Due to the Dunning Effect, they simply don't have the skills. It's only when the money stops coming in, that the accountants will take over and start demanding a better product, or CNN will be sold, again.


The fact that the Ds have learned nothing from the failures of Obama just goes to show that they are actually stupid people. They got bamboozled by Obama, then got shredded in election after election since. You'd have to be stupid, given the last 10 years, to still be supporting far-left socialism/race-baiting/Global Warming as the solution to your losing elections problem.


Yet, there they are, marching as if they are in the majority? :lol: Trying to gin up "energy"? Yeah, the next election is 20 months off. We'll see how much "energy" is left in 2018. A year where they are defending 25 Senate seats, with less money, and less turnout.

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