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Liberal Protests


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So many people still angry even though you got the results you wanted. It shows an insecurity that you know your short term gains are not sustainable given the changing demographics. Good to know that a couple of us can get all of you to show your insecurities, just like Trump is insecure given that he is viewed as illegitimate by so many Americans.


40% approval rating on inauguration day, are you kidding me?! Less than the non-plurality that voted for him. Arnold should tweet those numbers back to Trump.

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Democrats’ real fury is over their own collapse

by Seth Lipsky




So why are the Democrats so bitter? Why are some 50 members of Congress vowing to boycott the inauguration? Why is California hiring a former attorney general to fight the new administration? Why the incessant weeping and wailing?


The most persuasive theory is that it has nothing to do with meddling by the Russians or James Comey or the crustiness of Trump’s campaign or his personal behavior. Rather, it’s something other than politics. It’s almost psychiatric.

This was an insight I first heard from one of my journalistic mentors, Robert Bartley, editor of the Wall Street Journal. Shortly before he died, he wrote two columns on the anger of the Democrats.

Bartley comprehended that the Democrats’ fury went beyond politics and “must have deeper, subconscious roots.” His theory was that they were unable to deal with a sense they were losing their “birthright.”

What he meant was that, as he put it, “base Democrats think of themselves as the best people: the most intelligent and informed, the most public spirited, the most morally pure.” If that’s what’s at stake, no wonder they’re so devastated.

At the time Bartley wrote those columns — late 2003 — the Democrats were gearing up to run John Kerry for president. They seemed as confident of impending victory then as Hillary Clinton was just three months ago.

But, as Bartley warned in a particularly prophetic column, that confidence belied the weakness of the glue that held together the party’s coalition. The Democratic Party, he wrote, “has descended into a collection of interest groups not bound together by any ideals.” It was floundering before the American people.

“We see scions of inherited wealth berating the ‘rich,’ ” Bartley wrote. “We see supposed champions of civil rights standing in the schoolhouse door to prevent vouchers that might give a break to black children in the District of Columbia.”

How those words echo today, as, say, a visionary advocate of school choice (and a billionaire to boot), Betsy DeVos, is up for confirmation as secretary of education. And as the rest of Donald Trump’s cabinet of millionaires enrages the Democrats.

Bartley was particularly withering on the betrayal of JFK’s vow — made in his 1961 inaugural address — to bear any burden in the cause of liberty, which the Democrats were, when Bartley wrote, then abandoning in Iraq as they had earlier abandoned in Vietnam.

“Yes, above all the war,” Bartley wrote. “The self-identity of the Democratic base is still wrapped up in Vietnam,” which had started as a “liberal, Democratic war” and could only be abandoned by “assertions of a higher morality.”

And now Trump is working with Congress on Kennedy-Reagan-style tax cuts. It’s just too much for the Democrats. They can’t process it. They may actually believe that the election is illegitimate.

More at the link: Original Article

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So many people still angry even though you got the results you wanted. It shows an insecurity that you know your short term gains are not sustainable given the changing demographics. Good to know that a couple of us can get all of you to show your insecurities, just like Trump is insecure given that he is viewed as illegitimate by so many Americans.


40% approval rating on inauguration day, are you kidding me?! Less than the non-plurality that voted for him. Arnold should tweet those numbers back to Trump.


If only that 60% had bothered enough to vote in November. Actions have consequences.

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And the Bills gained more yards than the Giants on Super Bowl XXV.


If your state hasnt passed this yet, you might want to call your representative. My state already passed it.



your state is a ****ty state than. That's not how politics work at all in this country. So sad how Democrats/little whiny butthurt liberals behave because they didn't get their way. They want to destroy this country

They did, 3 million more. But even some Trump voters now regret their vote.

scoreboard, B word.
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So many people still angry even though you got the results you wanted. It shows an insecurity that you know your short term gains are not sustainable given the changing demographics. Good to know that a couple of us can get all of you to show your insecurities, just like Trump is insecure given that he is viewed as illegitimate by so many Americans.

40% approval rating on inauguration day, are you kidding me?! Less than the non-plurality that voted for him. Arnold should tweet those numbers back to Trump.

