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I'm not joking. Isn't that the entire point & plot of Loose Change?


Spooky music!!! Operation Northwoods!!! What more evidence do you need????



Spooky music!!! Operation Northwoods!!! What more evidence do you need????


Buildings in a free fall? Jewish lightning?


Wait..........................John Wayne didn't really make a beer commercial ?



Funny John Wayne Coors Light Beer Commercial - YouTube


And Forrest Gump talked to a lot of Presidents as well. The real issue here is how accessible that type of technology has become. Youtube, a webcam and some software aren't exactly 'rate limiting investments' for most people.


As the deranged one said above, the amount of propaganda could be nauseating.



But WTC 7 was merely a hologram to begin with,,,,,


It's still there. It never even fell. They just want you to think it did.


Silverstein faked the collapse, to collect the insurance money and give it to Leonard Nimoy so he could fake his own death and go into hiding, so he had the freedom to create a situation where Israel through the Mossad-controlled ISIS could take the oil in Mosul. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!



It's still there. It never even fell. They just want you to think it did.


Silverstein faked the collapse, to collect the insurance money and give it to Leonard Nimoy so he could fake his own death and go into hiding, so he had the freedom to create a situation where Israel through the Mossad-controlled ISIS could take the oil in Mosul. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!





That gif really needs to be an asshat meme.


Sadly I don't have the computer chops to make that happen... but it's begging for it.

(ironic in a thread about computer technology, I know)

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