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4 minutes ago, Rob's House said:

This is purely anecdotal, but I've noticed the majority of the most vehement of the #believewomen crowd that I know are girls who are perpetually single and incels. Has anyone else noticed this trend?


A woman can’t be an incel. That’s appropriating nerd culture 

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4 minutes ago, Rob's House said:

This is purely anecdotal, but I've noticed the majority of the most vehement of the #believewomen crowd that I know are girls who are perpetually single and incels. Has anyone else noticed this trend?


1 minute ago, joesixpack said:


A woman can’t be an incel. That’s appropriating nerd culture 

I guess it depends on your standards.

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6 minutes ago, Rob's House said:

This is purely anecdotal, but I've noticed the majority of the most vehement of the #believewomen crowd that I know are girls who are perpetually single and incels. Has anyone else noticed this trend?


Meanwhile there is a backlash of Mama Bear suburban women afraid their super stud muffin baby boys will be falsely accused of cupping a feel on that little slut down the street

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27 minutes ago, Rob's House said:

This is purely anecdotal, but I've noticed the majority of the most vehement of the #believewomen crowd that I know are girls who are perpetually single and incels. Has anyone else noticed this trend?


Give them @Boyst62's tinder handle. He'll cure that incel thing for them.

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10 hours ago, joesixpack said:


A woman can’t be an incel. That’s appropriating nerd culture 

I meant girls who are always single and guys who are incels. I know some 30+ year old male feminist virgins with very strong opinions about how men are supposed to behave with women.

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If it´s Sunday, it´s Clarice Feldman.


Seedpods from the Garden of Stupid
American Thinker, by Clarice Feldman


Original Article



Greg Gutfeld looks out on the sea of demonstrators against Brett Kavanaugh this week and characterized the display as "seedpods from the garden of stupid are blooming," and it's impossible not to agree.  The people who planted those seeds include more than 1,700 law professors who said Kavanaugh should be denied confirmation because he "displayed a lack of judicial temperament" in responding to the baseless, uncorroborated charges by Christine Blasey Ford of sexual misconduct.

Reviewing this campus insanity, Heather Mac Donald contends – with ample basis:

The Kavanaugh hysteria has provided the country with a crash course in academic victim politics.  The tribal denunciations of "privileged white males," the moral panic over fantastical accounts of sexual predation, the spectacle of Ivy League law students claiming to feel "unsafe," the assertion that a single uncorroborated outbreak of male teen hormones should cancel a lifetime of achievement in the law – all originate in the anti-Enlightenment ethos of the academy, embodied in critical race studies, feminist legal theory, and the attacks on the Socratic teaching method as anti-female and anti-"survivor." 

The #BelieveSurvivors mantra is a cornerstone of the campus grievance industry but inimical to everything that a law school should teach.  It's a religious gesture, not a legal one: Such belief is independent of proof, arising out of a pre-existing commitment to a narrative of ubiquitous female abuse by patriarchal white males.  The "survivor" label presupposes the conclusion that evidence should establish: that the accused is guilty of an offense.



In any event, the most compelling arguments were from Senator Collins, who graduated from St. Lawrence University, not Yale Law School, but who took a great deal of time to actually review the decisions Kavanaugh wrote and participated in and spent time with the Congressional Research Office and the candidate to understand the legal bases of his decisions.  She also has a far firmer grasp of the constitutional provisions on due process and separation of powers.


If you missed her endorsement speech, a masterpiece of logic and persuasion, you can hear it here or read the full transcript.  (In the absence of civics classes in most high schools, you might want to share this with any high school-age people in your household.)


On the right, there is puzzlement as to why such a centrist jurist was Trump's choice.  I think Professor Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit got it exactly right:  

Trump knew he'd been vetted enough that there would be no real skeletons, and he no doubt expected that the Democrats would be so desperate they'd invent some.  They would have done that with anyone he put up – but, precisely because Kavanaugh was a milquetoasty DC Establishment type, seeing the Democrats go into full b‑‑‑‑‑‑ assault mode on him galvanized the other milquetoasty DC Establishment types.  You could see the light bulbs go off in their heads:  The Democrats don't hate Trump because he's Trump.  They hate all Republicans and want to ruin them.  Even me!  And they always will.


The result is that the Kavanaugh affair has welded the Trump and NeverTrump forces (except for a few sad outliers who don't matter) into a solid force.  And it's simultaneously galvanized GOP voters around the country, closing the "enthusiasm gap," as the normals become more militant.  Plus, it seems that minority voters aren't as excited about empowering neurotic upper-class white feminists as you might – well, actually, I guess they're just about exactly as excited about empowering neurotic upper-class white feminists as you might expect, but it seems Dems didn't give that much thought.  So Kavanaugh was, in fact, the perfect pick to trigger this reaction.


Well, with five strict constructionists likely to be on the Court, Congress will finally have to spend less time fundraising and more time doing its job – writing and passing legislation.  For decades now, they've simply been relying on their wishes being carried out subjectively by like-minded jurists who seek penumbras and such instead of reading text.

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/10/seedpods_from_the_garden_of_stupid.html#ixzz5TFfFfpsL 



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18 minutes ago, Rob's House said:

I meant girls who are always single and guys who are incels. I know some 30+ year old male feminist virgins with very strong opinions about how men are supposed to behave with women.

There are no big secrets here. If a man learns how to treat women in the right way then he'll be the one that needs to make sure he doesn't get assaulted. The key is to choose wisely when picking a partner.

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TWEET OF THE DAY..........................



Trump is undermining fundamental institutional norms of the Republic.

Also We must do away with the Senate, electoral college & the Supreme Court is now illegitimate.

Same exact people.


7:36 AM - 7 Oct 2018


Liberals/democrats are exposed for what they are.
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7 hours ago, B-Man said:

TWEET OF THE DAY..........................


Liberals/democrats are exposed for what they are.

BULLIES. That’s what they are. How can they reconcile their countenance of this behavior and then keep lecturing the nation that bullying in schools and online are offensive? 

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Report: The Dem Staffer Arrested Doxxing Republican Senators Wasn't An Intern
by Emily Zanotti


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A Democratic staffer arrested last week on charges that he revealed the personal information of several Republican Senate Judiciary Committee members was not an "intern" for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), as originally reported.


The 27-year-old career staffer, Jackson Cosko, was, instead, reportedly a "fellow" paid by an "outside institution" who served as a primary adviser in Lee´s Congressional office. According to the Tennessee Star, "[w]hile [Lee] claims Cosko was an ´unpaid intern´ in her office.








George Soros’s March on Washington
Wall Street Journal, by Asra Q. Nomani


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Edited by B-Man
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