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Liberal Protests


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Tom Nichols is as big a NeverTrumper as there is, but he understands the strategy. And even he’s getting impatient with the opposition.






gu9e3Xwb_bigger.jpg Stephen MillerVerified account @redsteeze 16h16 hours ag

Protests were happening at airports and Trump smiled and said "Look how it's working at airports already" His attitude is he won





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When does a moratorium become a ban? When it is reported by CNN. The MSM are getting their licks in as their response to POTUS' lack of "traditional respect" for the 4th estate. The more they howl, and the more liberals get on board, the more confused the Democrat [it's anything but democratic] Party becomes. On the other hand, some "what if" planning prior to issuing an EO might just give POTUS more cover.

Edited by Keukasmallies
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When does a moratorium become a ban? When it is reported by CNN. The MSM are getting their licks in as their response to POTUS' lack of "traditional respect" for the 4th estate. The more they howl, and the more liberals get on board, the more confused the Democrat [it's anything but democratic] Party becomes. On the other hand, some "what if" planning prior to issuing an EO might just give POTUS more cover.

Everything right except the last part.


Don't be fooled. It's for the media, the Democrats, and especially the far-left to be fooled, and to be foolish as a result. This was planned down to the minute. It was executed perfectly.


So a few people get stuck in the airport for 5 hours. Small price to pay for exposing what you said in your first sentence, as well as getting more idiots to cause more chaos, and most importantly: empowering the far-left and "moving it to the front", a political tactic. They want the far-left to look like they are being effective. They want the far left to be in the spotlight. This will cause them to be in charge and will be exposed as such to the entire country. (Side benefit: this airport stuff played great to Trump's ever-growing base.)


Trump will then feast on drawing black and white comparisons between himself and his policy vs the idiocy and bad behavior that comes from the far-left. And, since they are in charge, Trump can extrapolate that to the entire D party. There are very few reasonable Ds left. The only D with real power is Schumer, and I doubt he has the personal fortitude and principle to stand up to the far-left. That is the calculation here.


The endgame is that the far-let will act stupidly, as it always does, and thus will be abandoned by all except the 25% of the public(who are the far-left). Some have already left them. Others will soon have no choice. Thus, Trump unites the country as much as it can be, by giving everybody a clear choice: either follow the guy that gets things done, or, follow the people that say and do stupid. The media will catalyze this all too well, before they realize they have. The Congressional Rs will go along to get along, and besides: Trump will succeed where they have failed since 1999.


The words "It's a Trap!" haven't had this much veracity since the Empire Strikes Back.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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The only thing Bush about Obama is the league he plays in.


So petty. So childish.


No, this is statesmanship. Even though he's no longer President, he's still taking responsibility for the leadership of the country against a fascist dictator. My God, we've got to get this man back in the White House! [/loony liberals]


Seriously...the man's barely a week out of office, and is still doing what he can to divide the nation.

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No, this is statesmanship. Even though he's no longer President, he's still taking responsibility for the leadership of the country against a fascist dictator. My God, we've got to get this man back in the White House! [/loony liberals]


Seriously...the man's barely a week out of office, and is still doing what he can to divide the nation.

Obama has merely joined the board as one of the pieces Trump will be moving around, as predicted.


If anyone thinks Team Trump wasn't prepared for Obama to open his mouth, isn't planning on it, and in fact counting on it? You're an unmitigated moron.

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Sheesh. Video now of Liberal protesters beating a preacher at Portland airport, calling him a nazi...standard liberal fare.



Well that is pretty much taken out of context so we don't know why he got knocked out but still.


Ok I just read the article you linked and if he really did nothing to provoke this as he says then this **** really pisses me off!!

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Sheesh. Video now of Liberal protesters beating a preacher at Portland airport, calling him a nazi...standard liberal fare.


With all the articles I've seen recently opining on whether or not it's OK to punch an alt right guy just for being alt right, it won't surprise me to see more people getting physically attacked based on what the perceptions of their beliefs are.

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With all the articles I've seen recently opining on whether or not it's OK to punch an alt right guy just for being alt right, it won't surprise me to see more people getting physically attacked based on what the perceptions of their beliefs are.

Or their race, gender, religion and or sexual preferences...oh wait, that's already going on

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Those people should all be arrested.


Most of them were NOT attacking anyone. It's only the handful of violent masked idiots that should have been arrested.

With all the articles I've seen recently opining on whether or not it's OK to punch an alt right guy just for being alt right, it won't surprise me to see more people getting physically attacked based on what the perceptions of their beliefs are.


When you label the opposition "Nazis," then any action you take is acceptable, as long as it stops them.


What people don't understand is that street violence is what created the Nazis back in the '20s. They formed from an amalgamation of various Freikorps formed to counter Communist street violence. If you really want to make sure the alt-right becomes the American Nazi Party...get violent with them.

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Or their race, gender, religion and or sexual preferences...oh wait, that's already going on

In full expectance of additional stupidity in reply from you, one huge difference is that there isn't a national debate about whether or not it was OK to punch someone for being black.


Meanwhile they're are quite a few people "debating" whether it's OK to punch someone for being associated with the alt right even though they have not performed any punchable actions.


As with any debate, there are many people that can't actually debate the topic and skip straight to acting out for their side. With this idea being talked about more publicly, and alarmingly quite a few people landing on 'it's OK to punch someone for what they think or believe even though they haven't actually done anything' I won't be surprised to see more open acts of violence against those with supposed different beliefs.

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What people don't understand is that street violence is what created the Nazis back in the '20s. They formed from an amalgamation of various Freikorps formed to counter Communist street violence. If you really want to make sure the alt-right becomes the American Nazi Party...get violent with them.


Which is basically Scott Adams's prediction.

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