leh-nerd skin-erd Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 3 minutes ago, Niagara Bill said: If you pass, then I respect the fact you understand what is actually happening and would risk the country to return to more conservative positions. However once the direction changes the pull back may not be controllable. As for Rhino....without a doubt he is an agent, paid, and likely duped by the commies. There are many who see commies as leftists, but they do use the rightwing to destabilize. This is Rhino. If you believe that citizens should be given the choice to vote for a democrat or be bludgeoned into submission you know nothing about freedom. Additionally, if you think those that would bludgeon others in some sort of M. Night Shyamalan election night purge would peacefully disperse upon the coronation of Combover Joe, you know nothing of the history of the world. The more I think of it, Rhiïno might be a double agent. Or, he might even be M. Night Shyamalan. Hard to say. 7 hours ago, Hedge said: This will end well. 2 1
Wacka Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 It all boils down to projection by the lefties. 2 2
Niagara Bill Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 32 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said: If you believe that citizens should be given the choice to vote for a democrat or be bludgeoned into submission you know nothing about freedom. Additionally, if you think those that would bludgeon others in some sort of M. Night Shyamalan election night purge would peacefully disperse upon the coronation of Combover Joe, you know nothing of the history of the world. The more I think of it, Rhiïno might be a double agent. Or, he might even be M. Night Shyamalan. Hard to say. This will end well. I see your issues as not being a choice between Combover Joe vs Combover trump, I see a longer issue as a divided nation, so hateful and fearful of their political parties that living in harmony is becoming impossible. You need a LEADER. Half of the country has decided to try and re elect a man who has lied and created false narrative every day for 3.5 yrs. The ultament CON. Joe is not the answer, BUT, the country cannot survive 4 more yrs leaderless. If citizens actually believe that riots and racial tension only take place in cities where democrats are in power....wow. So punish all to get back at a dam mayor??? Makes me believe that much of these damaging riots may be part of the bigger Rhino buddies destabilization effort. The USA is losing world respect and influence due to domestic problems and inconsistent leadership, ...who gains the most as a result.?
Doc Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 11 hours ago, Niagara Bill said: President for 3.5 years is time enough to have influence...he cannot just blame everyone else....you blame Obama for plenty...deservedly so, by this clown should not be Teflon. Racism has existed for a long time. There were incidents that happened under Barry that had nothing to do with Trump at all. Again if you think that Derek Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd’s neck was because of Trump, you’re not being honest and there’s no point in discussing anything further with you. 1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said: If you believe that citizens should be given the choice to vote for a democrat or be bludgeoned into submission you know nothing about freedom. Additionally, if you think those that would bludgeon others in some sort of M. Night Shyamalan election night purge would peacefully disperse upon the coronation of Combover Joe, you know nothing of the history of the world. The more I think of it, Rhiïno might be a double agent. Or, he might even be M. Night Shyamalan. Hard to say. Keyzer Soze? 1 1
Niagara Bill Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 Of course trump dud not kneel on Floyd's neck, nor did he cause it, but he has done nothing to recognize all the issues, to show leadership in this time of chaos. Strange that citizens, repubs included, blamed George Bush for 9 11 for not protecting the country and had nothing to do with flying those planes...but trump is never responsible ...??🤔 I call this the Rhino effect, the success of Putin's boys. Chaos reins supreme....he loves it.
