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Martavis Bryant Facing 1 Year Suspension

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That all would be right in this world. Do you think you'd be able to get away with that at YOUR job and still keep your job? No way. You wouldn't be able to get a job anywhere. These guys have been getting a free pass since college. Like they're invincible. Kick them to the curb and show em what it's like to be a normal person.



If my job didn't test for MJ......well then yeah, of course I would get away with it. In fact everyone gets away with it except for those who get tested.


You're joking with these posts, right?

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That all would be right in this world. Do you think you'd be able to get away with that at YOUR job and still keep your job? No way. You wouldn't be able to get a job anywhere. These guys have been getting a free pass since college. Like they're invincible. Kick them to the curb and show em what it's like to be a normal person.


Yea i would love that. Wipe my a** with it.

If you had talent you could do the same. Step it up

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If my job didn't test for MJ......well then yeah, of course I would get away with it. In fact everyone gets away with it except for those who get tested.


You're joking with these posts, right?


Enough said. he knows the league knows his history. He knows he's gonna be tested. He know's he's not a first time offender. He's a moron. That's my point. No sympathy.

If you had talent you could do the same. Step it up


Talent? I'm great at what I do. Sorry I don't post here every day like most and apparently have a life living on this message board.


Congrats to your talent of being an everyday poster on a message board. lol

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That all would be right in this world. Do you think you'd be able to get away with that at YOUR job and still keep your job? No way. You wouldn't be able to get a job anywhere. These guys have been getting a free pass since college. Like they're invincible. Kick them to the curb and show em what it's like to be a normal person. They wouldn't last a day.


Negative begets negative. Even if all the above is true, it doesn't impact your life in any way (I'm assuming). Wishing that kind of fate for a guy who you don't even know is rather spiteful. Of course you're free to feel however you want to feel, I just don't see what anyone gets out of that kind of negativity other than more negativity.

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Like we didn't see this horse crap coming from his agent. Screw all this bleeding heart/depression nonsense! He's a witless, privileged punk who never bothered to learn Right from Wrong, pampered through his mad skills on a gridiron from an early age.

JMO, but I'll stand by it 'til I learn otherwise.

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#Steelers WR Martavis Bryant is dropping his appeal of his suspension. He's going to be suspended a year.


Like Josh Gordon, Martavis Bryant is eligible to apply for reinstatement no sooner than 60 days before 1-year anniversary of the suspension

I am guessing that Steelers told him not appeal so they can help apply for him to come back in playoffs on first day possible.

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isnt it a full calendar year starting now?

Correct. He can apply for reinstatement 60 days prior to one full calendar year, but the process takes 60 days or more. Also there is the very real possibility that he screws up again in the meantime.


Stupidity and/or lack of self control are definitely in play here. A lot of NFL players smoke a lot of pot (and much worse), but they tone it down when they need to so they can pass their tests. Bryant is probably done in the NFL. He might make it back, but the next positive test will be the final straw. The guy got a 4 game suspension last year and then has had at least 3 positive tests since then. A year long suspension is for a player's 6th positive test. That is the highest level of penalty, by the way. The guy's only been in the league for 2 years. This is why a guy with his talent fell so far in the draft.



Edited by BarleyNY
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That all would be right in this world. Do you think you'd be able to get away with that at YOUR job and still keep your job? No way. You wouldn't be able to get a job anywhere. These guys have been getting a free pass since college. Like they're invincible. Kick them to the curb and show em what it's like to be a normal person. They wouldn't last a day.


Yea i would love that. Wipe my a** with it.


Actually yes, in multiple companies I've worked for.



Wrong again Raven. Talented people in all walks of life have a longer leash.


The coked out salesman who crushes his numbers gets retained. The weaker performers get the pink slip.


Retained? Hell, he gets a coke bonus. Not many things more valuable than finding a salesman who can crush his numbers.

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