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McCoy's nightclub fight and the ongoing investigation


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We know next to nothing about this event and Shady's role in it. It appears he's throwing punches at someone. Who knows how many if any actually landed and on whom and where? There's nothing but a whole lot of speculating going on in this thread. I'll reserve judgement until after the facts of the case are brought out.

"Appears he is throwing punches at someone" that's such a blatant understatement. What else could he have been doing in that video? He was excited by the violence and was fist bumping his comrades at the bottom of the pile. Better call Saul.

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Why would any of that bother the DA? And if it did, why would he charge in the first place?


I think charged with felony, deal down to misdemeanor.

Something's bothering the DA...the Mayor comes out last week and says we are going after this perp and a week later -- still nothing. There is immense political pressure and the DA is the one who has to weigh all sides and make the decision to charge and what to charge.

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What makes you think the witnesses dispersed as soon as it was over? They paid money to get into the club and the only ones who were tossed out were the participants. Furthermore, I have no doubt that the 3rd cop could have called his buddies at the precinct to get there ASAP and/or told the bar owner (since he couldn't do it as he was drinking) to not let anyone leave until they got there.


No, the video shows Shady was involved. It doesn't however prove that a felony was committed. We'll see what charges the DA brings against him, but as I've said, I doubt he gets nailed with a felony.


Anyone who thinks off duty cops involved in a bar fight are going to call "911" from the scene is out of their mind. Obviously the off duty cops felt this altercation put them in an awkward position. If either of the cops were beaten unconscious, I bet they would have called for guns out response from guys on the job. Since they all walked away, I'm sure the beaten cops wanted to assess their situation and options. No real mystery in that.


The burden of proof rests with the DA, but really, the video will force McCoy and his buds to prove that there was some proportionally brutal injury or serious threat to their lives made by the cops before they put the cops on the ground and started stomping. Not sure how they do that.


Something's bothering the DA...the Mayor comes out last week and says we are going after this perp and a week later -- still nothing. There is immense political pressure and the DA is the one who has to weigh all sides and make the decision to charge and what to charge.



True, but the DA said last week it wouldn't be before this mid-week. It's not like each day comes and goes with nothing.

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Something's bothering the DA...the Mayor comes out last week and says we are going after this perp and a week later -- still nothing. There is immense political pressure and the DA is the one who has to weigh all sides and make the decision to charge and what to charge.

If Terry Pegula would have done the same due diligence as the DA's office we wouldn't have been stuck with Rex. Being careful and thorough before acting is the right thing to do.

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The place was full of witnesses. The owner of the club bounced everyone after the beating broke up. If someone called the cops and they showed up at that exact moment, everyone is pretty much gone. what names and addresses are they going to get? And what "forensic collection of cell phone video" do you imagine they would have gotten if they showed up at that time?


If McCoy is charged as expected, it means the DA is not worried about all of the issues you have listed regarding the timing of filing a police report.

I dont think that your thought is definitive. There certainly would be hangers about AND employees. As they described the the events there certainly could be physical evidence. or not. say champagne bottles, bar tabs etc.

Not everyone just runs away after an event like this


Unless you think the cops were waiting outside of the door to be called for any problems at this place, witnesses would have dispersed pretty quickly as the fight ended (it was likely very brief) and everyone was tossed. You really think they would have all hung out on the street waiting to be questioned by cops?


The DA won't get much from bringing charges he know he won't hold up. He's going to embarrass his office to spare a few drunk off-duty cops being exposed as....drunk off-duty cops (or A-holes, or whatever you imagine)?


Yeah, that makes sense. My guess is "Shady's" lawyer is not going to have a field day with that video. Too bad it doesn't include the part where the cops pulled a gun on/sucker punched/called bad names to (or whatever else you imagine) McCoy and his youth group.



Nope. The guy made his own trouble.

Nope. the guy might just be kinda stupid about how these things turn out and fell into a poop festival, and got some on him.

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Why would any of that bother the DA? And if it did, why would he charge in the first place?


I think charged with felony, deal down to misdemeanor.

and still no charges

We know next to nothing about this event and Shady's role in it. It appears he's throwing punches at someone. Who knows how many if any actually landed and on whom and where? There's nothing but a whole lot of speculating going on in this thread. I'll reserve judgement until after the facts of the case are brought out.

idiot. take a side already! This is war!

i cannot recall why but dammit man, THIS IS IMPORTANT


A Spanish Inquisition?

can't be

no one expects..The Spanish Inquisition


Anyone who thinks off duty cops involved in a bar fight are going to call "911" from the scene is out of their mind. Obviously the off duty cops felt this altercation put them in an awkward position. If either of the cops were beaten unconscious, I bet they would have called for guns out response from guys on the job. Since they all walked away, I'm sure the beaten cops wanted to assess their situation and options. No real mystery in that.


