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Erin Andrews gets $55 mill in case vs Nashville Marriott


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This finally went to trial over last couple weeks... She sued for 75 mill and got 55. For nude videos taken of her by a stalker through a peephole. Marriott let the guy book the room next to her even after he asked where she was staying and they told him.



Edited by YoloinOhio
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This finally went to trial over last couple weeks... She sued for 75 mill and got 55. For nude videos taken of her by a stalker through a peephole. Marriott let the guy book the room next to her even after he asked where she was staying and they told him.



$55M with 51% being paid by the stalker. Good luck seeing that cash.

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What's the stalker do ? He have a 260.00 savings balance ?


It just becomes an uncollectable judgment. If she files the paperwork it prevents him from buying a house, getting a loan, etc. I'm guessing she'll probably let it go and not ruin the guy financially -- he's already serving time. She'll collect a tidy sum from the deep pocket defendant.

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It just becomes an uncollectable judgment. If she files the paperwork it prevents him from buying a house, getting a loan, etc. I'm guessing she'll probably let it go and not ruin the guy financially -- he's already serving time. She'll collect a tidy sum from the deep pocket defendant.

Why would she let him off? After what he did, I think she makes his life as miserable as possible, and he deserves it.

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Good for Erin. Half the settlement coming from the corporate defendant so she'll see a good chunk of it.

Not according to some TMZ says it best.


The douchebag will never pay a penny

The hotel will appeal putting her at risk if and they can prove the settlement is exssesive. There was zero physical

Pain just emotional.

. Which her lawyers will want arbitration. at the risk of losing it all. They would except. 20 million. Of which after legal fees leaves her with 11 M.

This is a taxable award.


Net? 6 Million.

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Not according to some TMZ says it best.


The douchebag will never pay a penny

The hotel will appeal putting her at risk if and they can prove the settlement is exssesive. There was zero physical

Pain just emotional.

. Which her lawyers will want arbitration. at the risk of losing it all. They would except. 20 million. Of which after legal fees leaves her with 11 M.

This is a taxable award.


Net? 6 Million.


Wow, let me mop up the tears at her receiving "only" 6 million.

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whether she did or didn't she was wronged. Marriott told the guy her room #, big no-no.

I know that it's probably not THAT big of an issue to a company like Marriott, but while I agree it was a really stupid move by the employee, I have a hard time believing it was a $25M+ stupid move. It's not like the guy helped set up the camera.

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Why would she let him off? After what he did, I think she makes his life as miserable as possible, and he deserves it.


Not everyone feels this way.


Edit: and by "this way" I mean a desire to completely ruin someone's life after they have already faced criminal penalties.

Edited by eball
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Not everyone feels this way.


Edit: and by "this way" I mean a desire to completely ruin someone's life after they have already faced criminal penalties.

I don't think this would completely ruin his life. Just make it harder. Sorry, can't feel sorry for him. It's not like he accidentally did something wrong. He planned to invade her privacy and release it to the world. F him.

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I know I'm going to burn for this but I think she played the jury like a violin.


So do I, but that doesn't mean she didn't deserve the award and that Marriott didn't deserve a major slap. How the !@#$ does a hotel allow you ask if a specific person (and a celeb to boot) is staying at the hotel and then accommodate a request to have the room next door? That was indefensible.

Why would she let him off? After what he did, I think she makes his life as miserable as possible, and he deserves it.


Agreed. She can have his wages garnished forever. I hope she does.

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Could she sue ESPN for this:


"Because there wasn't an arrest, because we didn't know where this happened, my bosses at ESPN told me, 'Before you go back on-air for college football, we need you to give us a sit-down interview,'" she said. "That was the only way I was going to be allowed back."

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How does she deserve $55M for this? I'd say even $5M would be a stretch.


She's young. She has her whole life/career ahead of her. It was a sickeningly popular opinion that she was behind this - as in - she helped to coordinate it as her contract with ESPN was coming to an end.


In addition to the mental, emotional affects from the invasion of privacy this has likely had on her, her career was (still could be) jeopardized.

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I know I'm going to burn for this but I think she played the jury like a violin.


Of course she did. But did you read about what she does now when she stays at a hotel (which is all the time)? It's absurd, and all because of this unbelievable breach of privacy.


Cases like this are always interesting to me because you'll have your "she got HOW much for that?" crowd and your "the guy should burn in hell" crowd.


Bottom line -- it is very difficult to place a dollar value on something like this, but it has to be significant enough that (particularly for the corporate defendant) it is a strong deterrent and motivator to change policy. Is it ridiculous that the dude has a 28M judgment against him? Yes. But he is serving jail time. I don't think Erin wants money out of that guy -- he got what he deserved. She wants money from the corporation that should have known better.

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She's young. She has her whole life/career ahead of her. It was a sickeningly popular opinion that she was behind this - as in - she helped to coordinate it as her contract with ESPN was coming to an end.


In addition to the mental, emotional affects from the invasion of privacy this has likely had on her, her career was (still could be) jeopardized.

How was it jeopardized? She arguably became more famous after the incident. How many other sideline reporters were on Dancing with the Stars?

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