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Antonin Scalia dead?


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:lol: Gutsy question.


It's not unheard-of for the President to not attend a Justice's funeral, though. And I wonder if there's other factors involved (e.g. it's a private family funeral and Obama is respecting the family's wishes or something.)

Family wishes quite possible.

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A sitting Justice?


If there's a good reason, let's hear what it is.


Otherwise, he should be there.


You can't spend seven years whining like a little high school B word about how everyone else is responsible for Washington being broken, and then decide you're too much of a pusssssy to attend the funeral of a Supreme Court Justice.


But then, would anyone here ever expect Obama to be the bigger man in ANY scenario?


Of course not.

If Obama did go to the funeral then 50% of republicans would say he only came to gloat the other 50% of republicans would say he didn't just come to gloat but to intimidate potential witnesses to Scalia's assassination.

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A sitting Justice?


If there's a good reason, let's hear what it is.


Otherwise, he should be there.


You can't spend seven years whining like a little high school B word about how everyone else is responsible for Washington being broken, and then decide you're too much of a pusssssy to attend the funeral of a Supreme Court Justice.


But then, would anyone here ever expect Obama to be the bigger man in ANY scenario?


Of course not.


Hey, I don't disagree...if he's skipping it just because he disagreed with Scalia's politics, it's crass, stupid, and narcissistic (if not sociopathic).


But I haven't seen any explanation why, just that he's skipping it. And there could be good reason (for example: if it's a private, family funeral, like I said.) There could also be ****ty reasons (like: he doesn't want to risk offending his shitbird supporters who are celebrating the death of the Conservative Satan.) But until I see a reason, I'm not going to turn it in to a partisan issue by assuming Obama is.


Any news yet on which presidential candidates are attending (presuming they can)? If Sanders and Clinton are smart, they'll go.

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If Obama did go to the funeral then 50% of republicans would say he only came to gloat the other 50% of republicans would say he didn't just come to gloat but to intimidate potential witnesses to Scalia's assassination.


Oh, grow the phuck up. A Supreme Court Justice is dead. If Barry worries THAT much about what people are going to say, perhaps he should just go shuck oysters for a living.

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This Reagan appointee says, "Get on with it Mr. President."



If Obama did go to the funeral then 50% of republicans would say he only came to gloat the other 50% of republicans would say he didn't just come to gloat but to intimidate potential witnesses to Scalia's assassination.


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Looks like Republicans are firing up the black voters.




But in the aftermath of Mr. McConnell’s statement on Saturday, a growing chorus of black voices is complaining that such a refusal to even consider a Supreme Court nominee would never occur with a white president.

“It’s more than a political motive — it has a smell of racism,” said Representative G. K. Butterfield, Democrat of North Carolina, the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus.

“I can tick instance after instance over the last seven years where Republicans have purposely tried to diminish the president’s authority,” Mr. Butterfield said. “This is just really extreme, and leads me to the conclusion that if this was any other president who was not African-American, it would not have been handled this way.”



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Gee, Wally, if only Obama didn't already have two justices approved.


But no.


Your band needs to learn a new song...or at least stop playing the same song over and over because pretty much no one is listening to it anymore.

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Senate confirmation

The person ultimately appointed must be the object of his [the President’s] preference, though perhaps not in the first degree. It is also not very probable that his nomination would often be overruled.

- See more at: http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/12962#sthash.zCTft10u.dpuf


So Hamilton believed the president should basically decide.


And from Federalist #10


AMONG the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union, none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction. The friend of popular governments never finds himself so much alarmed for their character and fate, as when he contemplates their propensity to this dangerous vice. He will not fail, therefore, to set a due value on any plan which, without violating the principles to which he is attached, provides a proper cure for it. The instability, injustice, and confusion introduced into the public councils, have, in truth, been the mortal diseases under which popular governments have everywhere perished; as they continue to be the favorite and fruitful topics from which the adversaries to liberty derive their most specious declamations.




Gee, Wally, if only Obama didn't already have two justices approved.


But no.


Your band needs to learn a new song...or at least stop playing the same song over and over because pretty much no one is listening to it anymore.

Oh black voters are listening.

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Hey, I don't disagree...if he's skipping it just because he disagreed with Scalia's politics, it's crass, stupid, and narcissistic (if not sociopathic).


But I haven't seen any explanation why, just that he's skipping it. And there could be good reason (for example: if it's a private, family funeral, like I said.) There could also be ****ty reasons (like: he doesn't want to risk offending his shitbird supporters who are celebrating the death of the Conservative Satan.) But until I see a reason, I'm not going to turn it in to a partisan issue by assuming Obama is.


Any news yet on which presidential candidates are attending (presuming they can)? If Sanders and Clinton are smart, they'll go.

Here you go



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That doesn't say why he's skipping the service just what he's doing instead.


Also, it says that the funeral is on Saturday, and his meeting with civil rights leaders is on Thursday. I don't see how there's a connection or a scheduling conflict involved.

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Oh black voters are listening.


No, they're not, but even if they were listening, it's unfortunate for them because any rational, thinking person can understand that precedent has been set for approving justice picks for Obama, so the racism cry is, once again, false.


It's disappointing and, frankly, quite embarrassing, that the only arrow in your SoProg quiver is to try to convince the country that even though they twice elected a black man to the highest office in the land, they still hate black people.


Even you should realize how stupid that sounds, because when it comes to stupidity, you're quite the authority.

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No, they're not, but even if they were listening, it's unfortunate for them because any rational, thinking person can understand that precedent has been set for approving justice picks for Obama, so the racism cry is, once again, false.


It's disappointing and, frankly, quite embarrassing, that the only arrow in your SoProg quiver is to try to convince the country that even though they twice elected a black man to the highest office in the land, they still hate black people.


Even you should realize how stupid that sounds, because when it comes to stupidity, you're quite the authority.


Well here's where you're "wrong". Sure the country elected a black man President twice. However there were lots of people that did not vote for him and the some reason they didn't vote for him is because he's black. Get with the program.

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