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Nigel Bradham's comments about Rex Ryan's defense

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So a player....who did not play well in the scheme his HC employed....left and talked doo doo about it


and you....who already had a pre conceived opinion about said HC now says that you had worst fears and this confirmed it.....because of course said player who was not resigned by the bills said so



John John John

What did you watch this year on the field. We didn't need a player to tell us what happened, this is just confirmation.

What did show is this " great players coach" is what we thought he was...a fraud.

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John John John

What did you watch this year on the field. We didn't need a player to tell us what happened, this is just confirmation.

What did show is this " great players coach" is what we thought he was...a fraud.

Again, confirmation from a guy who was not re-signed, likely because he doesn't fit the system. I don't give much credit to it. It's sad that there are others out there that want another regime change so quickly. I bet these type of people have a problem with conviction and seeing things through and thus have issues accomplishing things.

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Again, confirmation from a guy who was not re-signed, likely because he doesn't fit the system. I don't give much credit to it. It's sad that there are others out there that want another regime change so quickly. I bet these type of people have a problem with conviction and seeing things through and thus have issues accomplishing things.

That's a bit deep for football....people are just pissed because we had high expectations this year and grossly under performed

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At this point, the only issue that matters is whether Whaley and the Pegulas were promised by Rex that he could run his defense with the existing personnel, nor not. If Rex (or Whaley) lied to Terry and Kim (or simply got it wrong), they're in serious trouble. Alternatively, it's possible that Rex explained that there would need to be a year or two of transition and that new defensive personnel would be needed. Somehow I doubt that, but it's a possibility.


My speculation is that Rex believed he could run his defense with the existing personnel and specifically promised as much during the interview process. I highly doubt the Pegulas would've signed up for a 2-3 year rebuild of a unit that was already a strength.


And if I'm right, Rex is on a VERY short leash, although Whaley's may be shorter.

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John John John

What did you watch this year on the field. We didn't need a player to tell us what happened, this is just confirmation.

What did show is this " great players coach" is what we thought he was...a fraud.

Related story:


New England has replaced the slogan "DO YOUR JOB" with pastel colored signs reading "If you're uncomfortable, tell a personal development coordinator!" And "There is a U in Individualism!".


They like to keep it fresh over there.



Best of luck to NB, seems like a good guy.

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Again, confirmation from a guy who was not re-signed, likely because he doesn't fit the system. I don't give much credit to it. It's sad that there are others out there that want another regime change so quickly. I bet these type of people have a problem with conviction and seeing things through and thus have issues accomplishing things.


You're kidding right... How many regime changes before this one where we saw the same reality, new coach new scheme new personnel to run new scheme.. Its happening again


The fact is Rex is supposed to be a great defensive mind. IMO that means he is capable of adjusting his scheme to the talent at hand. He did the exact opposite and tried to shoe horn his scheme in and we regressed massively because of it.


I don't know about you but I do not find that type of regression of defense palatable, all that does for me is prove without a doubt that Rex can not adapt, and in the modern NFL you either adapt or you are fodder.


I'll watch and I'll root for the Bills like always, but I saw enough last year to lose all faith in Rex and I fully expect continued heart ache and playoff droughts for years to come. Hope I'm wrong but I saw little last year that makes me confident in Rex.

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As good as our defense was under Schwartz, I would hardly classify it as "dominant." We haven't had a dominant defense in years. Not since the days of Phat Pat.


We were good in a couple nice statistical areas, but let's reserve the term "dominant" for defenses that really merit the title.



3 of front 4 in pro bowl. 4th overall defense in the NFL pts yards etc... Forced career worst performance from Rodgers. Led NFL in sacks. Unquestioned strength of a 9-7 team with a poor offense.


Dominant may be a stretch, but it's not completely unfounded.

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Like it or not the Bills are locked into a Rex 3-4 complex D.


Now they need a NT , LBs and S


Most of all they need the D players to buy in and study


This could take at least 2 good drafts to pull off

Or just one great one. Hey, hope springs eternal.

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No surprise. It takes a year or two to match personnel with scheme. I still think we bring in a few depth players and draft 1-2 guys that will step in as better scheme fits. Nothing here says Rex can't coach d.

Quality coaches match their scheme to the talent they have. Remember, a coach's main job is to get the most out of their players individually and collectively. I despise the strategy of retooling an offense or defense to fit scheme - and Rex and the Bills defense is a pretty extreme case. It would be one thing to see Rex retool a poor defensive unit, but that isn't the case here at all. The Bills had a defense that was truly excelling until he forced his scheme on them last season. It was a poor fit to personnel, but instead of changing the scheme he has decided to change personnel. Watching that defense get dismantled is a travesty and it wouldn't be necessary if Rex was a better coach.

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You're kidding right... How many regime changes before this one where we saw the same reality, new coach new scheme new personnel to run new scheme.. Its happening again


The fact is Rex is supposed to be a great defensive mind. IMO that means he is capable of adjusting his scheme to the talent at hand. He did the exact opposite and tried to shoe horn his scheme in and we regressed massively because of it.


I don't know about you but I do not find that type of regression of defense palatable, all that does for me is prove without a doubt that Rex can not adapt, and in the modern NFL you either adapt or you are fodder.


