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I just love the (non-Indian) idiots who wave the "America Was Never Great" banners. I'm sure their ancestors appreciate the homage after everything they went through to cross the oceans.

SWAT told us in the "War" thread that we (Americans) are disliked all across the globe for our self importance...maybe SWAT and Tiberius are holding this banner?

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“I was there for part of last night, and I know what I saw and those people were not Berkeley students,” Reich said. “Those people were outside agitators. I have never seen them before.”


“You think it’s a strategy by [Milo Yiannopoulos] or right-wingers?” asked host Don Lemon.

“I wouldn’t bet against it,” Reich said. “I saw these people. They all looked very– almost paramilitary. They were not from the campus. I don’t want to say factually, but I’ve heard there was some relationship here between these people and the right-wing movement that is affiliated with Breitbart News.”

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!@#$ don lemon.


That guy was a hack in Philadelphia, and he's only gotten worse at CNN.


And !@#$ reich. That guy's a traitor.

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Wow. Just when I thought the meltdown couldn't get any more stupid.


We're only two weeks into Trump's administration. There's still two hundred and six weeks to go.


I don't know about anyone else, but I'm going to invest in both Orville Redenbacher and fire extinguishers.

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THE BIG IDEA: Companies are caught between a rock and a hard place, with President Trump on one side and their customers on the other.

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick quit President Trump’s 15-member council of business leaders yesterday, and Disney CEO Bob Iger let it be known that he won’t attend a meeting at the White House today because of a scheduling conflict.

Nordstrom announced last night that it will stop selling Ivanka Trump’s name-branded line of clothing and shoes after an extended boycott by an anti-Trump activist group called “Grab Your Wallet."


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Wowwwww! Uber quit the council? Yet the DOW Jones has held steadily over 20k. Hopefully, more wack job CEO's quit the business council this weekend.

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