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3 minutes ago, Just Joshin' said:

Education is the key. Why do liberals fight charter schools which have shown to increase educational performance.  Yes a few are bad but the majority get better results.


But wait.....they cherry pick the applicants.  A liberal lie - most base based on a lottery system.


But why would the liberals not support charter schools?  Because the unions oppose them thus they are evil regardless of the demonstrated results.


...AND....you do NOT bite the hands that feed you.....

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7 minutes ago, Just Joshin' said:

Education is the key. Why do liberals fight charter schools which have shown to increase educational performance.  Yes a few are bad but the majority get better results.


But wait.....they cherry pick the applicants.  A liberal lie - most base based on a lottery system.


But why would the liberals not support charter schools?  Because the unions oppose them thus they are evil regardless of the demonstrated results.

The cherry picker part is they can get rid of students that are making it difficult for their classmates to learn. I definitely agree with Sowell but at charter schools either get with the program or get out.

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On 6/19/2020 at 8:32 AM, JetsFan20 said:

The second Biden takes office our moral standing in the world is going to skyrocket. Joe has vowed to work with liberal/progressive wing of the party to address these issues head on. One thing about Joe Biden is that he is a man of integrity. 

Bernie, AOC, and Elizabeth Warren are going to work in hand in hand with Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi to improve the well being of these people and their communities. Soon we will be able to visit Europe again and hold our heads up high as Americans. 


JetsFan20, it looks like the fellas at PPP roughed you up a little bit yesterday, so I’ll try to be more gentle. Buuuuuuut…every sentence in this post of yours looks wrong to me:


1. Our moral standing in the world will NOT skyrocket with Biden. It repeatedly plummeted with every international military misadventure Biden openly supported. One prominent example among many: the 2015 European migrant crisis, on Joe’s VP watch, following the total destruction of Syria.

2. I doubt Joe will ever accede to the progressive wing during his waning few political years. Look at his extensive Congressional voting record and his list of campaign donors. Or for that matter, many of his relatively recent quotes: “nothing will fundamentally change,” “I will veto M4A if it passes through Congress,” “I have no empathy for the plight of younger people.”

3. Joe Biden is not a man of integrity. His entire career has been plagued with racism (1994 crime bill, working with segregationists), plagiarism (1988 campaign), inappropriateness with females (all the recorded touching, Tara Reade), and corruption (gosh where do I start? Ukraine Hunter scandal, for one).

4. Bernie, AOC, and Warren will be working with Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi for sure…but it will not be to improve the well-being of the people and their communities. Neoliberalism and crony capitalism don’t help a large majority of the “people.” All 6 are proud to work together as team blue, but in practice have transformed into political WATERMELONS…green on the outside, mostly red on the inside (note: I’ve been dying for a while now to slip this term in somewhere). I’m referring specifically to the career Congressional voting records for Biden and Schumer and Pelosi, Warren’s for the past several years, and Bernie’s and AOC’s especially within the past few months. The latter 3 have quite suddenly morphed into complete establishment Dem lapdogs once it became apparent Biden had the nomination. Look at all of their votes and efforts on the coronavirus bailout bills, for example. Notice the continued lack of pushback for greater transparency on the businesses that receive federal bailouts? Bernie also forgot to show up for his crucial Freedom Reauthorization Act vote, presumably because he was too busy talking up his “good friend” Joe to gullible prog voters. Have Bernie, AOC, and Warren adequately supported fellow progressive Dem candidates this November? Not really, no, and this is especially true if these are candidates who have been primarying establishment Dem incumbents. Here in NYC, AOC has apparently decided to endorse Jerry Freaking Nadler. My single litmus test for so-called Dem “progressives” is that you either enthusiastically support Shahid Buttar right now over Pelosi or you are a political fraud and stop talking to me ever again.

5. Hmmm, actually I think your last sentence is correct! We WILL be able to visit Europe soon again and hold our heads up high. Is the pandemic travel ban still a thing?


