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McCoy's nightclub fight and the ongoing investigation


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Meet the lawyer representing LeSean. He specializes in "police brutality"




Krasner's track record shows he has a strong clients against establishment figures. He's fended off lawsuits directed at protesters and has taken on a case that included a fight with off-duty cops.

Edited by YoloinOhio
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Just spoke to the Philadelphia district attorney's office. "The investigation continues" was the phrase used to me on the McCoy case.

what are they still investigating? The Mayor said McCoy need to be stomped.

why wait.?

Get him in a holding cell and steal his bling and teach him a lesson.

The DA definitely has a problem. 100% guaranteed the standard operating procedure for aggravated assault isn't to wait until hours later, after the witnesses have gone home, to report it. They're cops and they can't make a quick phone call to get people down there to start taking names/addresses of witnesses? Seems to me that the delay is intentional, in order to give them time to rehearse their stories and make witnesses far harder to find.

and sober up. ditch the blow and wash their weenies off

And Shady's decision to change lawyers makes a ton of sense now.

yep. not a bad move either

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Really apples and oranges. No one outside the team and fans give two sh*ts about a player being irresponsible in travel arrangements on coming back from his days off.


Anything McCoy says to the public right now is evidence that could be used against him in a court of law.

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Really apples and oranges. No one outside the team and fans give two sh*ts about a player being irresponsible in travel arrangements on coming back from his days off.


Anything McCoy says to the public right now is evidence that could be used against him in a court of law.

totally agree.
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Ha ha we do have suspicious minds, some of us, don't we? How convenient the internal security video "wasn't operating".



From the point of view of determining the truth of what really happened it's certainly unfortunate that the complainants chose not to call 911 or otherwise make a report and start an investigation at the time. Purely from a practical viewpoint, it would have been far easier to obtain witness names and addresses, make a forensic collection of cell phone video, look for any physical evidence etcetera.



Interesting. Well, time will tell what the courts make of it.



The place was full of witnesses. The owner of the club bounced everyone after the beating broke up. If someone called the cops and they showed up at that exact moment, everyone is pretty much gone. what names and addresses are they going to get? And what "forensic collection of cell phone video" do you imagine they would have gotten if they showed up at that time?


If McCoy is charged as expected, it means the DA is not worried about all of the issues you have listed regarding the timing of filing a police report.

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The place was full of witnesses. The owner of the club bounced everyone after the beating broke up. If someone called the cops and they showed up at that exact moment, everyone is pretty much gone. what names and addresses are they going to get? And what "forensic collection of cell phone video" do you imagine they would have gotten if they showed up at that time?


If McCoy is charged as expected, it means the DA is not worried about all of the issues you have listed regarding the timing of filing a police report.


So the only option was to call the cops after the beating broke up, when everyone was pretty much gone? How about someone (like, say, the 3rd cop, whose whereabouts were unknown) calling the cops while it was still happening, when the place would still have been full of witnesses?


Shady's lawyer will be all over that one. Despite what the DA may or may not be worried about.

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The place was full of witnesses. The owner of the club bounced everyone after the beating broke up. If someone called the cops and they showed up at that exact moment, everyone is pretty much gone. what names and addresses are they going to get? And what "forensic collection of cell phone video" do you imagine they would have gotten if they showed up at that time?


If McCoy is charged as expected, it means the DA is not worried about all of the issues you have listed regarding the timing of filing a police report.

Someone's rooting extra hard against McCoy. Go bills!

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Uh oh. Sounds like we're sinking into the world of conspiracy theories now. I think some of you have seen one Oliver Stone movie too many. smiley-laughing002.gif

The place was full of witnesses.



Obviously, the Men in Black showed up and wiped all their memories of the incident. Duh!

Edited by KDS73
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Uh oh. Sounds like we're sinking into the world of conspiracy theories now. I think some of you have seen one Oliver Stone movie too many. smiley-laughing002.gif



Can someone get my Shady's whereabouts the night Scalia died? I'm pretty sure I have a theory...



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So the only option was to call the cops after the beating broke up, when everyone was pretty much gone? How about someone (like, say, the 3rd cop, whose whereabouts were unknown) calling the cops while it was still happening, when the place would still have been full of witnesses?


Shady's lawyer will be all over that one. Despite what the DA may or may not be worried about.


Unless you think the cops were waiting outside of the door to be called for any problems at this place, witnesses would have dispersed pretty quickly as the fight ended (it was likely very brief) and everyone was tossed. You really think they would have all hung out on the street waiting to be questioned by cops?


The DA won't get much from bringing charges he know he won't hold up. He's going to embarrass his office to spare a few drunk off-duty cops being exposed as....drunk off-duty cops (or A-holes, or whatever you imagine)?


Yeah, that makes sense. My guess is "Shady's" lawyer is not going to have a field day with that video. Too bad it doesn't include the part where the cops pulled a gun on/sucker punched/called bad names to (or whatever else you imagine) McCoy and his youth group.


Someone's rooting extra hard against McCoy. Go bills!


Nope. The guy made his own trouble.

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Someone's rooting extra hard against McCoy. Go bills!

This isn't exactly a dream scenario for the City of Brotherly Love either....3 cops clubbing at 2:30 AM - likely intoxicated. A loose lips Mayor last week threatening one of the alleged perpetrators in an open, press attended forum... Wouldn't be surprised if a settlement that drops all charges is in the works...just speculating.

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This isn't exactly a dream scenario for the City of Brotherly Love either....3 cops clubbing at 2:30 AM - likely intoxicated. A loose lips Mayor last week threatening one of the alleged perpetrators in an open, press attended forum... Wouldn't be surprised if a settlement that drops all charges is in the works...just speculating.

That would really anger some here. Citizens on patrol !

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This isn't exactly a dream scenario for the City of Brotherly Love either....3 cops clubbing at 2:30 AM - likely intoxicated. A loose lips Mayor last week threatening one of the alleged perpetrators in an open, press attended forum... Wouldn't be surprised if a settlement that drops all charges is in the works...just speculating.



Why would any of that bother the DA? And if it did, why would he charge in the first place?


I think charged with felony, deal down to misdemeanor.

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Unless you think the cops were waiting outside of the door to be called for any problems at this place, witnesses would have dispersed pretty quickly as the fight ended (it was likely very brief) and everyone was tossed. You really think they would have all hung out on the street waiting to be questioned by cops?


The DA won't get much from bringing charges he know he won't hold up. He's going to embarrass his office to spare a few drunk off-duty cops being exposed as....drunk off-duty cops (or A-holes, or whatever you imagine)?


Yeah, that makes sense. My guess is "Shady's" lawyer is not going to have a field day with that video. Too bad it doesn't include the part where the cops pulled a gun on/sucker punched/called bad names to (or whatever else you imagine) McCoy and his youth group.


What makes you think the witnesses dispersed as soon as it was over? They paid money to get into the club and the only ones who were tossed out were the participants. Furthermore, I have no doubt that the 3rd cop could have called his buddies at the precinct to get there ASAP and/or told the bar owner (since he couldn't do it as he was drinking) to not let anyone leave until they got there.


No, the video shows Shady was involved. It doesn't however prove that a felony was committed. We'll see what charges the DA brings against him, but as I've said, I doubt he gets nailed with a felony.

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We know next to nothing about this event and Shady's role in it. It appears he's throwing punches at someone. Who knows how many if any actually landed and on whom and where? There's nothing but a whole lot of speculating going on in this thread. I'll reserve judgement until after the facts of the case are brought out.

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