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NFL Exec Admits Link Between CTE and Brain Trauma

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NFL exec speaking to Congress admits to CTE-football head trauma link http://bigstory.ap.org/urn:publicid:ap.org:7fd994cea9734899a27ef57ffc45c7e6

WASHINGTON (AP) — NFL executive Jeff Miller acknowledged a link between football-related head trauma and the brain disease CTE, the first admission by a league official that there is such a relationship.


Appearing before a congressional committee Monday, Miller, the NFL's senior vice president for health and safety, was asked about a connection between hits in football and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. His answer was "certainly yes."


The NFL has not previously linked playing football to CTE directly.


ESPN: Top NFL official acknowledges football-CTE link

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Players know what they are signing up for. If they don't want to play there are thousands of people that would love to take their spot. I think they should continue to try and make the game safer but it's a violent sport and there will always be injuries. Do they want the players to be in those bubble balls that are on that one infomercial? Those things do look like fun!

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is this guy a dr? does he actually have proof this time? if so i'd like it.

cmon Boyst...this guy works for the NFL. You think this is top of mind to drive people to make this link?


I know we all do not want to think the sport we love could do harm to the players...it would be inhumane to think otherwise. That being said, it has only been diagnosed in 94 cases of ex NFL players. I would like to see every NFL player agree to be autopsied upon death, not only those folks who are showing symptoms of mental degeneration. Maybe this is like prostate cancer..if you live long enough and played any sports, you going to have CTE.


So i would also like to see soccer players, basketball players, hockey players, cheerleaders ect also participate...and going back to players who only played in high school.


So much work to be done here, and so much to learn. Everything is focused on football and the NFL, and i think that is a mistake.


But please don't decide this is all hogwash cause it makes you feel guilty, this is important work and needs to be understood.

Edited by plenzmd1
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It is important to remember Mr. Miller was answering specific questions at the time and his comments should not be construed as a blanket statement regarding existing theories on CTE and brain trauma. The NFL remains committed to studying all impacts of player injuries and continue to seek solutions to ensure greater player safety in the future.

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It is important to remember Mr. Miller was answering specific questions at the time and his comments should not be construed as a blanket statement regarding existing theories on CTE and brain trauma. The NFL remains committed to studying all impacts of player injuries and continue to seek solutions to ensure greater player safety in the future.


Is the water still cold in Denial? :lol:

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Players know what they are signing up for. If they don't want to play there are thousands of people that would love to take their spot. I think they should continue to try and make the game safer but it's a violent sport and there will always be injuries. Do they want the players to be in those bubble balls that are on that one infomercial? Those things do look like fun!

Sounds like a new league idea the NFL should look at implementing. They already have stadiums/facilities and contacts in media.

So i would also like to see soccer players, basketball players, hockey players, cheerleaders ect also participate...and going back to players who only played in high school.

Especially boxers.

It is important to remember Mr. Miller was answering specific questions at the time and his comments should not be construed as a blanket statement regarding existing theories on CTE and brain trauma. The NFL remains committed to studying all impacts of player injuries and continue to seek solutions to ensure greater player safety in the future.

Oh and make sure it is a requirement that all NFL officials have CTE scans post death.

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This is a major story. Glad this man had the guts to admit the truth. I'm certain he wasn't authorized to do so. Good for him


The NFL's top health and safety officer acknowledged Monday there is a link between football-related head trauma and chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE -- the first time a senior league official has conceded football's connection to the devastating brain disease.


The admission came during a roundtable discussion on concussions convened by the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Energy and Commerce. Jeff Miller, the NFL's senior vice president for health and safety, was asked by Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., if the link between football and neurodegenerative diseases like CTE has been established.


"The answer to that question is certainly yes," Miller said.

Edited by 26CornerBlitz
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Why it it, "hits in football"?


Shouldn't it just be "hits to the head"?


If you get hit in the head, does it only cause CTE if it's done while playing football?


Shhhh.....we're not looking to outlaw soccer you know. It's such an enlightened game -- they play it in Europe!!

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cmon Boyst...this guy works for the NFL. You think this is top of mind to drive people to make this link?


I know we all do not want to think the sport we love could do harm to the players...it would be inhumane to think otherwise. That being said, it has only been diagnosed in 94 cases of ex NFL players. I would like to see every NFL player agree to be autopsied upon death, not only those folks who are showing symptoms of mental degeneration. Maybe this is like prostate cancer..if you live long enough and played any sports, you going to have CTE.


So i would also like to see soccer players, basketball players, hockey players, cheerleaders ect also participate...and going back to players who only played in high school.


So much work to be done here, and so much to learn. Everything is focused on football and the NFL, and i think that is a mistake.


But please don't decide this is all hogwash cause it makes you feel guilty, this is important work and needs to be understood.

look it get it but this was a mistake and mistep by the league which is being singled out right now

Other sports need to get as much attention on this, for one.

But most importantly there is not 100% correlation between the sport of football and cte. It could be other issues, the use of performance enhancers for example.


There is not enough research to say what causes it to say its football definitely.



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I'm sure Goodell and the league office didn't want him to say what he said.


Why not? He was sent there to discuss this with members of congress. Everyone knew the question was coming. He's exactly the guy the NFL would want to make this ground shaking confession.


Notice he said CTE is linked to football, not the NFL in particular. A smart move by the NFL.

Edited by Mr. WEO
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