I'll watch and I'll root for the Bills like always, but I saw enough last year to lose all faith in Rex and I fully expect continued heart ache and playoff droughts for years to come. Hope I'm wrong but I saw little last year that makes me confident in Rex.

No I'm not kidding, I think that we changed coaches too quickly in the past, 3 or less years are just not enough. This need for immediate gratification is the issue. We keep doing the same thing, changing regimes over and over again. How about we stick with one plan and see it through.


Didn't Rex say that he tried to taylor his scheme to his players but that didnt work? Maybe he tried to do what you wanted him to do but it doesn't work. Lets see what happens when he gets more players that fit in his scheme and has players that are 1 year in his system.


Dont get me wrong, I am not happy about the regression last year, but I understand that a regime change can take time. Another regime change sets the clock back again.


Take a chill pill people.

That's a bit deep for football....people are just pissed because we had high expectations this year and grossly under performed

Sorry, I'll dumb it down a bit from here on out :thumbsup:

Edited by HamSandwhich
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A very good read.




This shows what i was afraid of. That the ultimate Jim Schwartz defensive scheme that made the Bills defense so dominant in 2014 was extinct in 2015 under Rex Ryan.


I always believe that Rex was a clown, along with his brother, and that he isn't head coach material.


I'm afraid to say this, but I feel like the defense will regress this year under Rex too until Rex is fired.


Why didn't we give J. Schwartz a head coaching offer he couldn't refuse? The defense was stellar. The offense was getting its feet wet.

I don't come away with your read but that Nigel didn't want to resign here and no money would have made him stay. Bubbye.

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I think Nigel also said he can't wait to play the Bills.


They don't play them for 4 years and he signed a 2-yr contract. I think I will take his words of wisdom with a grain of salt.


He did want to re-sign here, per Nigel at the end of last season. The Bills did not want to re-sign him. They backed out of contract talks. So his tune changed just a tad.

Edited by YoloinOhio
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A very good read.




This shows what i was afraid of. That the ultimate Jim Schwartz defensive scheme that made the Bills defense so dominant in 2014 was extinct in 2015 under Rex Ryan.


I always believe that Rex was a clown, along with his brother, and that he isn't head coach material.


I'm afraid to say this, but I feel like the defense will regress this year under Rex too until Rex is fired.


Why didn't we give J. Schwartz a head coaching offer he couldn't refuse? The defense was stellar. The offense was getting its feet wet.

Fully pregnant my Bills brother or sister.

Haven't we all agreed the personnel and scheme didn't match? I don't understand what you're fighting here.

The koolaid is strong in this one master.
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Here is the thing, Schwartzs D was good for the Bills personnel 2 yeas ago. That D needs a dominant front 4. It relies more on talent and less on scheme. This is good. The front 4 have the autonomy to usually just control their had with either a rush of clog for the run. Problem with this is cost. In Scwartzs D you have to pay 4 maybe 4 guys premium dollars. Of course you still have to have good corner play, which will come at a price as well.

Now Rex's D is more scheme based less individual talent based. Rex's D is based off the unit working together as 1. Rex's D relies on outstanding corner play, leaving them on an island so the other 9 guys can attack.

2 vs 4 premium paid .


My thought at least.

I voiced that concern when we hired Schwartz and in the discussions comparing Rex, Schwartz, pettine... Here's the problem though: we had that extra talent and locked them up for a multi-year window


Schematically we could've ride what was on the roster while transitioning towards a system less reliant on 4 rushers


And that said, Rex had had plenty of premium star players when his defense has succeeded. It's not just a couple of star corners and 9 guys

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1. Pettine's defense was historically bad against the run.

2. Schwartz was an awful HC in Detroit.

3. Bradham was good and never great in one of four years


How many other things are wrong in this thread?

It is JART (Just Another Rex Thread)


Nigel didn't say anything new. He, himself, did not fit the scheme because he is better off in a 4-3. He also missed some fairly important tackles.

Edited by YoloinOhio
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No surprise. It takes a year or two to match personnel with scheme. I still think we bring in a few depth players and draft 1-2 guys that will step in as better scheme fits. Nothing here says Rex can't coach d.

When you already have a top rated defense, you don't change the scheme. That is the mark of a bad coach. Good coaches adapt the scheme to the personnel that they have. There was no need to tinker with the defense. They were already solid and Rex ruined them. I don't expect them to improve this year, but maybe if the offense improves enough they can make up for Rex's laughingstock of a defense.

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A very good read.




This shows what i was afraid of. That the ultimate Jim Schwartz defensive scheme that made the Bills defense so dominant in 2014 was extinct in 2015 under Rex Ryan.


I always believe that Rex was a clown, along with his brother, and that he isn't head coach material.


I'm afraid to say this, but I feel like the defense will regress this year under Rex too until Rex is fired.


Why didn't we give J. Schwartz a head coaching offer he couldn't refuse? The defense was stellar. The offense was getting its feet wet.

This is not earth shattering, new news or even a good read. It's been common knowledge for anyone that's been following the team.


I wish Bradham the best of the luck in Philly.

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