B-Man Posted December 7, 2021 Author Posted December 7, 2021 Angry Leftists Threaten to Shut Down Washington, D.C. Tomorrow https://redstate.com/streiff/2021/12/06/angry-leftists-threaten-to-shut-down-washington-d-c-tomorrow-will-fbis-astro-turfed-white-nationalist-groups-respond-n487379 1
Orlando Buffalo Posted December 7, 2021 Posted December 7, 2021 14 hours ago, B-Man said: Angry Leftists Threaten to Shut Down Washington, D.C. Tomorrow https://redstate.com/streiff/2021/12/06/angry-leftists-threaten-to-shut-down-washington-d-c-tomorrow-will-fbis-astro-turfed-white-nationalist-groups-respond-n487379 I wonder if they will have more security on site tomorrow due to a known protest happening? Maybe try and stop the bad guys instead of letting them in?
B-Man Posted December 8, 2021 Author Posted December 8, 2021 Only took 11 months... 10 Antifa members charged for alleged attacks on California pro-Trump protesters: 'Criminal acts' California anti-fascists face charges such as assault, conspiracy to commit a riot and illegal use of tear gas Prosecutors in San Diego filed charges against at least 10 anti-fascist protesters who allegedly tried to disrupt a pro-Trump rally earlier this year with "violent criminal acts." "Video evidence analysis shows that overwhelmingly the violence in this incident was perpetrated by the Antifa affiliates and was not a mutual fray with both sides crossing out of lawful First Amendment expression into riot and violence," District Attorney Summer Stephan’s office said in a news release, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. The defendants "are self-identified to be affiliated with Anti-fascists or Antifa" and gathered on Jan. 9 in San Diego to take "direct action" against a pro-Trump "Patriot March," according to the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office. "Direct action" is defined as "acts of violence such as assault, battery, assault with deadly weapons, arson, and vandalism," according to the DA’s office. Police declared an unlawful assembly the day of the clashes. https://www.foxnews.com/us/anti-fascists-charged-alleged-attacks-california-pro-trump-protesters
B-Man Posted January 29, 2022 Author Posted January 29, 2022 No Justice – Biden’s DOJ Says Arsonist Who Killed A Man Should Get Reduced Sentence Because He Was Rioting For BLM by Eric Thompson One of the main tenants for a stable and law-abiding society is a judicial system that enforces laws and ensures equal justice for all.The reverse is true in progressive cities, resulting in an increase in crime. Various government organizations, even all the way up to the Department of Justice, have gone astray. Social justice warriors are now in positions in the DOJ to implement “racial justice”, which determines how to prosecute cases based on the race and/or social justice cause, not commensurate with the crimes committed.A perfect example can be seen in a murder committed by a BLM arsonist. https://trendingpolitics.com/no-justice-bidens-doj-say-arsonist-who-killed-a-man-should-get-reduced-sentence-because-he-was-rioting-for-blm-ethom/ 1
Albwan Posted January 30, 2022 Posted January 30, 2022 https://donsurber.blogspot.com/2022/01/dems-dump-blm.html If you are wondering why BLM co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors bought $3.2 million worth of homes last year, she knew Democrats would drop her like a bad habit once Black Lives Matter (nee the Black Liberation Movement) helped put Biden behind the Resolute Desk. Eric Adams, the new mayor-cop of New York City, made that abundantly clear on Monday after an assassin killed a Hispanic cop and gravely wounded his partner this weekend in Harlem. A third cop shot and killed the perp. The New York Times reported, "Adams Unveils Ambitious Plan to Confront Rising Gun Violence." The story said, "Perhaps the most immediate change offered by Mr. Adams on Monday was the highly anticipated revamping of anti-crime police units that were disbanded in 2020 amid social-justice protests that erupted after the police killing of George Floyd." Social-justice protests are riots. It is bye-bye BLM. Hello ending violence -- the violence that Democrats and their concubines in the press encouraged throughout 2020. BLM served its purpose. Democrats are moving on. What a shocker. Democrats use and abuse black folks, keeping them on the plantation then tossing them when not needed. 1
Chef Jim Posted January 30, 2022 Posted January 30, 2022 So people are dropping Spotify (artists and consumers) because the platform refuses to censor Joe Rogan. Well let me make a suggestion to those folks. Drop every streaming service, cable channel, news service etc and lock yourselves in a cave. It’s a big scary world out there with lots of people that have opinions you disagree with. Good lord. When’s bunch of weenies. 1 1