It shows even greater insecurity that you won't even address the multiple questions tossed your way about your erroneous "Russia hacked the election" meme.


Is it because you know it's bullshite or is it because you know by pushing that meme you're in fact carrying the water of the neocon and neoliberal factions of the IC who want a shooting war w Russia and have been trying to engineer one for the past 24 months?


Nah, can't be that. Because that would require you to have a basic handle on the facts of world events. So far, you've demonstrated that you do not understand the constitution nor understand what type of government you live under, while demonstrating that you can be easily propagandized by the very people you think you're protesting against.


Please explain, in however many words as you wish, how Russia "hacked" the election.


Once you determine they didn't "hack" anything, please explain how Russia influenced the election with verifiable evidence.


Because if you can do either of those things, it's more than the IC has proffered in over three months of investigations.


If you can't do any of that, you might want to consider updating your meme game.


Because that's how the constitution was written and designed to function?


Helps if you read the document.


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If your state hasnt passed this yet, you might want to call your representative. My state already passed it.




What state do you live in?

So many people still angry even though you got the results you wanted.


Let me get this straight: leftists are destroying buildings and burning cars and punching anyone wearings a MAGA hat, but you think the people who didn't vote for Hillary are the angry ones?


That's just tremendous. :lol:

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What state do you live in?



Let me get this straight: leftists are destroying buildings and burning cars and punching anyone wearings a MAGA hat, but you think the people who didn't vote for Hillary are the angry ones?


That's just tremendous. :lol:

So you know the anarchists from yesterday voted for Clinton? Did Putin tell you that? Look at the peaceful rallies of millions today, those are the people who most likely voted for Clinton and not Trump.

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So you know the anarchists from yesterday voted for Clinton? Did Putin tell you that? Look at the peaceful rallies of millions today, those are the people who most likely voted for Clinton and not Trump.


How come anarchists only show up when the left is protesting?


When hundreds of thousands protested Obamacare in DC, I don't remember seeing them there, either.


They only show up when leftists are butt hurt, and right now leftists are butt hurt worse than I've seen in my lifetime.


Let me put it in a way a devout leftist like you can understand: not all leftists are anarchists, but all anarchists are leftists.




Oh, and really, you should drop the Putin thing. Because...well...reset button.

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Yeah, that was already posted elsewhere. That woman is a deranged wack-job. It's people like her who just come unglued and unprincipled when they don't get their way. Another woman lit a Trump supporter's hair on fire on the Million Clitoris March.

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They did, 3 million more. But even some Trump voters now regret their vote.


So Trump made promises during his campaign, reiterated most of them in his inaugural speech and is now implementing what he promised to implement. What's not to like for his supporters? Even those who don't support him must be confused by the actions of a President actually doing what he said he'd do. The loyal opposition must be alarmed facing a President who does what he promised; how can they ever hope to reinstate obfuscation and deceit whenever they get a shot at the brass ring.


Will wonders never cease....

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A real problem for the Democratic party, imo, is how our voting systems are setup to favor more rural areas, while educated liberals tend to flock to city centers, minimizing their power. A vote in WY is more powerful than a vote in CA, for example, same happens within states with districts as well. The Democratic party is likely not going to have any real power until they decentralize their base, either by attracting rural voters, or by convincing their base to move out of the cities. Unfortunately white collar jobs tend to be in cities, so I doubt the latter will be happening anytime soon.

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A real problem for the Democratic party, imo, is how our voting systems are setup to favor more rural areas, while educated liberals tend to flock to city centers, minimizing their power. A vote in WY is more powerful than a vote in CA, for example, same happens within states with districts as well. The Democratic party is likely not going to have any real power until they decentralize their base, either by attracting rural voters, or by convincing their base to move out of the cities. Unfortunately white collar jobs tend to be in cities, so I doubt the latter will be happening anytime soon.



I think it's just fine the way it is. Let all the "educated liberals" stay in the expensive, crime-ridden urban areas while all the non-educated, non-liberals enjoy the relative peace and prosperity of rural life and the suburbs.


Perhaps if the city-folk relaxed the liberalism a bit and pulled their heads out of their smugly over-educated asses, they may not have as many problems to deal with anymore.

Edited by Azalin
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