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Black Lives Don't Matter?


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I think I know why the Black Lives Matter group was formed. Why was the All Lives Matter group Formed?



Who do they exclude?



How are they racist?



Nice rant, but how do you know all of this?



I think I know why the Black Lives Matter group was formed. Why was the All Lives Matter group Formed?



Who do they exclude?



How are they racist?



Nice rant, but how do you know all of this?

i will do this if you agree.


i will come to meet you at a location between us in which there is a black lives matter event being held. both you and i will stand up and make a speech about black lives matter and include that not only do black lives matter, but asian lives matter. that hispanic lives matter. that inuit lives matter. and that of course, white lives matter. and insist that everyone start cheering "we all matter"


during this speech i will stand behind you in order to not get shot.


honestly, do you think this would fly?

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I think I know why the Black Lives Matter group was formed. Why was the All Lives Matter group Formed?



Who do they exclude?



How are they racist?



Nice rant, but how do you know all of this?

1. ALM is a common response to BLM.

2. They exclude everyone who isn't black

3. See #2.

4. By not living alone on an atoll.

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1. ALM is a common response to BLM.

2. They exclude everyone who isn't black

3. See #2.

4. By not living alone on an atoll.

they actually welcome all protesters. i was watching some cnn **** on it a way back. they did a lot of closed doors **** for only the black members but they'd also come out and embrace everyone there to share and grieve together.

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i will do this if you agree.


i will come to meet you at a location between us in which there is a black lives matter event being held. both you and i will stand up and make a speech about black lives matter and include that not only do black lives matter, but asian lives matter. that hispanic lives matter. that inuit lives matter. and that of course, white lives matter. and insist that everyone start cheering "we all matter"


during this speech i will stand behind you in order to not get shot.


honestly, do you think this would fly?


It's not an answer to the question I asked but I'm game if you are. The key is the tone used in the presentation of the subject matter, the idea that all lives matter equally I doubt that they'd be shooting if I wasn't accusing them of being exactly what they're fighting against, people who only believe that certain lives (manly defined by skin color) matter.


Thanks, but that's not a rant. Its the obvious truth as plain as the sunrise for anyone to see who is willing to logically look at a situation with a brain and not follow idiot group think on Twitter.


So I'll ask again, how do you know all of that? How many of their rallies have you attended? How many of their leaders have you personally interacted with? Or are you judging from afar? Perhaps following the smart group think on twitter?

1. ALM is a common response to BLM.

2. They exclude everyone who isn't black

3. See #2.

4. By not living alone on an atoll.


1. So it's not a group, it's a slogan? How original...

2. How do you know this?

3. See #2

4. So I'll ask you the same questions I asked the Kool-Aid Guy, how do you know all of that? How many of their rallies have you attended? How many of their leaders have you personally interacted with? Or are you judging from afar? Perhaps following the smart group think on twitter?

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It's not an answer to the question I asked but I'm game if you are. The key is the tone used in the presentation of the subject matter, the idea that all lives matter equally I doubt that they'd be shooting if I wasn't accusing them of being exactly what they're fighting against, people who only believe that certain lives (manly defined by skin color) matter.



So I'll ask again, how do you know all of that? How many of their rallies have you attended? How many of their leaders have you personally interacted with? Or are you judging from afar? Perhaps following the smart group think on twitter?



1. So it's not a group, it's a slogan? How original...

2. How do you know this?

3. See #2

4. So I'll ask you the same questions I asked the Kool-Aid Guy, how do you know all of that? How many of their rallies have you attended? How many of their leaders have you personally interacted with? Or are you judging from afar? Perhaps following the smart group think on twitter?

I see what you're doing here. You're trying to play your cute coy nieve games with us. Since you keep asking the same questions, why don't you tell us what you think? We've been clear in our positions

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I think I know why the Black Lives Matter group was formed. Why was the All Lives Matter group Formed?



Who do they exclude?