shrader Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 2 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said: This will end well. Their next step will be to ask for the grand jurors to be identified. So yeah, you're right. 1
Alaska Darin Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 You know how you end up with mob rule? Give in to the mob. 6
leh-nerd skin-erd Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 35 minutes ago, shrader said: Their next step will be to ask for the grand jurors to be identified. So yeah, you're right. Inevitable. One juror complains about another, next thing you know mob visits the home of the supposedly anonymous juror and bad things happen. 1 hour ago, Doc said: Racism has existed for a long time. There were incidents that happened under Barry that had nothing to do with Trump at all. Again if you think that Derek Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd’s neck was because of Trump, you’re not being honest and there’s no point in discussing anything further with you. Keyzer Soze? I don’t know that reference Doc, but if it involves DR getting paid in refundable bottle returns to avoid the scrutiny of the intelligence community then yes. 1
Rob's House Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 3 hours ago, Niagara Bill said: I see your issues as not being a choice between Combover Joe vs Combover trump, I see a longer issue as a divided nation, so hateful and fearful of their political parties that living in harmony is becoming impossible. You need a LEADER. Half of the country has decided to try and re elect a man who has lied and created false narrative every day for 3.5 yrs. The ultament CON. Joe is not the answer, BUT, the country cannot survive 4 more yrs leaderless. If citizens actually believe that riots and racial tension only take place in cities where democrats are in power....wow. So punish all to get back at a dam mayor??? Makes me believe that much of these damaging riots may be part of the bigger Rhino buddies destabilization effort. The USA is losing world respect and influence due to domestic problems and inconsistent leadership, ...who gains the most as a result.? If Orange man is so bad, why can't you point to anything he's actually done to cause the division you speak of that isn't a gross misrepresentation or pure fabrication? The people rioting in the streets aren't his supporters, they're leftists, and no one can articulate what Orange Man has done to elicit their nationwide temper tantrum. The argument seems to be of "the devil made me do it," variety. "It's his fault I burned down a Wendy's." What did he do to evoke this rage? We don't know. Unsubstantiated platitudes seem to be the only answer. Meanwhile, the people you suggest putting in power have been actively dumping fuel on the fire since before he took office. They are the ones whose divisive rhetoric is clear, unambiguous, and on full display. They're constantly telling us that minorities live under the constant threat of danger from "white supremacists" who are allegedly everywhere, but whose presence and effects can scarcely be cited. This is what is enflaming racial tensions, everyone knows it, yet these are the people we're told will save us from the situation they've created. So why would you expect them to improve anything? Or is your argument that the temper tantrum won't end until they get their way? 4
Niagara Bill Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 4 hours ago, Rob's House said: If Orange man is so bad, why can't you point to anything he's actually done to cause the division you speak of that isn't a gross misrepresentation or pure fabrication? The people rioting in the streets aren't his supporters, they're leftists, and no one can articulate what Orange Man has done to elicit their nationwide temper tantrum. The argument seems to be of "the devil made me do it," variety. "It's his fault I burned down a Wendy's." What did he do to evoke this rage? We don't know. Unsubstantiated platitudes seem to be the only answer. Meanwhile, the people you suggest putting in power have been actively dumping fuel on the fire since before he took office. They are the ones whose divisive rhetoric is clear, unambiguous, and on full display. They're constantly telling us that minorities live under the constant threat of danger from "white supremacists" who are allegedly everywhere, but whose presence and effects can scarcely be cited. This is what is enflaming racial tensions, everyone knows it, yet these are the people we're told will save us from the situation they've created. So why would you expect them to improve anything? Or is your argument that the temper tantrum won't end until they get their way? I can only suggest to you your opening paragraph makes it impossible to have a conversation. You will defend combover no matter what. You enjoy your leader calling people names, acting like he has diminished capacity like some school yard trick by a 10 yr old, making up stories about thugs on a plane, 210,000 dead from Covid because of his policies, putting a 25% tariff on aluminum from Canada due to national security when all that happened was the beer industry suffered from increased costs of cans and washers and dryers went up in price to his own citizens. He then drops the duty 3 months later...such a know it all. His own wall he paid for on Mexican border is being stolen by the Mexicans...and nobody even cares? He has fired generals, laughed at your military leaders, called the FBI his enemy yet in 3.5 yrs did nothing to fix it, called dead servicemen losers and he avoided serving due to a sore foot. If you can say he is a leader you are proud of....wow. No need to continue this conversation. 5 weeks from now the destruction of a once great if not the greatest nation in the world begins to be torn apart by Putin's would be dictator. I am fearful for my neighbors
OldTimeAFLGuy Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 5 hours ago, Rob's House said: If Orange man is so bad, why can't you point to anything he's actually done to cause the division you speak of that isn't a gross misrepresentation or pure fabrication? The people rioting in the streets aren't his supporters, they're leftists, and no one can articulate what Orange Man has done to elicit their nationwide temper tantrum. The argument seems to be of "the devil made me do it," variety. "It's his fault I burned down a Wendy's." What did he do to evoke this rage? We don't know. Unsubstantiated platitudes seem to be the only answer. Meanwhile, the people you suggest putting in power have been actively dumping fuel on the fire since before he took office. They are the ones whose divisive rhetoric is clear, unambiguous, and on full display. They're constantly telling us that minorities live under the constant threat of danger from "white supremacists" who are allegedly everywhere, but whose presence and effects can scarcely be cited. This is what is enflaming racial tensions, everyone knows it, yet these are the people we're told will save us from the situation they've created. So why would you expect them to improve anything? Or is your argument that the temper tantrum won't end until they get their way? ...he's a primary reason as to why the border remains closed......good Lord.................