P.S. I don’t recommend handing out any more $1000 bills to Joe. Why not take that money and donate instead to a local private charity of your choice? One that works directly with inner city minority communities?


15 hours ago, Penfield45 said:


Pelosi isn't a social democrat nor is she a progressive. she is a moderate neoliberal just like the rest of the democrats that haven't fixed anything in this country for decades. 


And we aren't the brainwashed ones bud, you are. you think things like free healthcare and education are acts of "communism" when its literally what every other damn 1st world country is able to provide to their citizens. 


Neoliberalism is my happy word. I LOVE seeing it used on this message board forum. It means more people are waking up! I think you and I may be the only Bernie supporters on PPP who have ditched the Democrats. I call us the Briahna Joy Gray voters. I’ve seen a couple other Bernie supporters here too, but I think they’re sticking with the Dems for the Supreme Court selections. I call them the Jeff Weaver voters. Then you have a dozen or so PPP liberals who are either proud moderates or just hate the Orange Man and want him out at all costs. Most of them may in fact be one guy with multiple user names. And then finally you have the sea of conservatives, libertarians, Republicans, and general right wingers at PPP who dominate discussion but are ultimately all very decent people (I think). Most of them (I think) are older, white, financially secure males from the professional/managerial classes, so the eclectic Bernie movement is more likely to come off as a strange and unfamiliar and potentially threatening political phenomenon to them. Do handle them as you would a box of fine dining room china.


I know what you were intending to say about older southern blacks. My observation from the Dem primaries was that the black vote actually mirrored the white vote in terms of the generational divide. Millenials of both skin colors preferred Bernie by a giant margin, while Boomers of both skin colors preferred Biden by a giant margin. This was true across all regions of the country and not just in the South. It turns out that the Bernie campaign had major structural flaws with both African American outreach and Boomer outreach. So the blame for the movement’s demise should be distributed in many directions. I’d start with cable news media who disproportionately brainwash older Americans.


Your thoughts on prog left strategy moving forward? Mine is to completely break off from the Democrats immediately, continue organizing (peaceful) worker strikes and protests, vote Green in November to get above the 5% national threshold, build up the Greens (or any new third party) beyond November, quash the super PC SJW woke movement and prioritize neoliberalism/environment/military-industrial-complex issues from a populist anti-establishment perspective, fully destroy either one of the two big parties from the outside by 2024 (I prefer to take down the Dems but a post-Trump neocon Rep resurgence could be ripe for destruction as well), and begin restructuring American society into a European-style social democracy by 2028 as soon as Millenials/Gen Z up their voting reliability. Phew.

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3 hours ago, Penfield45 said:


Francis scott key was part of the American colonization society. he was a piece of ***** human being.


Says the guy who just yesterday told the board every black person is "dumb as hell". 


Again, when a vile racist POS who's also an unabashed communist opines -- no one gives a shite. 

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Posted (edited)



Because Grant ... "owned slaves". 


But he didn't. He was gifted one slave, and then freed him within a year because he despised the practice. Then he went on and won the war for the Union, ending chattel slavery in not just the USA but shuttered the slaver ports in the Caribbean and across the Atlantic as well. Then, as president he sent national troops to the south to protect freed slaves from democrats. 


... But yeah. Keep thinking this is about "slavery" or "systemic racism". It's a revolution designed to tear down the country as a whole. 


More proof for the above: 




Remember, the entire conceit of "1619" is historical fiction (better: historical fraud). 


And who's pushing it again? 



"Trained Marxists". 


Time to wake up. 

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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14 hours ago, Penfield45 said:


what the hell are you talking about lol. I'm talking about higher education. 


and our education system is not "great" ...we are ranked 27th in the world, which is horrible considering our resources. but keep telling yourself we are so "great" at everything lol. 


Hard to get into a good 'higher education' field when your primary and high school education consists of an indocrination of victimhood, 'homogeneous teachers who look like you' and identity politics race baiting required texts like 'White Rage'


If you are in Penfield you know darned well all of this is being done in the Rochester City School District.


