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Liberal Protests


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I know he was gay, but I find the black part...hard to believe.


If only because there weren't that many blacks in Germany in the 1920s.


I recall reading it was one of the charges the Nazis brought against him during the purge, though.

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Sarah Silverman, Judd Apatow, Debra Messing congratulate the violent protesters via social media.



Clueless celebrity watch: Let’s fight fascism with … a military coup, or something.


” It’s difficult to come up with a better operational definition of fascism than a military coup of a duly elected government simply because the losers didn’t like the outcome.


Unfortunately, there’s a lot of that going around these days.”





Oregon Governor Kate Brown Forms Trump Resistance Team......xNv-FvB1_reasonably_small.jpg

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Clueless celebrity watch: Let’s fight fascism with … a military coup, or something.


” It’s difficult to come up with a better operational definition of fascism than a military coup of a duly elected government simply because the losers didn’t like the outcome.


Unfortunately, there’s a lot of that going around these days.”





Oregon Governor Kate Brown Forms Trump Resistance Team......xNv-FvB1_reasonably_small.jpg


Entertainers with no executive experience want a coup to protect us from an entertainer with no executive experience.


This is called "Being part of the mother!@#$ing problem."

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So there was another protest at NYU over speaker Gavin McGuiness. He was pepper sprayed. Watched msnbc for a bit and everyone on the panel said this shows how the Democratic party is falling apart. As they sit idly by watching people get bullied for the content of their speech, they are complicit in these attacks/protests. #meltdown

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I just love the (non-Indian) idiots who wave the "America Was Never Great" banners. I'm sure their ancestors appreciate the homage after everything they went through to cross the oceans.

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