How are they racist?



Nice rant, but how do you know all of this?

BLM excludes non-blacks until such time that their agenda is fulfilled. See their website.

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I see what you're doing here. You're trying to play your cute coy nieve games with us. Since you keep asking the same questions, why don't you tell us what you think? We've been clear in our positions


What I think is immaterial. I asked a simple question "Why does the Black Lives Matter group cause such a hissy fit on this board?"


I was hoping to get some factual answers. Instead I got unproven and largely unprovable accusations against the group. "They're Racist." "They're Exclusionary!" "I like the All Lives Matter slogan better!" "They have a secret Racist Agenda!" "You'd know this if you weren't following an idiot twitter account in lockstep!"


Those are some very compelling factual arguments. :wallbash:




BLM excludes non-blacks until such time that their agenda is fulfilled. See their website.


So what is their agenda?

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What I think is immaterial. I asked a simple question "Why does the Black Lives Matter group cause such a hissy fit on this board?"


I was hoping to get some factual answers. Instead I got unproven and largely unprovable accusations against the group. "They're Racist." "They're Exclusionary!" "I like the All Lives Matter slogan better!" "They have a secret Racist Agenda!" "You'd know this if you weren't following an idiot twitter account in lockstep!"


Those are some very compelling factual arguments. :wallbash:





So what is their agenda?


They are political opportunists who revel in race baiting and in turn drive the focus away from the real issues and cases where black lives apparently matter a lot less.

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Black Lives Matter co-founder Marissa Jenae Johnson said the phrase “all lives matter” is a “new racial slur,” in a recent interview with Fox News national correspondent John Roberts.


“White Americans have created the conditions that require a phrase like ‘Black Likes Matter,’” said the 24-year-old Seattle-based activist. “Do you know how horrific it is to grow up as a child in a world that so hates you? While you’re literally being gunned down in the street, while you’re being rounded up and mass incarcerated and forced into prison slavery.”


“Black Lives Matter is not a strong enough statement for me,” Johnson added.


What it’s gonna take to dismantle white supremacy is white folks actually gotta give up something,” she said. “You have to actually sacrifice yourself. You have to be willing to give up the things that you currently benefit from.”







Since you continue to do your "I don't understand schtick" here is some info from their site.......................



11 Major Misconceptions About the Black Lives Matter Movement: http://blacklivesmatter.com/11-major-misconceptions-about-the-black-lives-matter-movement/




3. The movement has no agenda. Many believe the Black Lives Matter movement has no agenda — other than yelling and protesting and disrupting the lives of white people. This is also false. Since the earliest days of the movement in Ferguson, groups like the Organization for Black Struggle, the Black Lives Matter network, and others have made both clear and public a list of demands. Those demands include swift and transparent legal investigation of all police shootings of black people; official governmental tracking of the number of citizens killed by police, disaggregated by race; the demilitarization of local police forces; and community accountability mechanisms for rogue police officers. Some proposals like the recently launched Campaign Zero by a group of Ferguson activists call for body cameras on every police officer. But other groups are more reticent about this solution, since it would lead to increased surveillance and possible invasions of privacy, not to mention a massive governmental database of information about communities of color that are already heavily under surveillance by government forces.

4. It’s a one-issue movement. Although it is true that much of the protesting to date has been centered on the issue of police brutality, there is a range of issues that movement work will likely push in years to come. One is the issue of our failing system of public education, which is a virtual school-to-prison pipeline for many black youth. Another is the complete dismantling of the prison industrial complex.

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It's not an answer to the question I asked but I'm game if you are. The key is the tone used in the presentation of the subject matter, the idea that all lives matter equally I doubt that they'd be shooting if I wasn't accusing them of being exactly what they're fighting against, people who only believe that certain lives (manly defined by skin color) matter.



So I'll ask again, how do you know all of that? How many of their rallies have you attended? How many of their leaders have you personally interacted with? Or are you judging from afar? Perhaps following the smart group think on twitter?


