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Liberal Protests


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No. They pretty much wish the same for you.


So then I'd be justified in going out there with brass knuckles and beating them all?


Because I wouldn't mind seeing that happen. At all.


Welcome to late-20's Weimar. Y'all wearing red or brown?

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So then I'd be justified in going out there with brass knuckles and beating them all?


Because I wouldn't mind seeing that happen. At all.


Not the brass knuckles-type of beating. I was thinking more like the bend-them-over-your-knee-and give-them-the paddling-that-their-parents-never-did type of beating.


Then send them to their rooms without their twitter for the night.

Edited by Azalin
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Not the brass knuckles-type of beating. I was thinking more like the bend-them-over-your-knee-and give-them-the paddling-that-their-parents-never-did type of beating.


Then send them to their rooms without their twitter for the night.


Enh. I'd prefer the brass knuckles myself. These people need hard lessons taught.

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Bong might be going into retirement. The new lady ain't a big fan and I gotta save some money.


Save money? Geez dude how much you smoking. $50 lasts me six months. :lol:


Sounds like ya got a keeper there though. I mean really. Who wants to date a stoner?


Not the brass knuckles-type of beating. I was thinking more like the bend-them-over-your-knee-and give-them-the paddling-that-their-parents-never-did type of beating.


Then send them to their rooms without their twitter for the night.




Holy **** dude. That's brutal.

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Can you elaborate? I looked up his predictions and it's a flood of Election Day stuff.


Someone linked his story yesterday, basically that liberals need to turn Trump into Hitler, otherwise they end up looking like morons.

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Someone linked his story yesterday, basically that liberals need to turn Trump into Hitler, otherwise they end up looking like morons.

End up looking like morons? Take a ride around Boston it's disgusting, you wouldn't even know it's a super bowl week for them all everyone wants to talk about is politics. Liberals gone wild. I have no party affiliation and could care less about Trump but the current state of affairs has me concerned for the future. People lost their damn minds.

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End up looking like morons? Take a ride around Boston it's disgusting, you wouldn't even know it's a super bowl week for them all everyone wants to talk about is politics. Liberals gone wild. I have no party affiliation and could care less about Trump but the current state of affairs has me concerned for the future. People lost their damn minds.


That's the theory. People are so invested in the thought that Trump is Hitler reincarnate, that if he just turns out to be a mediocre president, they end up looking like fools. So their only saving grace from admitting to be morons is to ensure that Trumpism turns into Nazism, and to do that you continue to stoke violent protests which will result in a predictable response from law enforcement, etc.

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Someone linked his story yesterday, basically that liberals need to turn Trump into Hitler, otherwise they end up looking like morons.


They may need to...but I honestly don't think they're thinking that way. They honestly believe Trump is Hitler, and are casting every action of his through that cognitive bias.


They're not trying to prove it to save face. They think it's already proven.

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Someone linked his story yesterday, basically that liberals need to turn Trump into Hitler, otherwise they end up looking like morons.



Here you go sir.




“But lately I get the feeling that Trump’s critics have evolved from expecting Trump to be Hitler to preferring it.


Obviously they don’t prefer it in a conscious way. But the alternative to Trump becoming Hitler is that they have to live out the rest of their lives as confirmed morons.


No one wants to be a confirmed moron. And certainly not after announcing their Trump opinions in public and demonstrating in the streets.


It would be a total embarrassment for the anti-Trumpers to learn that Trump is just trying to do a good job for America.


It’s a threat to their egos. A big one.”

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They may need to...but I honestly don't think they're thinking that way. They honestly believe Trump is Hitler, and are casting every action of his through that cognitive bias.


They're not trying to prove it to save face. They think it's already proven.

I think I'm more agreeable with this line of thought. From listening too many of these bleeding heart liberals I have no doubt in my mind they believe he is Satan and Hitler rolled into one. Incoherent babbling followed by parroting a few lines they heard on CNN and then red faced anger...members of my own family have gone from good graces to intolerable in the past few months. I'm not as in tune with politics as many of the folks that frequent this dark place but I can spot BS a mile away. They don't care what Trump is or isn't, they believe he is the devil and that's all they are going to talk about until you believe it.

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They may need to...but I honestly don't think they're thinking that way. They honestly believe Trump is Hitler, and are casting every action of his through that cognitive bias.


They're not trying to prove it to save face. They think it's already proven.


Based on what I see from your typical social media leftists, this really seems to be the case. Some have started calling for the GOP to unite with them before all hope is lost.


David Brooks at NYT: GOP Must Abandon Ties to Trump Before It's Too Late.


Van Jones Twitter:

Van Jones@VanJones68 Jan 30


This is no longer "left v right." The #Resistance is now a pro-democracy movement against a would-be authoritarian regime. Dems & GOP unite!

Debra Messing on Twitter:

Thank you, @MaxineWaters ! We need to STOP DJT/Bannon now! We canNOT afford to let this get to martial law & tyranny!

Liberals worried about tyranny. That's some funny schitt right there. :lol:

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