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Chaos In Chicago!

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Why don't you guys just drop the facade and come out and say it....you think BO is just a niqqer and wasn't your President....feel the hate...feels good doesn't it

How do you even know the race of everyone on this board?

Oh goodie, the lazy Hitler comeback.


All I said was Hitler was one hell of a leader.


Call it lazy, but it is even lazier to hide your head in the sand and declare any reference to him off limits.


If the shoe fits, why not reference him. He is thee strongest demagogue to ever walk this earth... Why not compare a contemporary demagogue like Trump w/thee best.


Anything but lazy... Lazy is hiding one's head in the sand or shaming people into not recognizing when another demagogue may be on the rise.


You must like demagogues? Should I have referenced him to Joe McCarthy?

Head in the sand? Trump has shown no evidence of being a genocidal maniac. The comparison is weak and lazy.


When there are 100 reasons they are not alike, and one reason they are, it's a ****ty comparison. Compare him to Dalai Lama, they are both human!

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You can read

I have no idea what you are trying to imply other than you are assuming everto be is a bunch of racist asshats.


Instead of just assuming that's what you were ignorantly trying to imply, I thought I would ask you to clarify. My mistake


Glad we had the first post racial president in history, that really worked out so well for race relations that 7 years into a failed presidency if you criticize the president it's good to know the racist level is sure to be thrown around.

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OK, I'll dole out some rare love for the Swift reference.

was that a taylor swift?

Part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long [to kick them out] is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore,




Sure could of fooled me!

Barry is not exactly a nice guy either "To forgive the terrorists is up to God but to send them to him is up to me."

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The organized group of people, many of them thugs, who shut down our First Amendment rights in Chicago, have totally energized America!


The more they kick, scream, and cause issues for rallies, the more the people who support Trump feel their views are correct. Damned if you do and damned if you don't for those who are against Trump.

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How do you even know the race of everyone on this board?


Head in the sand? Trump has shown no evidence of being a genocidal maniac. The comparison is weak and lazy.


When there are 100 reasons they are not alike, and one reason they are, it's a ****ty comparison. Compare him to Dalai Lama, they are both human!

I think he's appealing to racism and anger. The Muslim ban, the disrespect for women, calling Latinos rapists. He encourages his supporters to be violent toward protestors. He did not immediately condemn the KKK.


Hitler rose largely because Germans felt like the country had fallen down a peg after WW1. Then he blamed certain minority groups for Germany's problems. To me a candidate saying make America great again and insulting certain groups is alarming. I don't think it's an accident it's his event where this happened and his events where blacks are being punched and handcuffed for no reason, or that it was his campaign manager that roughed up a reporter. He creates a culture of violence.

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Why don't you guys just drop the facade and come out and say it....you think BO is just a niqqer and wasn't your President....feel the hate...feels good doesn't it

when the liberal argument starts to become exposed as flawed, weak, or loses steam inject racism and accuse the other of hatin'.


it's so effective. everyone stops on a dime to defend themselves because no one wants to be accused of being a racist, sexist, etc. so everyone than focuses on that argument and forgets the actual argument.


shift those goal posts liberal sheep, shift them!


great job, sweetheart. you're a moron.

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I think he's appealing to racism and anger. The Muslim ban, the disrespect for women, calling Latinos rapists. He encourages his supporters to be violent toward protestors. He did not immediately condemn the KKK.


Hitler rose largely because Germans felt like the country had fallen down a peg after WW1. Then he blamed certain minority groups for Germany's problems. To me a candidate saying make America great again and insulting certain groups is alarming. I don't think it's an accident it's his event where this happened and his events where blacks are being punched and handcuffed for no reason, or that it was his campaign manager that roughed up a reporter. He creates a culture of violence.

Two of these things are mischaracterized, and you can't be racist against women.


When Trump says, "beat him up, I'll pay your legal fees," I think it's pretty clear he's joking. I don't think that's a stretch.


My overarching point is that Trump is one of a long line of nationalistic and populist politicians. A handful of them ended up being genocidal maniacs. But the comparison you always see is Hitler. It's lazy.

Edited by FireChan
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The more they kick, scream, and cause issues for rallies, the more the people who support Trump feel their views are correct. Damned if you do and damned if you don't for those who are against Trump.

its the same for bernie and hillary.



The organized group of people, many of them thugs, who shut down our First Amendment rights in Chicago, have totally energized America!

God Emperor Trump will not forget last night, Chicago.


The Wall just got ten feet higher! And he may put another one around Chicago.


why should he let anyone forget last night. your freedom of speech is only valuable when someone tries to take it.

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Two of these things are mischaracterized, and you can't be racist against women.


When Trump says, "beat him up, I'll pay your legal fees," I think it's pretty clear he's joking. I don't think that's a stretch.


My overarching point is that Trump is one of a long line of nationalistic and populist politicians. A handful of them ended up being genocidal maniacs. But the comparison you always see is Hitler. It's lazy.

I agree it is usually nonsensical, in this case I don't for the reasons stated. Edited by Aaron
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I agree it is usually nonsensical, in this case I don't for the reasons stated.

If you didn't mischaracterize Trump's comments, and knew specifically what Hitler said about the Jews, you wouldn't make the comparison either. I'd hope.

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What happens if trump gets assassinated? Seriously if I was him I would be worried.


It's another example of progressives using any means trying to stop a message they don't agree with. You don't have to agree with the guy but there is no reason to use violence to stop him. This is borderline communist to shut down your opponents rally with violence. Seriously whether you like trump or not it should bother you if you care about the first ammendment.


Did you guys catch that some guy in the neighborhood bill Ayers was one of the organizing figures? And the moveon fascists.

For all the talk of Trump being Hitler it really is funny what side is prone to violence and abusing rights ? It's always the left. The right just wants to be left alone and if we don't give over half of what we earn we are racists.

The dude is this video sooooo wanted to be Eric Garner




"I can't breathe"

Fashion faux pas . If your going to go out and instigate violence never wear white.

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Why don't you guys just drop the facade and come out and say it....you think BO is just a niqqer and wasn't your President....feel the hate...feels good doesn't it


lol, you are such a parody of a shitlib. trust me, none of these "conservatives" are racists. all of them would be horrified by true racists. "conservatives" are just leftists that like low taxes and want to protect Israel (while not understanding why their movement cares so much about Israel)


it's very, very dangerous for shitlibs like you to call everyone racist even when they're not. the term "racist" loses all meaning and when true racists come around, you can't stop them because no one takes you or the term seriously.


actually, keep it up! you're helping my cause!

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