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Martavis Bryant Facing 1 Year Suspension

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As more states legalize MJ, it will eventually make its way off the banned substance list and the points you make are perfectly sensible.


Just what I was thinking; but that's still many years away.


De-criminalize it and follow Spain's model. Spain encourages everyone to grow two plants. Eliminates the dealers and lowers crime. Cost of a good buzz is a little water, fertilizer and some tender loving care.


The US government promote something that puts more control in the citizens' hands and less in the federal government's hands?


Don't hold your breath for that to happen.

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I hope he gets help, and rehab solves the symptom. But probably needs ongoing counseling and probably some, prescription mess for his depression. The problem is far too many people rely simply on rehab then anti-depressants, vs. staying in counseling weekly and work on why he is compelled to abuse, or depressed. I feel for the guy.


As far as this pot discussion, there are so many different cultural views such as in the south, the best that could happen someday is allowing on a federal level medical marijuana. It doesn't solve the issue, but is most likely where this will go. Then many years from now it may get legalized. I personally do not abuse drugs or alcohol, although enjoy some wine on the weekends. Nothing excessive. Just because these are my personal morals and values, I really don't care if they legalize it. How I raise my children and providing a good foundation is what I trust for my kids, not the govt.


Legalizing any drug though could always increase injuries from substance involved vehicular accidents.


Lastly, the NFL is not going to change until the Federal Govt changes and that won't happen for a long time. Just my two cents.

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I hope he gets help, and rehab solves the symptom. But probably needs ongoing counseling and probably some, prescription mess for his depression. The problem is far too many people rely simply on rehab then anti-depressants, vs. staying in counseling weekly and work on why he is compelled to abuse, or depressed. I feel for the guy.


As far as this pot discussion, there are so many different cultural views such as in the south, the best that could happen someday is allowing on a federal level medical marijuana. It doesn't solve the issue, but is most likely where this will go. Then many years from now it may get legalized. I personally do not abuse drugs or alcohol, although enjoy some wine on the weekends. Nothing excessive. Just because these are my personal morals and values, I really don't care if they legalize it. How I raise my children and providing a good foundation is what I trust for my kids, not the govt.


Legalizing any drug though could always increase injuries from substance involved vehicular accidents.


Lastly, the NFL is not going to change until the Federal Govt changes and that won't happen for a long time. Just my two cents.

more so alcohol than marijuana

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I hope he gets help, and rehab solves the symptom. But probably needs ongoing counseling and probably some, prescription mess for his depression. The problem is far too many people rely simply on rehab then anti-depressants, vs. staying in counseling weekly and work on why he is compelled to abuse, or depressed. I feel for the guy.


As far as this pot discussion, there are so many different cultural views such as in the south, the best that could happen someday is allowing on a federal level medical marijuana. It doesn't solve the issue, but is most likely where this will go. Then many years from now it may get legalized. I personally do not abuse drugs or alcohol, although enjoy some wine on the weekends. Nothing excessive. Just because these are my personal morals and values, I really don't care if they legalize it. How I raise my children and providing a good foundation is what I trust for my kids, not the govt.


Legalizing any drug though could always increase injuries from substance involved vehicular accidents.


Lastly, the NFL is not going to change until the Federal Govt changes and that won't happen for a long time. Just my two cents.

Counseling/ education and therapy/ maintenance and a support system/ folks to lean on are key to any return to emotional and or physical health.

Depression is insidious because the last thing you may want to do is reach out and trust someone.

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Steelers announce Martavis Bryants suspension. It is for minimum of one year for violating substance abuse policy



#Steelers WR Martavis Bryant is dropping his appeal of his suspension. He's going to be suspended a year.


Like Josh Gordon, Martavis Bryant is eligible to apply for reinstatement no sooner than 60 days before 1-year anniversary of the suspension


Who was it that posted during last season that we took the wrong Clemson WR in the '14 draft? 'Fess up...

Edited by YoloinOhio
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I can count on one hand the number of times I've used marijuana. I don't drink either. But I have been around many people who do both; I have been around people who do both, some might say, too much. The alcohol was far more hazardous to those people AND the people they were around.


I found MJ smokers mellow out, might lose some motivation and will eat up all the snacks, but are harmless. The alcohol usually led people to change, in various ways, many of them negative; fussing, fighting, being promiscuous, driving, etc.


Obviously, people can drink and be just fine. Just from observation, in comparing users of the two, I have seen alcohol be infinitely more troublesome.

Me too


Nearly killed me several times. I rarely get drunk anymore and stopped drinking completely for 6 months at one point. Alcohol is terrifying

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Planning to check into rehab for depression issues; missed multiple drug tests (I think he went last time he got suspended too)




Martavis Bryant's agent: "we're all stunned. We miscalculated the issue. It's not a partying issue, it's a coping issue"



They are stunned this kid can't cope with not being stoned 7 days a week.

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Holy cow...


Dam right. It's a tough world out there and if they can't get their sht together, then tough luck. No sympathy for celebrities/athletes who get free passes at life while normal/average joes like u and me slave away making a fraction of what they make. No sympathy.

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He's a waste of life. All that god given talent/ability and throwing it away. I hope he goes broke and becomes homeless in a couple years. Same goes for Josh Gordon and Manziel


This sounds personal to you. I don't wish that kind of vitriol on anyone, but i haven't had my family destroyed by it either. I'm not saying you are, but the response begs of someone who had their life really damaged by addiction. If true, I'm sorry bud as that would be awful. That is sincere, not sarcasm.


As far these guys, yes they are throwing it away, but it is their life to throw away until they realize they are screwing themselves and their loved ones up for life.

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Dam right. It's a tough world out there and if they can't get their sht together, then tough luck. No sympathy for celebrities/athletes who get free passes at life while normal/average joes like u and me slave away making a fraction of what they make. No sympathy.



You wished him to be broke and homeless. What does that wish satisfy in your world, personally?

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You wished him to be broke and homeless. What does that wish satisfy in your world, personally?


That all would be right in this world. Do you think you'd be able to get away with that at YOUR job and still keep your job? No way. You wouldn't be able to get a job anywhere. These guys have been getting a free pass since college. Like they're invincible. Kick them to the curb and show em what it's like to be a normal person. They wouldn't last a day.

someone's mad. Maybe Bryant can loan you some money ?


Yea i would love that. Wipe my a** with it.

Edited by QuoteTheRaven83
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