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Has free agency made the NFL more competitive?

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I'm probably the lone dissenter but I think free agency was the worst idea the NFL ever had. It has created a league of the "ok" teams.


The NFL was better when teams could build greatness - keep players and build for the long term.


Only the Patriots have been great for years on end. Every other team we think is "great" shows up in the Super Bowl every now and again or in a flash and then heads back to the rest of the ok franchises.

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While I agree that the NFL minimum salary should be raised, it would have to be phased in over time. Those huge deals that assume current minimum salaries can't be redone. If league minimum became $1M overnight a slew of teams would move over the cap and into cap hell immediately. It would have to be raised a little bit each year until it got to where they wanted it.

If they changed the min, I am sure they would change the cap to accommodate it.

In general the Salary cap has made the league more competitive. The big gap in the cap, is when a QB performs way over their cap hit.


Tom Brady is in a personal position to be paid below market value. This is a huge advantage for the Patriots.


Seahawks, Ravens, Niners all made the Super Bowl with QBs having great seasons on their rookie contracts.


The big money for Aaron Rodgers, Matt Ryan, Matt Stafford, Philip Rivers, and Drew Brees and Joe Flacco has hurt their teams quite a bit. Heading into 2016, the Seahawks have hard decisions to make (losing Bruce Irvin, no similar cost replacement for Lynch), and may join the teams that labor under the burden of a high cost QB.

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If they changed the min, I am sure they would change the cap to accommodate it.


Then it'll have to wait for a new CBA. The expected yearly increase in the cap is already factored into deals so that can't be used toward a minimum salary increase. No way does the league raise the percentage of revenue that the players get without a fight and/or concessions.

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If they changed the min, I am sure they would change the cap to accommodate it. In general the Salary cap has made the league more competitive. The big gap in the cap, is when a QB performs way over their cap hit.



The big money for Aaron Rodgers, Matt Ryan, Matt Stafford, Philip Rivers, and Drew Brees and Joe Flacco has hurt their teams quite a bit. Heading into 2016, the Seahawks have hard decisions to make (losing Bruce Irvin, no similar cost replacement for Lynch), and may join the teams that labor under the burden of a high cost QB.


The problem is that elite QB's are very rare... If you have one, he gets paid

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