leh-nerd skin-erd Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 9 hours ago, Niagara Bill said: I see your issues as not being a choice between Combover Joe vs Combover trump, I see a longer issue as a divided nation, so hateful and fearful of their political parties that living in harmony is becoming impossible. You need a LEADER. Half of the country has decided to try and re elect a man who has lied and created false narrative every day for 3.5 yrs. The ultament CON. Joe is not the answer, BUT, the country cannot survive 4 more yrs leaderless. If citizens actually believe that riots and racial tension only take place in cities where democrats are in power....wow. So punish all to get back at a dam mayor??? Makes me believe that much of these damaging riots may be part of the bigger Rhino buddies destabilization effort. The USA is losing world respect and influence due to domestic problems and inconsistent leadership, ...who gains the most as a result.? Well, part pf the challenge is that you're attempting to look at an American problem through Canadian eyes. That's not a knock, just an observation, and I see thing clearly through the eyes of an American citizen born and raised when I was. My experiences are unique, as are yours. Working backwards, I don't spend a moment worrying about losing "world respect", mostly because there is no such thing. The phrase is meaningless. The average American couldn't name more than a few world leaders and most would fail miserably on other important figures. Besides, those folks are the elites of the world, and have precious little in common with you or me, I say &^%$ 'em if they don't like me. As for a divided nation, the challenge is not on my side of things, friend. It's never been, at least during this time of Trump. Most of his supporters sat by and watched Obama and Biden lead the country--no call to impeach, no call to remove from office, no bogus charges that Obama was a plant of the Chinese government. When SC nominees were announced, there was no attempt to destroy them, no attempt to vilify them, no attempt to ruin their life work. When Hillary Clinton ran against DJT for prom queen, her opening salvo was xenophobe, racist etc as she and her merry band of scumbags whined about a presidential candidate acting 'Presidential'. I say *&^% her and her merry band. See, in my opinion, you can't meet in the middle if your opponent is screaming "I'll steal your vote and you'll see it my way or else". That's not a middle. Hell you're out here espousing the theory that we should submit to their demands or they'll burn us out. I saw that episode of The Walking Dead, I read Lord of the Flies, that's not where I see myself going. The challenge is that Joe Biden IS the answer, and Kamala Harris IS the answer for them. An old insider and long time racial dunderhead and his assassin co-pilot. I say again, pass. The reality in our country is that most people get along, most tolerate one another, most are respectful of the opinions of others. Those that are not generally keep their thoughts to themselves, and those with distrust of others generally live their lives without causing any harm to those they despise. The new norm is that as random hordes stomp past a family patronizing a local restaurant, they confront them, scream at them, disrupt their peace, drink their drink--all under the cover of another 50-100 morons willing to pounce--and ordinary folks are told that's just progress and peaceful assembly, It's neither. Gotta run, but thanks for the feedback. For what it's worth, I thought the Canadians treated Haitian refugees very, very poorly after Trudeau criticized the US for it's immigration reform efforts. As many Haitians made the long and arduous journey, they were met at times with hostility from mostly white Canadians and a message that they were not welcome there. #sad. 3
Doc Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 8 hours ago, Niagara Bill said: Of course trump dud not kneel on Floyd's neck, nor did he cause it, but he has done nothing to recognize all the issues, to show leadership in this time of chaos. Strange that citizens, repubs included, blamed George Bush for 9 11 for not protecting the country and had nothing to do with flying those planes...but trump is never responsible ...??🤔 I call this the Rhino effect, the success of Putin's boys. Chaos reins supreme....he loves it. LOL. Later.
