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McCoy's nightclub fight and the ongoing investigation


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they usually try to cover up any wrong doings by their own kind and trumped up charges for the citizen.

That is what I suspect.


Shady and his group could have been completely wrong . . . but, the fact that the cops are seeking to arrest them really means nothing as to who is at fault until we learn more.

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In short, the United States justice system is built on innocence until guilt is proven. As such, I'm not so inclined to find guilt in this situation (or hardly any crimes based on initial reports). Currently there's a lack of evidence, including confirmation of the alleged injuries. As more comes out, I may completely reverse my feelings, but right now I haven't seen anything that's going to make me bring out the pitchforks. I would say the same if we were talking about Tom Brady.


In a he-said-she said bar brawl without video, I'm less inclined to believe the off-duty police that neglected to file a report the night of the alleged incident.

The ones in the hospital?

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I have no idea what happened here, but serious question:


In situations like this, do the police ever seek to arrest the off duty police officers?


Almost never. There have been cops that have been arrested off-duty for DUI's outside of their jurisdiction or pulled over by Sheriff's dept.


For those unaware (the police report has now been somewhat reported), the actual injuries:


Officer A:

-laceration to his right eye

-a broken nose

-broken ribs

-sprained thumb.


Officer B:



No officer suffered a fractured skull. The police report, filed by the police, cleverly mentioned treatment for a possible fractured skull just to add weight to the event.

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Almost never. There have been cops that have been arrested off-duty for DUI's outside of their jurisdiction or pulled over by Sheriff's dept.


For those unaware (the police report has now been somewhat reported), the actual injuries:


Officer A:

-laceration to his right eye

-a broken nose

-broken ribs

-sprained thumb.


Officer B:



No officer suffered a fractured skull. The police report, filed by the police, cleverly mentioned treatment for a possible fractured skull just to add weight to the event.


Even when they lose, they need to find a way to win. Bruised ego syndrome.

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Non verified Twitter, so grain of salt



Lock Source: Lesean McCoy did not hit anyone, but people he was with did #leseanmccoy #bills #NFL

Didn't *hit* anyone, but what about the trident??

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Almost never. There have been cops that have been arrested off-duty for DUI's outside of their jurisdiction or pulled over by Sheriff's dept.


For those unaware (the police report has now been somewhat reported), the actual injuries:


Officer A:

-laceration to his right eye

-a broken nose

-broken ribs

-sprained thumb.


Officer B:



No officer suffered a fractured skull. The police report, filed by the police, cleverly mentioned treatment for a possible fractured skull just to add weight to the event.

The following is from the report apparently:


"When Butler 'moved to another location with his bottle,' former Pitt football player Tamarcus Porter 'approached him and tried to pull the bottle from his hand.'”


This seems odd. Could be true, but it smells like something a police officer would put in a report to protect another police officer.


Shady has plenty of money. His friends have no reason to try to take a champagne bottle from anyone else.

Edited by Peter
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UPDATE: PhillyInfluencer.com has learned that Philly Rapper Meek Mill, who was just put on house arrest this week for violating probation, was in fact at Recess on the night of February 7th. Multiple sources say that Meek was in the VIP section on this night. This story continues to take many turns and now it now puts Meek in the spotlight.

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