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Back in like 1990, I went to use the Marine Midland ATM machine on the corner of Hertel and Sterling, and this lady had left her card in the machine, ready to use, all logged in and everything. So I ejected it and ran after her and ran up to her car while she was looking at me like I was going to rob her or something and showed her the card. She didn't even say thank you. So obviously I did not take down building 7

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Back in like 1990, I went to use the Marine Midland ATM machine on the corner of Hertel and Sterling, and this lady had left her card in the machine, ready to use, all logged in and everything. So I ejected it and ran after her and ran up to her car while she was looking at me like I was going to rob her or something and showed her the card. She didn't even say thank you. So obviously I did not take down building 7



But maybe that broad did and she financed it with money from her Marine Midland ATM card. Did you ever think of that?


Thanks Gatorman.


Why of course he's not to blame; he isn't to blame for anything: ACA, Benghazi, Border porosity, [fill in the blank]. POTUS is only responsible for things that worked well over the last seven years

  1. . We can only hope that he doesn't muck up anything else of note before 1/20/17.




Just ask Jimmy Fallon, POTUS is infallible. Qh wait, that's the guy in the Vatican, eh?


The Democratic president of the United States is getting blamed for GOP voters pushing forward an insane candidate?


Wasn't it just 8 years ago when the right was blaming Clinton for the 2008 economic meltdown (to be fair I don't blame that on Bush or Clinton)?


When will someone take responsibility for their own problems?


I love my ability to destroy a threads validity with such a mundane line.


Building 7 got hit by build 1 and 2. The reason it came down was because there was already a building nine. And six is afraid of 7. So if became a 9 because the two added to it... well everyone knows what 7 did to 9.


I love my ability to destroy a threads validity with such a mundane line.


Building 7 got hit by build 1 and 2. The reason it came down was because there was already a building nine. And six is afraid of 7. So if became a 9 because the two added to it... well everyone knows what 7 did to 9.

That's awesome!!!! :thumbsup:

Posted (edited)

Do you blame Obama? Do you blame the GOP?


Relax, you two. Shimmer is a floor wax AND a dessert topping.


Obama did a masterful job of poisoning the well of GOP opposition by immediately making everything about race. It started in the primary against Clinton, but got full support once he was elected.


Think of how Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et. al dragged race into everything. Think about Pelosi lying about a black congressman getting spit on while she walked through the Obamacare protesters. Remember how if he had a son, he'd be Trayvon, and how he sent all his people to the funeral of a black guy who got killed by a cop for trying to take the cop's gun.


Think about how the cops "acted stupidly" or how every single thing the GOP did in opposition to Obama was overwhelmingly tied to racism. You still have nutbags who insist the GOP won't vote on a SCOTUS nominee because Barry is black.


The GOP turned pussified against these claims, afraid to take them head on, and when the GOP voters handed them back the House and the Senate and countless state and local governments, STILL did nothing to oppose Barry's executive orders for amnesty, or his leaving people to die in Benghazi, or any of the other moronic things he's done.


Because they didn't want to be called a racist. Again. And again. And again.


Unfortunately, this has led us to this moment, where the ONLY thing people can do is discuss who is to blame for what is going on.

Edited by LABillzFan
Posted (edited)

Do you blame Obama? Do you blame the GOP?


Relax, you two. Shimmer is a floor wax AND a dessert topping.


Obama did a masterful job of poisoning the well of GOP opposition by immediately making everything about race. It started in the primary against Clinton, but got full support once he was elected.


Think of how Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et. al dragged race into everything. Think about Pelosi lying about a black congressman getting spit on while she walked through the Obamacare protesters. Remember how if he had a son, he'd be Trayvon, and how he sent all his people to the funeral of a black guy who got killed by a cop for trying to take the cop's gun.


Think about how the cops "acted stupidly" or how every single thing the GOP did in opposition to Obama was overwhelmingly tied to racism. You still have nutbags who insist the GOP won't vote on a SCOTUS nominee because Barry is black.


The GOP turned pussified against these claims, afraid to take them head on, and when the GOP voters handed them back the House and the Senate and countless state and local governments, STILL did nothing to oppose Barry's executive orders for amnesty, or his leaving people to die in Benghazi, or any of the other moronic things he's done.


Because they didn't want to be called a racist. Again. And again. And again.


Unfortunately, this has led us to this moment, where the ONLY thing people can do is discuss who is to blame for what is going on.


WTF? Race discussion made Trump?


The GOP made Trump. Catering to its "stupid lives matter" demographic for all these years sowed the seeds of a demon come to life in Donald Trump.


The Dems will pay that price someday too. Their own "stupid lives matter" contingent is a block of handout-seekers. The Dems will get a "rent is too damn high" style candidate before long.

Edited by Observer


WTF? Race discussion made Trump?


The GOP made Trump. Catering to its "stupid lives matter" demographic for all these years sowed the seeds of a demon come to life in Donald Trump.


The Dems will pay that price someday too. Their own "stupid lives matter" contingent is a block of handout-seekers. The Dems will get a "rent is too damn high" style candidate before long.




Is this a post from 50 years ago?




Is this a post from 50 years ago?

Ya, Dems are not proposing anything so stupid as building a wall or eliminating IRS. And the Dem base isn't so stupid as to believe those things can happen


Hillary and Obama are not that much different domestically from Kennedy and FDR





Is this a post from 50 years ago?


Don't kid yourself. The Dems haven't put up someone like Trump yet. Note the "yet." When Sharpton or someone like him is the candidate, you'll know they've reaped what they are sowing.



Don't kid yourself. The Dems haven't put up someone like Trump yet. Note the "yet." When Sharpton or someone like him is the candidate, you'll know they've reaped what they are sowing.


Sorry, but Bernie is Trump without the vulgarity.



Sorry, but Bernie is Trump without the vulgarity.


You really think so? Bernie at least has a long record of public service throughout state and federal government. He may be dreaming with some of his ideas and plans but he's got far more substance than Trump.



You really think so? Bernie at least has a long record of public service throughout state and federal government. He may be dreaming with some of his ideas and plans but he's got far more substance than Trump.


I would agree with this. Last night's debate proved once again how little substance there is to anything Trump. His only answer to anything is "I'm gonna make a deal, and it's gonna be GREAT!"


Bernie is longer on substance, even though his ideas are an absolute pipe dream.



I would agree with this. Last night's debate proved once again how little substance there is to anything Trump. His only answer to anything is "I'm gonna make a deal, and it's gonna be GREAT!"


Bernie is longer on substance, even though his ideas are an absolute pipe dream.


And that's the point. His substance is that he sells the pipe dream to the gullible. That's why I find a lot of commonality between the two candidates and their supporters, even though they're supposed to be on the opposite poles.

Posted (edited)


You really think so? Bernie at least has a long record of public service throughout state and federal government. He may be dreaming with some of his ideas and plans but he's got far more substance than Trump.

If your ideas and plans are based on things outside of reality, what is the difference between that and magic deals?


It's just longer noise.

Edited by FireChan
Posted (edited)


Sorry, but Bernie is Trump without the vulgarity.


Bernie has a brain and though his message resonates with the masses, Bernie's beliefs are sincere. Trump is a braindead charlatan with no soul. The left will have its Trump moment someday, just not this year.

Edited by Observer
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