Alaska Darin Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 16 minutes ago, Doc said: LOL. Later. Presidents should absolutely get involved in local law enforcement issues. That's right there in the Constitution.
Niagara Bill Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 12 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said: Well, part pf the challenge is that you're attempting to look at an American problem through Canadian eyes. That's not a knock, just an observation, and I see thing clearly through the eyes of an American citizen born and raised when I was. My experiences are unique, as are yours. Working backwards, I don't spend a moment worrying about losing "world respect", mostly because there is no such thing. The phrase is meaningless. The average American couldn't name more than a few world leaders and most would fail miserably on other important figures. Besides, those folks are the elites of the world, and have precious little in common with you or me, I say &^%$ 'em if they don't like me. As for a divided nation, the challenge is not on my side of things, friend. It's never been, at least during this time of Trump. Most of his supporters sat by and watched Obama and Biden lead the country--no call to impeach, no call to remove from office, no bogus charges that Obama was a plant of the Chinese government. When SC nominees were announced, there was no attempt to destroy them, no attempt to vilify them, no attempt to ruin their life work. When Hillary Clinton ran against DJT for prom queen, her opening salvo was xenophobe, racist etc as she and her merry band of scumbags whined about a presidential candidate acting 'Presidential'. I say *&^% her and her merry band. See, in my opinion, you can't meet in the middle if your opponent is screaming "I'll steal your vote and you'll see it my way or else". That's not a middle. Hell you're out here espousing the theory that we should submit to their demands or they'll burn us out. I saw that episode of The Walking Dead, I read Lord of the Flies, that's not where I see myself going. The challenge is that Joe Biden IS the answer, and Kamala Harris IS the answer for them. An old insider and long time racial dunderhead and his assassin co-pilot. I say again, pass. The reality in our country is that most people get along, most tolerate one another, most are respectful of the opinions of others. Those that are not generally keep their thoughts to themselves, and those with distrust of others generally live their lives without causing any harm to those they despise. The new norm is that as random hordes stomp past a family patronizing a local restaurant, they confront them, scream at them, disrupt their peace, drink their drink--all under the cover of another 50-100 morons willing to pounce--and ordinary folks are told that's just progress and peaceful assembly, It's neither. Gotta run, but thanks for the feedback. For what it's worth, I thought the Canadians treated Haitian refugees very, very poorly after Trudeau criticized the US for it's immigration reform efforts. As many Haitians made the long and arduous journey, they were met at times with hostility from mostly white Canadians and a message that they were not welcome there. #sad. I am not suggesting any of the choices are good. Not sure who I would vote for. Yes I see things different looking over the fence, I see the destruction of institutions and respect that are essential in a free country. I see the undermining of stability by Putin and his agents...seriously the deep state thing is as crazy as Area 51 and the p,and load of thugs. The conservatives see a commie in every democrate, but the commies have hijacked the right and they don't realize it. By the way Canada has many racial issues, different proportion for sure but none the less shameful. In many cases Canadians see increases in drug trade, violence guns in these immigrant communities and like the US every one gets tarred. The government is often blamed for poor screening. Sometimes our world is sad, but we cannot let dictators win. 1
Albwan Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 11 hours ago, Niagara Bill said: If you pass, then I respect the fact you understand what is actually happening and would risk the country to return to more conservative positions. However once the direction changes the pull back may not be controllable. As for Rhino....without a doubt he is an agent, paid, and likely duped by the commies. There are many who see commies as leftists, but they do use the rightwing to destabilize. This is Rhino. I prefer to watch who liberals go after the hardest. Usually those guys are the ones on the money triggering hard. Kind of like the orange guy... That's why most people root for him.
