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John Blake????


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Sorry for being late to this party. I'm familiar with Blake only from his time at UNC, where he was perceived as a very good DL coach and outstanding recruiter. Yes, he recommended his agent friend to players - a no-no in college athletics. There are many who believe he took the fall for Butch Davis at Carolina. I make no predictions but I also would not be so quick to write him off as a useful addition to the Bills staff. I realize my words fall upon deaf ears to the "Rex sucks" crowd so don't bother replying.

this is exactly what I heard about the situation as well. It was followed pretty closely here because it was around the same time as the ncaa investigation of Jim Tressel. The show cause penalties they dole out are ridiculous.
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Couldn't care less about the stuff in college. Can he coach DL is all I care about. And again, Rex has this year to get the team to the playoffs.

This^^ I've been thinking a lot about why the DLine's performance plummeted last year and I think it is because they were held back. I honestly don't think this article was far off the mark.




We have some dominant DLmen that were asked to play passive roles. That isn't going to cut it next year. Maybe Blake can get these guys revved up.

Edited by Rockinon
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This^^ I've thinking a lot about why the DLine's performance plummeted last year and I think it is because they were held back. I honestly don't think this article was far off the mark.




We have some dominant DLmen that were asked to play passive roles. That isn't going to cut it next year. Maybe Blake can get these guys revved up.

he has existing relationships with Dareus and Hughes. Can't hurt.
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he has existing relationships with Dareus and Hughes. Can't hurt.

No schitt. Rex hires a guy our two best D linemen love and it is viewed negatively. This board never ceases to amaze.

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the 36-11 record was as a player.


As a coach, he was 12-22 and 1-9 against Top 25 teams.




Bob Stoops took over and won a NC in his 2nd. season. Blake is considered, by far, the worst coach in Oklahoma history. Or at least since the invention of the automobile.


Cookie. Thanks for the catch and again as i said, I didn't remember him. I'm the first to apologize when warranted. I appreciate the correction.

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No schitt. Rex hires a guy our two best D linemen love and it is viewed negatively. This board never ceases to amaze.

The Rex Sux crowd makes a lot of noise. But they don't speak for Bills Nation. Fans shouldn't be led to believe our coach is toxic. And by and large fans don't believe it.

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Cookie. Thanks for the catch and again as i said, I didn't remember him. I'm the first to apologize when warranted. I appreciate the correction.

ither way cookie, hes not a head coach here, hes a defensive line coach. BIG DIFFERENCE. He has worked one on one with some top players and since the D line is only 7-10 deep on a roster he should be fine.



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Sorry for being late to this party. I'm familiar with Blake only from his time at UNC, where he was perceived as a very good DL coach and outstanding recruiter. Yes, he recommended his agent friend to players - a no-no in college athletics. There are many who believe he took the fall for Butch Davis at Carolina. I make no predictions but I also would not be so quick to write him off as a useful addition to the Bills staff. I realize my words fall upon deaf ears to the "Rex sucks" crowd so don't bother replying.

I'm not a member of the "Rex sucks" crowd, and I only really heard of Blake through this hire. I have researched a few of the articles about him and the amount of excuses he gives and the number of different people directly contradicting things Blake is adamant about is worrysome. As far as bailing out Butch Davis, the NCAA decided Butch is innocent, I tend to believe they would have loved to take a head coach down if any sort of evidence was there. This article addresses the UNC scandal: http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/writer/bruce-feldman/24372078/despite-being-cleared-in-unc-scandal-davis-still-waiting-for-next-gig


I realize anyone could be lying but I think Butch has more support for his version than Blake does. For me it's not about what was done so much as it is personal character.

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Whether people want to admit it or not, violating NCAA rules is pretty common practice. Particularly with big time schools. He just one of the ones who got caught


If you ain't cheatin', you're not trying!

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I struggle to understand why anyone would be giving Rex the benefit of the doubt after what was witnessed on the field last year. To regress that far on defense is something I just cannot understand. For him to be completely incapable of adjusting to the talent on the roster just really bugs the hell out of me.



there's an outside chance he rights the ship this year, but if I was a gambling man I would go all in against that. Players may like him, but we missed the playoffs yet again, and there were plenty of coaching decisions to blame for that IMO.


As for Blake... I'm not expecting much from this guy at all.. And add in his brother Ryan, it seems like very desperate moves for a guy who knows this is his last shot... In the end the main decision maker is still making the decisions...



Here's hoping I'm wrong. I have plenty of hot sauces laying around to make crow palatable, and will gleefully eat my share, but sad to say this version of the Bills feels exactly like the last 7 versions to me. I'm cynical but its the franchise itself that has made me that way.

Whether people want to admit it or not, violating NCAA rules is pretty common practice. Particularly with big time schools. He just one of the ones who got caught



I think that's the real problem, people accept it and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy that permeates all aspects of society which leads us to the cess pool we are swimming in today. I've read plenty of posts where Bills fans say they are more than ok with cheating if it brings us a championship. I just hang my head in disgust.. I personally don't find any championship or game worth that

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he has existing relationships with Dareus and Hughes. Can't hurt.



No schitt. Rex hires a guy our two best D linemen love and it is viewed negatively. This board never ceases to amaze.

Hes worked with top Dline men personally before, so the NFL players must think highly of him and his record in College W/L doesnt mean much if hes just gonna coach the line

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I struggle to understand why anyone would be giving Rex the benefit of the doubt after what was witnessed on the field last year. To regress that far on defense is something I just cannot understand. For him to be completely incapable of adjusting to the talent on the roster just really bugs the hell out of me.



there's an outside chance he rights the ship this year, but if I was a gambling man I would go all in against that. Players may like him, but we missed the playoffs yet again, and there were plenty of coaching decisions to blame for that IMO.


As for Blake... I'm not expecting much from this guy at all.. And add in his brother Ryan, it seems like very desperate moves for a guy who knows this is his last shot... In the end the main decision maker is still making the decisions...



Here's hoping I'm wrong. I have plenty of hot sauces laying around to make crow palatable, and will gleefully eat my share, but sad to say this version of the Bills feels exactly like the last 7 versions to me. I'm cynical but its the franchise itself that has made me that way.


Dude. Take it easy. The Bills didn't become a "terrible" defense last year, they were middle of the pack. Look back at 2014 and tell me how many times that defense -- which has for some reason now achieved mythical status -- came up big when it mattered. I can think of one game -- Green Bay. And then look what they did at the Raiders the very next week, when it mattered most.


There is no question Rex deserves more than one season, implementing a new system, before he is hung out to dry. The jury is still out, for sure, but the ridiculous lengths to which fans are jumping is quite perplexing.

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