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Rex Ryan at the 2016 NFL Scouting Combine


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I see someone blaming everybody but himself for the defensive problems. The only time he takes responsibility is when he's joking.


But the questions will go away if he gets them to play well and makes the playoffs. Until then he will have to deal with them.


To be clear I'm not the biggest Rex supporter but I personally don't mind him believing he's not the problem. He has been an excellent defensive coach with a long resume. He seems like a guy torn because he wants to be brash about his defensive abilities but he knows he can't now. To me that's what's making these press conferences uncomfortable to watch - and has very little to do with him being unwilling to take responsibility.

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The questions I have for Rex and Rob complex D


Sending in complicated plays at the last second and substitutions . Other teams can counter with hurry up offense.


Crowd noise at the Ralph when Bill's D is trying to call complex plays



"It was pointed out to Ryan that one of the things that made Denver’s defense so outstanding was that defensive coordinator Wade Phillips kept things simple and let his athletes play to their strengths. Ryan nodded, then defended his own scheme.
“It’s simple once you dial it in and figure out the communication part of it,” he said. “It may appear to be complicated at first, but once you get it dialed in it’s simple. The ability to play fast (like Denver) is a major part of success when you play defense and I expect to play extremely fast next season.”
Edited by ALF
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Speaking for myself, I don't certainly hate Rex. I loved his hiring and losing Marrone. But when you constantly run your mouth and one of the best defenses in the NFL looks like crap, people are going to be unhappy.

Again, I like the guy and he seems like a fun dude to hang out with. But I have friends who are Jets fans and I saw first hand the concerns they used to express about Rex. Last year was about as disappointing of a year as we have had since we last made the playoffs.

This is pretty much where I stand. I can put up with the goofiness and showboating and he seemed very good natured. He screwed up our defense last year. Anyone with eyes can see it. It happens.


The troublsome part is the lying. I didn't expect that. We were told upon his hiring that he'd try to keep Schwartz or at least his system. Lie. Trying to make a hybrid seems to be something he's telling the truth about. "Can't coach defense anymore" may sadly be true but he doesn't know it yet. "We ran our defense the last 2 weeks" sure seems like a lie. Any indication that he will seriously consider keeping Mario is a lie.


The nuttiest part of Dunne's article is the pre-emotive scapegoating of Preston Brown. Classy. And if he is replaced in FA or draft, he can just join Mario as a temporary 2015 scapegoat. The sad part is Brown's career prospects took a big hit last year and Rex is bad mouthing him on top of that. In the long run Rex will get the credit or blame......probably blame......but we'll be subjected to another year of watching this crap.


Here's hoping I'm wrong.

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This is what happens when u have hillbillies who eat so much fast food they have to get stomach surgery coaching in the NFL. I would love to see what Ivy League educated coaches could do. Compared to a fatso who is only in the NFL because of his dad.


When a man with average intelligence like BBelichick looks like a genius it says something about the coaches in the NFL.

It typically takes intelligence to recognize intelligence. BB may be average at a MENSA convention, but he's obviously far above average.

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This is another hot take from you. Challenging him to live up to the demands of the Mike in his defense isn't in any way bad mouthing him.



It was yadda yadda yadda about how bad Brown sucked last year. How about Rex saying he should have worked with Brown more given he was a 2nd year player coming off of a good rookie season? How about Rex saying anything that reflects back upon himself? The garbage line about "I guess I can't coach defense anymore" is telling. He didn't coach defense in 2015. At least not well. But that was Mario's fault....and Brown's...and whoever is up next. But not Rex.


He also said something along the lines of Denver running a similar defense to Buffalo and having all the success in the world. The comments from Denver's defensive players and Buffalo's about how the respective defenses were run could not be any different. It must be that all the stupid players just didn't understand what Rex was saying or that Denver has a bunch of geniuses on their D. You know, level headed thinking guys like Aquib Talib and things like that.


If that interview doesn't tell you what you need to know about what will be the sink hole known was the 2016 Buffalo Bills defense, I guess you'll have to wait until the first NE game.


I hope I'm wrong, and I'm not claiming to be some sort of football expert, but I do know a line of crap, subtle insinuations towards other people, and sensitivity when I see them. I like Rex and I reaaaaaalllllllllyyyyy hope he succeeds. But he needs to change to succeed. He has the mental capacity to design a strong defense. He has done it before. That design no longer works. He needs a new design. Some uber genius back in the day designed the first computer. Today that computer is not useful.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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I think when he says "we're fully pregnant now", I think he's referring to the hiring of his brother Rob.

you are making a joke perhaps?


But that is exactly what i thought listening to the interview!

He has a different sense of humor that's for sure.

He cracks me up sometimes, but all I want is for the Bills to win.

Glass half full for me. One season to prove it and he knows it is on him..

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It was yadda yadda yadda about how bad Brown sucked last year. How about Rex saying he should have worked with Brown more given he was a 2nd year player coming off of a good rookie season? How about Rex saying anything that reflects back upon himself? The garbage line about "I guess I can't coach defense anymore" is telling. He didn't coach defense in 2015. At least not well. But that was Mario's fault....and Brown's...and whoever is up next. But not Rex.


He also said something along the lines of Denver running a similar defense to Buffalo and having all the success in the world. The comments from Denver's defensive players and Buffalo's about how the respective defenses were run could not be any different. It must be that all the stupid players just didn't understand what Rex was saying or that Denver has a bunch of geniuses on their D. You know, level headed thinking guys like Aquib Talib and things like that.


If that interview doesn't tell you what you need to know about what will be the sink hole known was the 2016 Buffalo Bills defense, I guess you'll have to wait until the first NE game.


I hope I'm wrong, and I'm not claiming to be some sort of football expert, but I do know a line of crap, subtle insinuations towards other people, and sensitivity when I see them. I like Rex and I reaaaaaalllllllllyyyyy hope he succeeds. But he needs to change to succeed. He has the mental capacity to design a strong defense. He has done it before. That design no longer works. He needs a new design. Some uber genius back in the day designed the first computer. Today that computer is not useful.


Are you saying you are or aren't a football expert? Or is it that you just have the ability to dissect comments to the point you can predict the future?

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So far the chips haven't produce much other than getting Mario jettisoned and bad mouthing Preston Brown in public.


What regular season results since the end of the 2015 season are you referencing?


At least your comedic takes in the Walking Dead thread are entertaining.

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Are you saying you are or aren't a football expert? Or is it that you just have the ability to dissect comments to the point you can predict the future?

Not a football x/o expert.


Can detect comments....blame shifting are among the easiest varieties to detect.


If you want to call it predicting the future but poor prior results combined with blame shifting comments rarely produce success in any walk of life. Never say never though. Maybe this time will be different.


What regular season results since the end of the 2015 season are you referencing?


At least your comedic takes in the Walking Dead thread are entertaining.



I think Morgan and Carol are both going to get whacked, but it could be Glenn, Michonne or Daryl.

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The questions I have for Rex and Rob complex D


Sending in complicated plays at the last second and substitutions . Other teams can counter with hurry up offense.


Crowd noise at the Ralph when Bill's D is trying to call complex plays


Speaking of "Crowd Noise" - how the H#ll can we get them to stop that ridiculous train noise! We do NOT need it - the fans can generate enough noise without that fake crap!

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