Koko78 Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 22 minutes ago, Alaska Darin said: Presidents should absolutely get involved in local law enforcement issues. That's right there in the Constitution. I keep forgetting, it is before or after the Dying Wish clause?
leh-nerd skin-erd Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 44 minutes ago, Niagara Bill said: I am not suggesting any of the choices are good. Not sure who I would vote for. Yes I see things different looking over the fence, I see the destruction of institutions and respect that are essential in a free country. I see the undermining of stability by Putin and his agents...seriously the deep state thing is as crazy as Area 51 and the p,and load of thugs. The conservatives see a commie in every democrate, but the commies have hijacked the right and they don't realize it. By the way Canada has many racial issues, different proportion for sure but none the less shameful. In many cases Canadians see increases in drug trade, violence guns in these immigrant communities and like the US every one gets tarred. The government is often blamed for poor screening. Sometimes our world is sad, but we cannot let dictators win. So here’s a secret. Being cautious or distrustful of others, especially those who don’t look like you or talk like you or come from the same country as you is perfectly normal. It’s not a fool proof plan to keep one safe, obviously, but assimilation takes time, effort, energy and working against a million years of evolution. We’re getting there, but it just takes time. The deep state is real, it’s a thing, and in other places we feel totally comfortable referring to something as “systemic”. People are corrupt, The End.
Wacka Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 11 hours ago, Niagara Bill said: I see your issues as not being a choice between Combover Joe vs Combover trump, I see a longer issue as a divided nation, so hateful and fearful of their political parties that living in harmony is becoming impossible. You need a LEADER. Half of the country has decided to try and re elect a man who has lied and created false narrative every day for 3.5 yrs. The ultament CON. Joe is not the answer, BUT, the country cannot survive 4 more yrs leaderless. If citizens actually believe that riots and racial tension only take place in cities where democrats are in power....wow. So punish all to get back at a dam mayor??? Makes me believe that much of these damaging riots may be part of the bigger Rhino buddies destabilization effort. The USA is losing world respect and influence due to domestic problems and inconsistent leadership, ...who gains the most as a result.? Why don't ypu worry about your PM wearing blackface and and fake eyebrows.
3rdnlng Posted September 30, 2020 Posted September 30, 2020 2 hours ago, Niagara Bill said: I can only suggest to you your opening paragraph makes it impossible to have a conversation. You will defend combover no matter what. You enjoy your leader calling people names, acting like he has diminished capacity like some school yard trick by a 10 yr old, making up stories about thugs on a plane, 210,000 dead from Covid because of his policies, putting a 25% tariff on aluminum from Canada due to national security when all that happened was the beer industry suffered from increased costs of cans and washers and dryers went up in price to his own citizens. He then drops the duty 3 months later...such a know it all. His own wall he paid for on Mexican border is being stolen by the Mexicans...and nobody even cares? He has fired generals, laughed at your military leaders, called the FBI his enemy yet in 3.5 yrs did nothing to fix it, called dead servicemen losers and he avoided serving due to a sore foot. If you can say he is a leader you are proud of....wow. No need to continue this conversation. 5 weeks from now the destruction of a once great if not the greatest nation in the world begins to be torn apart by Putin's would be dictator. I am fearful for my neighbors Why did that happen? Was it because Canada was colluding with China and allowing themselves to act as a middleman for their aluminum and steel? All for China to avoid the tariffs? Mexico is stealing the border wall?
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