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Those three million American votes DID count. They gave Hillary the state of California. In a landslide!


Now, if only the US were a democracy, you'd almost have a point!


I wonder if the decrepit old white men discussed a democratic vs a representative republic when they put pen to paper?

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I love the complete detachment of the left from the real world.


The Russians did not "hack the election". In the very worst case scenario they hacked the DNC, which is a private corporation, and not a part of the government. But we don't even know that it was the Russians. It was just as likely that it was a DNC staffer who leaked the documents, as Julian Assange contends.


And even if they did hack the DNC as the source of the Wikileaks document, all that was confirmedin those documents was how terrible a candidate Clinton was, and how corrupt the DNC was.


The Democrats lost because Americans got to see how terrible their and their candidate were, and were so disgusted that they elected Donald freaking Trump instead. Again, let that sink in: the truth about Hillary and the Democrats at the National level was so bad, that Americans rejected them and her in favor of a sickly orange colored carnival barker.


The problem for Democrats is not that the truth about them got out, it's that the truth is that the Democratic Party is a corrupt organization who care very little for the people they claim to champion, and that is unpalatable to the American public.


Until Democrats can truly embrace that the problem they had wasn't a leak, but was rather the content of the leak, they will not lead again in America.


Every American vote should have equal weight regardless of where a person lives. Why should 3 million American votes not count, but 75 thousand among 3 states should make the decision? Other democracies do just fine with the popular vote.


Because different states have different interests, and the thing that brought them into, and justly keeps them in the Union is the fact that they will not have their unique interests trodden over by the larger states.


That's the purpose of the Electoral College. To protect the individual interest of the many states. That's the purpose of a Republic.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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Ask him what he thinks about that meme. I'll bet you a steak I'm right.


I think you've got a sure thing. I'll ask.


I was supposed to be in meetings all morning but they were canceled so people could "process"... I'm not talking about college classes here or high school, but adults with high paying jobs need to "process" today. :doh:


I get it. Some people are upset by the election. I'm not trying to tell anyone how to feel or what to think... but I can't help it if I find it all a bit hilarious.



I love the complete detachment of the left from the real world.


The Russians did not "hack the election". In the very worst case scenario they hacked the DNC, which is a private corporation, and not a part of the government. But we don't even know that it was the Russians. It was just as likely that it was a DNC staffer who leaked the documents, as Julian Assange contends.


And even if they did hack the DNC as the source of the Wikileaks document, all that was confirmedin those documents was how terrible a candidate Clinton was, and how corrupt the DNC was.


The Democrats lost because Americans got to see how terrible their and their candidate were, and were so disgusted that they elected Donald freaking Trump instead. Again, let that sink in: the truth about Hillary and the Democrats at the National level was so bad, that Americans rejected them and her in favor of a sickly orange colored carnival barker.


The problem for Democrats is not that the truth about them got out, it's that the truth is that the Democratic Party is a corrupt organization who care very little for the people they claim to champion, and that is unpalatable to the American public.


Until Democrats can truly embrace that the problem they had wasn't a leak, but was rather the content of the leak, they will not lead again in America.

Because different states have different interests, and the thing that brought them into, and justly keeps them in the Union is the fact that they will not have their unique interests trodden over by the larger states.


That's the purpose of the Electoral College. To protect the individual interest of the many states. That's the purpose of a Republic.


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I wonder if the decrepit old white men discussed a democratic vs a representative republic when they put pen to paper?


None of this would even need to be discussed if the founding fathers had only done the one thing to ensure harmony: build an Ikea factory.

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But we don't even know that it was the Russians. It was just as likely that it was a DNC staffer who leaked the documents, and Julian Assange contends.


I don't recall any Russian computer specialists being executed on a DC street during the same time frame.


Not the Presidential Limo - no one's breaking the glass on that with less than a .50-cal sniper rifle.


That's just some random limo that was trashed this morning, apparently.


Judging by the paint color, they apparently trashed other symbols of rich right wingers....such as the bus stop in the background.

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but it is on fire now... sooo...


I was adding details, not contradicting you.


I don't recall any Russian computer specialists being executed on a DC street during the same time frame.


Judging by the paint color, they apparently trashed other symbols of rich right wingers....such as the bus stop in the background.


Busses oppress the poor. Transportation should be free!


No one ever said anarchists made sense. Hell, they have a .org web site...

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That was just a random murder... it had nothing to do with the leaks.




The Corporate Media, The Clinton Foundation, The DNC, and Langley.


It was just another robbery....where the robber shot his victim several times from behind but didn't bother to touch his wallet, phone or watch. :rolleyes:


Like most things in life, that case reminds of Seinfeld:


Edited by KD in CA
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Judging by the paint color, they apparently trashed other symbols of rich right wingers....such as the bus stop in the background.


I love how the dumbass went back to one of his signs and added a word properly using the caret mark. :lol:

Edited by LABillzFan
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So kitty Manning gave Wikileaks 300,000 US government secret documents which lead to the murder of some of our contacts, and B. O. commutes his sentence because... vagina monologue.

But 30,000 Jon Podesta emails get in the hands of Wikileaks because someone (Russian "hackers", or a DNC internal operative) gave them to them and it's a high crime punishable by febrile fits of peak and tantrums of civil disobedience.

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