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Erie County Budget Crisis


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I heard Erie County employs 4,000 more people than Cook County, which is home to a little city called 'Chicago' and about 8x as many people.


If that's true then basically, no, Erie County will never turn around and will remain the poorest part of the United States until we're all dead and beyond.

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I just heard David Rutecki on WBEN who was named as a budget mediator. He felt that the FIFTEEN legislators can't possibly go without staff so he put $250,000 back in for their staffing needs. Then to be FAIR, he put $250,000 back in for the County Executives staff so they wouldn't feel slighted.


Just brilliant! This guy has a rosey future as a budget mediator! :w00t:


It's sh-- like this that makes me say why bother even following politics. :P

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This morning's news:


Unemployment benefits- the county is self-insured. What that means is the county, after laying someone off, must pay their severance and unemployment benefits. In the short term, it costs less to keep people. What a mess!!!


Giambra was at the airport, flying out on vacation. See ya in a couple weeks. When the going gets tough, the county exec leaves town

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Now that the axe is falling CSEA union officials are on the tube crying Nobody talked to us, we are willing to take pay cuts! Blah, Blah, Blah,

Union rules 2 highway employees in plow truck when only one is needed.

During the summer county employees are allowed to leave after only 7 hours of work, including 1 hour paid lunch, and still get paid for 8 hours. This rule dates back to the days BEFORE Air Conditioning!! Not all workers are bad, they should have spoke up, pointed out the bad apples along time ago so that NOW they would still have a job. I guess they did not what to rock the apple cart!


When I had a proposal about a decade ago to help the county save money, I was on Buffalo TV, newspaper and radio, all I heard from county employees was "It makes to much sense, it will never happen" !!! So a million dollar plus another $400,000 (which was county parks money notice how the parks have just been fixed up recently) was misspent.


I tried I wish others would have spoke up earlier.

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Round up some agitators and storm City Hall!!! Take it over and declare yourself 'King of Buffalo'!!!! Scatter your enemies and hear the lamentations of their women!! You can do it Hammer!


When I spoke in front of a EC committee looking for community input about redistricing, as I left the speakers stand, a county legislator spoke up saying for those who don't now (insert real name), he is the Mayor of the area around the stadium. I stopped and turned around and corrected him saying that I was the supervisor.


I wish I could run but the skeletons in the closet, I had sex with that woman, hillary. Hey it was dark and the Don Julio was flowing!!!!!

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One of my wife's relatives lives in NYS and is a long-time "civil service government worker".


This relative believes the following, and will let you about it (LOUDLY):


* Government is good.

* Business is bad.

* Government workers are more efficient than workers in the private sector.

* There are too many public hearings regarding government budgets.

* People who don't work in government are "stupid" and should not be allowed to criticize government workers.


I don't know whether many of you realize the different mindset that government workers in NYS have compared to other people.

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* Government is good.

* Business is bad.

* Government workers are more efficient than workers in the private sector.

* There are too many public hearings regarding government budgets.

* People who don't work in government are "stupid" and should not be allowed to criticize government workers.



I'm picturing a woman, overweight, smoker, childless but dotes on her fuggin' poodle and 10 cats, and buys The National Enquirer weekly.

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I'm picturing a woman, overweight, smoker, childless but dotes on her fuggin' poodle and 10 cats, and buys The National Enquirer weekly.


Hey, that sounds like me. Except for the poodle and the Enquirer. :w00t:

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Now that the axe is falling CSEA union officials are on the tube crying            Nobody talked to us, we are willing to take pay cuts! Blah, Blah, Blah,

Union rules 2 highway employees in plow truck when only one is needed.

During the summer county employees are allowed to leave after only 7 hours of work, including 1 hour paid lunch, and still get paid for 8 hours. This rule dates back to the days BEFORE Air Conditioning!!  Not all workers are bad, they should have spoke up, pointed out the bad apples along time ago so that NOW they would still have a job. I guess they did not what to rock the apple cart!


When I had a proposal about a decade ago to help the county save money, I was on Buffalo TV, newspaper and radio, all I heard from county employees was  "It makes to much sense, it will never happen" !!! So a million dollar plus another $400,000 (which was county parks money notice how the parks have just been fixed up recently) was misspent.


I tried I wish others would have spoke up earlier.




One man plows are ok for the thruways. Try plowing in the city with one man plows and you are asking for trouble. It's much safer for the public and everyone else with a two man plow. Not the best place to make a cut if you ask me.

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One man plows are ok for the thruways. Try plowing in the city with one man plows and you are asking for trouble. It's much safer for the public and everyone else with a two man plow. Not the best place to make a cut if you ask me.


Gee, I wonder how they manage to do it here in Anchorage - you know, where we get six MONTHS a year of snow.


Oh yeah, they don't use trucks. Duh.

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One man plows are ok for the thruways. Try plowing in the city with one man plows and you are asking for trouble. It's much safer for the public and everyone else with a two man plow. Not the best place to make a cut if you ask me.



What good does a second person do? He can take over if the other guy has a heart attack? He can nudge the driver awake? He can yell, "Hey man, watch out for that--- oh wait, too late, you hit it. "

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