The burden of proof rests with the DA, but really, the video will force McCoy and his buds to prove that there was some proportionally brutal injury or serious threat to their lives made by the cops before they put the cops on the ground and started stomping. Not sure how they do that.




True, but the DA said last week it wouldn't be before this mid-week. It's not like each day comes and goes with nothing.

You are still basing this on a one sided presentation are you not ?

All we have seen and read are slanted to the "Victims"

If Terry Pegula would have done the same due diligence as the DA's office we wouldn't have been stuck with Rex. Being careful and thorough before acting is the right thing to do.

so you do have a sense of humor after all


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and still no charges

idiot. take a side already! This is war!

i cannot recall why but dammit man, THIS IS IMPORTANT

can't be

no one expects..The Spanish Inquisition

You are still basing this on a one sided presentation are you not ?

All we have seen and read are slanted to the "Victims"

so you do have a sense of humor after all




And it's still not Wednesday yet.


Of course it's one sided. I was wondering what McCoy could do to negate the images in the video, other than make some claim that he was jumped or the cop pulled a gun on him.

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I dont think that your thought is definitive. There certainly would be hangers about AND employees. As they described the the events there certainly could be physical evidence. or not. say champagne bottles, bar tabs etc.

Not everyone just runs away after an event like this

From a number of accounts that I have read the cop group had a receipt for the champagne. That is not to say that reading about the accounts makes it true.


You are right that everyone at the event was not interviewed. But there isn't a need to interview everyone at the event. If a number of witnesses including the staff give the same account supporting the victims' account that certainly would validate their version.


I have not read one account that indicates that the police group was drunk or unruly before the clash. Not hearing anything bad about their behavior in the club isn't proof but it's interesting that no one, not even anonymously, that I am aware of has made the claim that the cops' behavior was out of line.


What's interesting is that I have not heard that any of the McCoy group has been interviewed by the police. Not hearing about it doesn't mean that it didn't happen.


By the end of this week we should get a better picture of what happened and what the claims are. I still believe that everyone in the McCoy party is going to be charged with aggravated assault. (That's an opinion.)

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And it's still not Wednesday yet.


Of course it's one sided. I was wondering what McCoy could do to negate the images in the video, other than make some claim that he was jumped or the cop pulled a gun on him.

and since we only have a partial video of what even happened in there......feel free to let your imagination run wild.


I prefer to think that since Shady knows white head coaches hate him.....that one of these off duty drunken civil servants on their way to church at 2 am said something that took some offense to people.

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Unless you think the cops were waiting outside of the door to be called for any problems at this place, witnesses would have dispersed pretty quickly as the fight ended (it was likely very brief) and everyone was tossed. You really think they would have all hung out on the street waiting to be questioned by cops?


I think that Recess is open and serving liquor until 3:30 am when few other places are open. The bouncers slung out the 7 causing trouble, why in your world view would the rest of the patrons leave?


At least around here, when a call comes in "officers involved" or "officer down" other police arrive PDQ

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And it's still not Wednesday yet.


Of course it's one sided. I was wondering what McCoy could do to negate the images in the video, other than make some claim that he was jumped or the cop pulled a gun on him.

I think that would be wise for him to wait for the courts to decide.

It amazes me that so much spin against McCoy has come about. and when the video cam to light it is nearly selective in its viewpoint.


tomorrow is wednesday. we shall see what we shall see, shall we not Weo?

Always have but you just didn't notice it. :thumbsup:

Of course, i was just notifying the rest of the gang you are a good Kid .

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and since we only have a partial video of what even happened in there......feel free to let your imagination run wild.


I prefer to think that since Shady knows white head coaches hate him.....that one of these off duty drunken civil servants on their way to church at 2 am said something that took some offense to people.





Anyway, it's not what is in my imagination that matters. I'm not a potential juror. If that is all they see, then McCoy will have already told the investigators that he felt his life was in danger so that's why he behaved the way he did in those videos--i.e. with proportionate force equal to the threat he perceived.


If he hasn't claimed this, I again ask what is it that your imagination conjures up that explains away that scene in the videos, so that a jury could unanimously say "Oh, yeah--that was a justified beating"?

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