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Randy Gregory is who we thought he was


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Maybe this will scare teams off from Spence so he falls? Though he's been clean for a year.


If anyone knows a thing about the Nkemdiche brothers, this should really make them question taking Robert. Denzel is a big influence on his little brother and he'll end up on a psych ward before long.


I'm not sure Spence is in the same boat, he's pretty clearly shown a lot of progress and has put the work in on and off the field. Nothing with addiction is ever 100% certain but I feel much safer about Spence. There seems to be a sincerity to his admissions of wrongdoing.

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Pharmaceutical and law enforcement industries have too much at stake to allow pot to be legalized.


Believe me, I am well aware of the impact of lobbyist and big business on our country. I think in this case it's more pharma and private prisons who have too much at stake. Law enforcement agencies (local at least) would love to not worry about something so petty.

Edited by Mark80
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ya he's got a huge drug problem I live in Nebraska and the stuff that went on was beyond belief.

Is it just a problem with marijuana or is he a bad dude? I read some accounts where he may have some issues related to personality/psychological disorders/mental health . I'm not making excuses but sometimes there is a serious underlying problem that is a challenge to address.

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