1. So it's not a group, it's a slogan? How original...

2. How do you know this?

3. See #2

4. So I'll ask you the same questions I asked the Kool-Aid Guy, how do you know all of that? How many of their rallies have you attended? How many of their leaders have you personally interacted with? Or are you judging from afar? Perhaps following the smart group think on twitter?

please look up the new term micro aggression. that is what the term all lives matter because it is not inclusionary (yes a word i made up).

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BLM excludes non-blacks until such time that their agenda is fulfilled. See their website.


They are pretty explicit about it. The local chapters tend to be even worse - the DC chapter's downright nutty, and takes a stand against "white colonialism" perpetrating genocide against the "indigenous blacks" in inner-city neighborhoods (i.e. gentrification)...but that chapter seems to be only one guy.


Of course, the entire DC region tends to be pretty exclusive in that regard. I've said it before: I've been turned away from volunteering for Habitat for Humanity, because their local projects explicitly only accept help from women, blacks, or LGBT. (Just checked again this past weekend, in fact.)

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It's not an answer to the question I asked but I'm game if you are. The key is the tone used in the presentation of the subject matter, the idea that all lives matter equally I doubt that they'd be shooting if I wasn't accusing them of being exactly what they're fighting against, people who only believe that certain lives (manly defined by skin color) matter.



So I'll ask again, how do you know all of that? How many of their rallies have you attended? How many of their leaders have you personally interacted with? Or are you judging from afar? Perhaps following the smart group think on twitter?


1. So it's not a group, it's a slogan? How original...

2. How do you know this?

3. See #2

4. So I'll ask you the same questions I asked the Kool-Aid Guy, how do you know all of that? How many of their rallies have you attended? How many of their leaders have you personally interacted with? Or are you judging from afar? Perhaps following the smart group think on twitter?

I read articles and watch news shows and it's the BLM that has a hissy fit when ALM is brought up. I don't go to BLM rallies or know any of their leaders. I don't follow anybody on Twitter. I'm judging from afar---as far away from those racists as I can get. You obviously are playing a game here and I've once again realized why you are an ass and why I don't like you very much.

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-The sky is blue.

-How do you know this?

-I looked up.

-Prove it.

-It's obvious to anyone with eyes.

-That's you're opinion.

-Here is a color wheel. It's clearly a shade of blue.

-Maybe in this light, but if you tilt it to the side, the shade changes.

-Okay, what color do you think it is?

-What I think is immaterial.

-I see. You're an @#%hat.

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It's not an answer to the question I asked but I'm game if you are. The key is the tone used in the presentation of the subject matter, the idea that all lives matter equally I doubt that they'd be shooting if I wasn't accusing them of being exactly what they're fighting against, people who only believe that certain lives (manly defined by skin color) matter.



So I'll ask again, how do you know all of that? How many of their rallies have you attended? How many of their leaders have you personally interacted with? Or are you judging from afar? Perhaps following the smart group think on twitter?



1. So it's not a group, it's a slogan? How original...

2. How do you know this?

3. See #2

4. So I'll ask you the same questions I asked the Kool-Aid Guy, how do you know all of that? How many of their rallies have you attended? How many of their leaders have you personally interacted with? Or are you judging from afar? Perhaps following the smart group think on twitter?

Here's a test. If this group was founded by whites under the whitelivesmatter banner, would it be #raysis?

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What I think is immaterial. I asked a simple question "Why does the Black Lives Matter group cause such a hissy fit on this board?"


I was hoping to get some factual answers. Instead I got unproven and largely unprovable accusations against the group. "They're Racist." "They're Exclusionary!" "I like the All Lives Matter slogan better!" "They have a secret Racist Agenda!" "You'd know this if you weren't following an idiot twitter account in lockstep!"


Those are some very compelling factual arguments. :wallbash:





So what is their agenda?

Go look at their website.

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