Maybe if the RCSD focused on teaching about an imperfect society that allows opportunities, doesn't preach 'inherent racism' and focused on STEM the students from city schools would be better equipped in a globally competitive world? RCSD is a complete failure from top to bottom.


Conservatives keep trying to offer solutions like vouchers to better neighboring schools, charter schools and military academies.

But the left just keeps preaching racism and unfair disadvantages. Bring some solutions to the table.

2 hours ago, westside2 said:

Thomas Sowell is a national treasure. 


Don't forget Larry Elder

and an emerging Candace Owens.

All say what needs to be said to get things done and make real change

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, RocCityRoller said:


Hard to get into a good 'higher education' field when your primary and high school education consists of an indocrination of victimhood, 'homogeneous teachers who look like you' and identity politics race baiting required texts like 'White Rage'


If you are in Penfield you know darned well all of this is being done in the Rochester City School District.


Maybe if the RCSD focused on teaching about an imperfect society that allows opportunities, doesn't preach 'inherent racism' and focused on STEM the students from city schools would be better equipped in a globally competitive world? RCSD is a complete failure from top to bottom.


Conservatives keep trying to offer solutions like vouchers to better neighboring schools, charter schools and military academies.

But the left just keeps preaching racism and unfair disadvantages. Bring some solutions to the table.


The entire premise of Marxism requires not bringing solutions to the table. The ideology depends on a victim/oppressor dynamic, if you solve that issue -- the entire need for Marxism goes away. That's the fine print with Marxism, and why people who are vile racists like @Penfield45, are lapping it up so eagerly. They're ignorant of history, ignorant of reality, and ignorant of what the true goal of the movement he supports is: not to solve problems, but to exacerbate them in such a way that gives the leadership more power/money/control while the people suffer.


(Not that you're unaware of the above :beer: )


Edited by Deranged Rhino
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Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


The entire premise of Marxism requires not bringing solutions to the table. The ideology depends on a victim/oppressor dynamic, if you solve that issue -- the entire need for Marxism goes away. That's the fine print with Marxism, and why people who are vile racists like @Penfield45, are lapping it up so eagerly. They're ignorant of history, ignorant of reality, and ignorant of what the true goal of the movement he supports is. 


(Not that you're unaware of the above :beer: )


Exactly the point. I have to stop here or I will get super heated and start saying things that could be taken out of context.


Racial and socio-economic division is what the left thrives on. It propagates it, it systemically teaches and preaches it.


I feel bad for a 'voting block' as the Democrats call them, who continuously support the same party and 'leaders' who propagate victimhood, racism and offer pie in the sky promises without any actual solutions or action. Democrats/ and now pure lefties continue to be voted in, and then you see the inevitable news clips from the hood where people can't understand why nothing changes.


Make your elected officials and school boards accountable. Vote them out and put a scare into the party that has overseen this mess, and have had a power monopoly for decades in most cities

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36 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


So many amazing things destroyed :(.  Don't make sense anymore anyone supporting Democrats. There just epic crazy.

1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Wow people doing for sake tearing things down. None of it making any sense now.

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59 minutes ago, Buffalo Bills Fan said:

None of it making any sense now.


It actually does make sense, just not in the way normal people think.


The cameras are rolling 24-hour chaos being orchestrated and abetted by the left, both on a local and national scale. Chaos is scary to most people, who just want to get home from work and  be with their family, hoping that maybe the Chinese flu will subside enough for a summer vacation.  


Now throw in the incredible success of the cancel culture, getting people fired for cracking a knuckle, and you add a new layer of fear.  Not only should I stay home, but I should shut up.


Next the Never Trumpers will start to argue that Trump is doing nothing, and the federal government should get involved when, in reality, Trump is playing this right: the only areas being impacted right now are areas under leftist rule for years over years. Let them burn...because while some Americans are a bit afraid, those who are most afraid are in the leftist cities. They're getting what they voted for. Let's see what they think about their local government when November comes around.


But make no mistake. This is no accident and it makes perfect sense for the people who are orchestrating it.



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