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Kanye West is 53 mill in debt?


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Are there any rap lyrics that reflect some self doubt or anything - or is it all "when he !@#$ me good, I take his ass to Red Lobster, cause I slay?"


This **** is so !@#$ing stupid.

"A place to spend my quiet nights, time to unwind

So much pressure in this life of mine, I cry at times

I once contemplated suicide, and woulda tried

But when I held that 9, all I could see was my momma's eyes

No one knows my struggle, they only see the trouble

Not knowin it's hard to carry on when no one loves you...




Edited by LBSeeBallLBGetBall
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Are there any rap lyrics that reflect some self doubt or anything - or is it all "when he !@#$ me good, I take his ass to Red Lobster, cause I slay?"


This **** is so !@#$ing stupid.


You're right. Those country songs about drinking whiskey and driving pick up trucks are way deeper.


Banging Beyoncé and eating Red Lobster sounds like a good time to me. Cheddar Biscuits ftw.

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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Good news, the job offers keep coming in for Kanye, first Pizza Hut and now the Philly PD...



If Kanye has an interest in pursuing a career in personal security, maybe he should ask Taylor Swift for a job. She may need extra security. I heard some jackass went on some anti-Taylor Switft rant

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Good news, the job offers keep coming in for Kanye, first Pizza Hut and now the Philly PD...



the Philly PD? Well at least he could still go to the club and wouldn't have to give up the pricey champagne. And with any luck someone will punch him in the face.
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You're right. Those country songs about drinking whiskey and driving pick up trucks are way deeper.


Banging Beyoncé and eating Red Lobster sounds like a good time to me. Cheddar Biscuits ftw.


You need to up your game on your woman and your food. I prefer big tails on my lobsters not the other way around.

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You're right. Those country songs about drinking whiskey and driving pick up trucks are way deeper.


Banging Beyoncé and eating Red Lobster sounds like a good time to me. Cheddar Biscuits ftw.


From what I know about country, they are super lame lyrics. I saw Luke Bryan for a little while when I went to the Notre Dame-Bama national championship and he was playing at the pregame. Pretty much every song was about getting drunk...........My nephew is a country fan and I said "all his songs seem to be about drinking" and he said yeah, pretty much everybody's is.


But, at least they're not so narcissistic and egomaniacal.


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Are there any rap lyrics that reflect some self doubt or anything - or is it all "when he !@#$ me good, I take his ass to Red Lobster, cause I slay?"


This **** is so !@#$ing stupid.


Kanye gay?



passive aggressive self absorption.




You're right. Those country songs about drinking whiskey and driving pick up trucks are way deeper.


Banging Beyoncé and eating Red Lobster sounds like a good time to me. Cheddar Biscuits ftw.



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I drive by there sometimes because it's on the way to the Dumbarten Bridge and always thought it strange they would name their street that. Hacker is not a real flattering name.

Isn't that the old Sun Microsystem's campus?

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