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But then, a sudden slap across Gatorman's face came from

Reality - Gatorman's long time nemesis..The two had not been on good terms since, well ever. Gatorman had long been perturbed by Reality's annoying habit of contradicting him. So much so that Gatorman just stopped paying any attention at all to Reality

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For BringBackFergy.


Speaking of BBF he thought Rex has his thing for feet and I've got mine for two stroke engines. Just then, his neighbor started up a weed whacker throwing BBF into a high state of arousal. He yelled down to his wife " baby it's time for you to get your cross dressing lesbian dyke whore. I'm ready."


Suddenly, his other neighbor fired up a chain saw. The sounds mixing in BBF's ears threw him into a spastic fit of sexual ecstasy. His wife found him flopping on the floor like a fish out of water. She madly said to him " well once again you last about as long as Marquise Goodman's 40 time." She left in disgust and...

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... But just then, faster than CJ Spiller hitting a wall, mrags appeared out of nowhere...he had the glow of a new infant, radiating warmth and energy one might only experience at a Bernie Sanders rally in Burlington, VT....he rode in on a baby alpaca with leather saddle and threw dandelion tops to the kids as the great crowd parted....he began singing an original song entitled

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Which did not grow well.


As a result of this Nucci attempted to earn favor with the crudite powers by applying leeches all over his body. At first he was comfortable with this but soon became grossed out and scared. He began shrieking like a little girl and ran out his front door. His neighbors spotted him and called 911 only to be told...

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