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Liberal Protests


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Not the brass knuckles-type of beating. I was thinking more like the bend-them-over-your-knee-and give-them-the paddling-that-their-parents-never-did type of beating.


Then send them to their rooms without their twitter for the night.

Have to bring a baseball bat to the airport next time.

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Have you seen the main page at CNN.com? It's actually a bit frightening how far, far, far off the ledge they've gone.


Trump Watch? Really?



Who is at fault the people herding the sheep? Or the sheep for blindly following? Heck half of the same family members I mentioned earlier don't even have a clue that CNN is pushing an agenda. I'm not sure if Fox has taken to Trump or not, I don't watch either network but if you can't see the bias from a mile away your part of the problem!!


It's always a fun conversation trying to explain to folks that the owners of these stations obviously hire folks who share their beliefs and that's how these networks operate. Holy !@#$ have some objectivity and make sense of what your being told!

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Who is at fault the people herding the sheep? Or the sheep for blindly following? Heck half of the same family members I mentioned earlier don't even have a clue that CNN is pushing an agenda. I'm not sure if Fox has taken to Trump or not, I don't watch either network but if you can't see the bias from a mile away your part of the problem!!



Well this is interesting. You say you don't watch either network however you say CNN is pushing an agenda but have no clue if Fox has taken to Trump. Preconceived notions?

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Well this is interesting. You say you don't watch either network however you say CNN is pushing an agenda but have no clue if Fox has taken to Trump. Preconceived notions?

Do you sit down and watch the news at night? I watch the local news when I get home for the weather and some traffic updates. After 911 I watched both stations a ton and went as far as reading Bill O's book. Then I grew up and realized the amount that both stations favor one side and lost interest in it.


The comment about Trump shouldn't be hard to understand, you frequent this board. Leading up to the election Fox News lead by Kelly seemed as intrested in pushing out trump as many of the lefties. Has that changed? I don't know. As I said. Trump is not a true conservative so I have no idea how Fox is deciding to portray him. Prior to the election it wasn't good, but now he is their guy? Doubt it.


A fetus can see CNN's agenda, I won't bother.

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Why doesn't this ever happen to me?!?!


Most of them were NOT attacking anyone. It's only the handful of violent masked idiots that should have been arrested.


When you label the opposition "Nazis," then any action you take is acceptable, as long as it stops them.


What people don't understand is that street violence is what created the Nazis back in the '20s. They formed from an amalgamation of various Freikorps formed to counter Communist street violence. If you really want to make sure the alt-right becomes the American Nazi Party...get violent with them.

Can we at least now them down with a 50cal?

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Why doesn't this ever happen to me?!?!

Can we at least now them down with a 50cal?

Reminds me of a conversation that I had at a gathering including some trendier folks who were talking about their diets and how they would cut out "cals". 100 cals, 50 cals, 200 cals, etc.


So I commented on how I drop 30 cals and even showed them a video


They were not amused :P

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Reminds me of a conversation that I had at a gathering including some trendier folks who were talking about their diets and how they would cut out "cals". 100 cals, 50 cals, 200 cals, etc.


So I commented on how I drop 30 cals and even showed them a video


They were not amused :P



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Reminds me of a conversation that I had at a gathering including some trendier folks who were talking about their diets and how they would cut out "cals". 100 cals, 50 cals, 200 cals, etc.


So I commented on how I drop 30 cals and even showed them a video


They were not amused :P

you aren't wearing pants because you don't want to stain them, huh?
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Thousands of protesters gather outside Chuck Schumer’s apartment


I sure hope they clean up their mess when they're done.


This cracked me up a bit:


Phoebe Damrosch, 38, of Brooklyn, cited Schumer’s headline-grabbing tears during a recent news conference on Trump’s immigration ban as she voiced her concern Tuesday night.

“His tears know what’s right,” the mother of three said, while carrying a sign with a pack of Kleenex tissues attached that said: “It takes a real man to cry and lead.”


The left mocked John Boehner crying for years, but suddenly now it takes a real man to cry. :lol: You pathetic nutbags.

Edited by LABillzFan
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I sure hope they clean up their mess when they're done.


This cracked me up a bit:



The left mocked John Boehner crying for years, but suddenly now it takes a real man to cry. :lol: You pathetic nutbags.

Which one is the real man again? I'm confused.










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HEH: North Dakota Wants Paid Pipeline Protesters To Pay State Income Tax.


“After spending more than $22 million on the Dakota Access pipeline protest, North Dakota wants to make sure any paid activists remember to submit their state income taxes. Tax Commissioner Ryan Rauschenberger said his office is keeping an eye out for tax forms from environmental groups that may have hired protesters to agitate against the 1,172-mile, four-state pipeline project.”

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Tom Steyer Moves Beyond Climate.



The billionaire will expand the focus of his environmental political advocacy group, NextGen Climate Action, to fund initiatives and candidates with an eye to issues well beyond the realm of climate change, Steyer said in an interview on Tuesday.


The 59-year-old Steyer, a San Francisco hedge fund manager and possible contender for next year’s California governor’s race, said he made the decision to broaden his reach in response to Trump and to a legislative agenda he described as “deplorable” and “a barrage against the basic fabric of American society.”


The exact contours of NextGen’s transition, Steyer said, will be determined by what he hears in response to a video he released Tuesday to solicit ideas from activists like the millions who attended marches over inauguration weekend. “We want to know what matters most to you, and what should be done,” he says in the clip.



As Glenn Reynolds likes to say, I’ll believe the climate is in crisis when they start behaving like it’s in crisis.


BuzzFeed link, so click at your own risk.

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