B-Man Posted February 4, 2022 Author Posted February 4, 2022 As I have said all along, the idea that "all Black lives matter" is of course true. But the Leftist organization BLM is just another grift that is taking advantage of others. Black Lives Matter Suspends Fundraising After California AG Warns of Missing Reports The official Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization suspended online fundraising on Wednesday after being warned by the California Attorney General that it faced revocation of its charitable status after failing to file required annual reports. The finances of the organization have been under close scrutiny since last year, when co-founder (and trained Marxist) Patrisse Khan-Cullors was reported to have bought four homes. She resigned, but concerns lingered about $60 million in donations that BLM collected by the end of 2020 but for which no one in particular at the organization seemed accountable. California’s Attorney General, Rob Bonta, was one of the most radical members of the state legislature https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/black-lives-matter-shuts-down-fundraising-days-after-liberal-states-threatened-legal-action 1
B-Man Posted February 12, 2022 Author Posted February 12, 2022 “I’ve seen Lefties commenting, ‘During BLM, conservatives were AGAINST blocking traffic.’ If you can’t understand the difference between trucks peacefully blocking a road and a rioting mob surrounding drivers, you might be a Progressive.” by Glenn Reynolds 1 1
Irv Posted February 12, 2022 Posted February 12, 2022 On 2/4/2022 at 9:32 AM, B-Man said: As I have said all along, the idea that "all Black lives matter" is of course true. But the Leftist organization BLM is just another grift that is taking advantage of others. Black Lives Matter Suspends Fundraising After California AG Warns of Missing Reports The official Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization suspended online fundraising on Wednesday after being warned by the California Attorney General that it faced revocation of its charitable status after failing to file required annual reports. The finances of the organization have been under close scrutiny since last year, when co-founder (and trained Marxist) Patrisse Khan-Cullors was reported to have bought four homes. She resigned, but concerns lingered about $60 million in donations that BLM collected by the end of 2020 but for which no one in particular at the organization seemed accountable. California’s Attorney General, Rob Bonta, was one of the most radical members of the state legislature https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/black-lives-matter-shuts-down-fundraising-days-after-liberal-states-threatened-legal-action BLM uses blacks for profit. Plain as day. What a mess. 1
BillStime Posted February 15, 2022 Posted February 15, 2022 On 3/19/2016 at 8:41 PM, B-Man said: People like to talk about incitement to violence at Trump rallies and the atmosphere of frenzy, but that very incitement and frenzy have been in the leftwing protest movement for over a decade. They burn Republicans in effigy. They curse America. They burn flags. The curse conservatives. They hang people in effigy. They use pornographic images. They demand America surrender her sovereignty. They demand we try our entire leadership for war crimes. They are the definition of the unhinged, on edge, violent, enraged, incited mob. Everything people say about the attendees at Trump rallies is in fact true, and has been for many years, of these leftist protests. Blocking the road. Blocking access. This is one of their favorite moves. They did this in St. Paul at the 2008 republican convention. I watched them chain themselves across highway exit ramps to prevent delegates and press from reaching the convention. They resisted arrest. At night, they held huge marches and left the city streets to roam neighborhoods chanting. Tear gas was thrown. Bottles and rocks were thrown back. During the days they threw liquid at delegates waiting to enter the convention. They take steps to provoke. They get in people’s faces. They say awful things. They want trouble. And not just Republicans. They protest the Democrats too. Democrat politicians are almost, but not quite, as hated as Republican ones. The do this at G8 protests in cities around the world. They fight with police. They riot. They rage and rant and chant and rave. They have drum circles and drug rings and rape tents. This is the leftist protest movement we have seen for years. Today they blocked a road. Today they shouted. But no one was hurt. Nothing was thrown. Today. In Chicago last week it was more violent. In Salt Lake City last night there were “scuffles.” What about next week? Next month? These are not the good guys. These are not the virtuous. The leftist protest movement is ugly. It is hateful and vengeful and riotous and violent and they won’t stop with Donald Trump. You’ll see them this week at AIPAC shouting anti-Semitic slurs and cursing Israel or calling for its destruction. You’ll see them at both the Democrat and Republican conventions. And yes, you’ll see them at Cruz rallies too. Maybe even at Hillary rallies. Sooner or later, the leftist protest movement comes for everyone who isn’t them. And maybe next time it will be one of you, one of us, they are wishing death upon. And by the way? Trump is talking about retaliation. And riots. So great news all around. http://www.redstate.com/absentee/2016/03/19/want-dead-trump-rally-arizona-phoenix-protest-arpaio/ This aged well. On 7/27/2020 at 1:34 PM, B-Man said: The Idiocy of the Portland Protests Summed up Perfectly in One Tweet – One Business Delivers Sliced Up Logic Delusional thinking may have hit a new low…sure to be surpassed tomorrow. As the city of Portland continues with its enduring franchise ‘’The Never Ending Protests’’ one amazing side note in all of the mayhem is the way so few have been able to learn from the enduring mayhem. As the idiocy and nonsense unspools on a regular loop and the contradictions from the messaging continues without resonating with enough residents. We may have just reached the prime example of the mental entropy taking place in the city. {snip} Man, so much is at play here in just one post. To start we see once again the story that has played out across the country with riots, that being businesses being supportive of the protests being targeted by the very mob they lend backing towards. It is always a surprise to these backers when the mindless mobs do not pay them any mind in the course of their destruction. They seem to expect the rioters to be on the lookout for allies, when all they see in front of them are targets. The other aspect of this is the hilarity of backing a movement that is in opposition to the authorities, and even calls for the complete abolishment of police forces, and yet at the instant trouble arrives on their doorstep the knee-jerk reaction is to call on the very cops they so despise. We have seen this repeatedly in the past months, whenever the protests are met with any kind of stern pushback the first thing we hear from them is, ‘’The police didn’t do anything!’’. This weekend when a Jeep drove through a crowd on a highway, when one protestor shot and killed after confronting someone with a gun, when a protestor was pummeled for blocking traffic, and another was outraged that a woman trying to get home dared to use the road where protestors confronted her, all shared two elements — they were protesting against police, and they wailed about the need for police the moment they were met with duress. It challenges rationality to see these fogged minds incapable of seeing the problematics of their message. But as Tracey’s tweet displays, rational thought is not a driving force in this movement, especially in Portland. Why would a business owner who supports the movement not only miss out on the contradiction but also be unaware that their own mayor has put the clamps on the local police? In your support of the movement against the police you should be aware that they are also being kept on a leash and prevented from aiding you in your time of self-created crisis. It also seems that the lesson was not learned, as the business is continuing in its efforts to feed the beast – literally. You have a city filled with unhinged and unthinking reactionaries and all you can think to do is encourage them by keeping them nourished. Hey, if you want assured destruction, I suppose that is your right. Just do not expect to be spared in the rampage. This aged well.
B-Man Posted February 16, 2022 Author Posted February 16, 2022 Black Lives Matter Further Debases Itself in Kentucky https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/02/16/black-lives-matter-further-debases-itself-in-kentucky-n523283
B-Man Posted February 18, 2022 Author Posted February 18, 2022 Amazon suspends Black Lives Matter from its charity platform by Isabel Vincent https://nypost.com/2022/02/17/amazon-suspends-black-lives-matter-from-its-charity-platform/ As we have said all along, black lives matter -- of course. Black Lives Matter -- Leftist scam 1
Irv Posted February 19, 2022 Posted February 19, 2022 BLM rapes, uses, and destroys African Americans for profit. Following loser "Reverand" Jess Jackson and "Reverand" Al Sharpton scorecard. All for profit. Very sad. What a mess. 1
B-Man Posted March 3, 2022 Author Posted March 3, 2022 A SMALL MEASURE OF ACCOUNTABILITY: “Tacoma Woman Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison for Arson at Downtown Seattle Protest.” https://reason.com/volokh/2022/03/02/tacoma-woman-sentenced-to-5-years-in-prison-for-arson-at-downtown-seattle-protest/
Albwan Posted March 19, 2022 Posted March 19, 2022 There's billstime level of stupidity - then there's this. 2
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