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Difference between Bills fans and Patriots fans

Jerry Jabber

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It seems a lot of Bills fans are out to nail their own players as soon as they hear a Bills player has gotten in trouble with the law compared to the Patriots fans who believe every lie their organization sells them. I'm not saying that Bills fans need to be mindless sheep like the M!@#$s up north, but it's absolutely ridiculous to bash a player as soon we hear they've gotten in trouble and try to run them out of town.


I'd guess that it has a lot to do with winning. The Pats win with the players that get into trouble, so of course they'd protect/defend them. The Bills can lose just as easily with or without these problem children. If the Bills are going to be losers, at least them them be losers with class. Not saying this is my opinion, just guessing as to why it is how it is.

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Pats fans celebrate championships and get to discuss winning annually not as a dream, but as a reality. Bills fan have nothing much to grab onto and instead wallow in this constant over-analysis of players because the team offers little in the way of hope. I'm of the "who cares" party, I stopped rooting for and getting attached to players half my life ago. I don't care about them, no one should honestly. Some are good people, like Fred Jackson, but when he was let go, I didn't get angry or sad or worry. I didn't care other than thinking, well that kind of sucks for about a minute. They come and go, bartered and sold like cattle at the stockyards. The culture of the NFL player is garbage. The culture of the NFL media, from the screaming (If I talk loud, my point is valid) morons on the TV to the local media honks. And most troubling, the culture of corporate NFL is out of control. They take a very economic approach to every press release, every decisions, every event. Maximize utility, the basis for the study of economics... how individuals and firms maximize utility. So I take the same approach, I seek maximize my utility with respect to the NFL. Happiness is utility. I like the game, itself, from opening whistle to the final whistle. Going on Sundays to RWS is fun and I like the games. But that's it. I get decreased utility by investing emotionally in players (I used to stew over a loss for a day or two, now I'm over it before I get home!), caring about the owners (even ours, they'll be fine without my consideration), caring about the coaches, or purchasing any NFL product aside from my seats.


If McCoy got cut today, I wouldn't bat an eye. I would impact me about as much as hearing the alarm clock in the morning.... about a second of "dammit" and then back to the reality of my day. Same with any guy on this team. They are thoroughbred horses that the NFL rides as hard as it can and then sends them to the glue factory. Much like the NFL does with cities, just as St. Louis. Players maximize their utility unlike horses, they get bought, sorry "drafted," and then get to FA where they maximize their utility, not based on sentiment, or the owner, or the city, they go to the highest bidder, like the offspring of American Pharaoh.


Nowhere in this complex system is the fan anything other than the means by which all these people get paid. The players, owners, and league only seek to maximize your utility by somehow maximizing theirs.


So the bottomline is.... stop caring about players, owners, and the league. You'll find life is better when you break free from this sh!t show that is the NFL. I'm still a fan, I come here daily to see what's up, but man life is better on away Sunday's when you're not sitting around all day watching football.

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I have said this when the trade happened that I have a friend that went to Pitt & still has very close friends that have inside connections to that program & when the trade went down he told Mccoy is a bad dude. I didn't mind so much what we gave up for Shady(Kiko is damged goods) but I did mind giving him a new contract with all that guaranteed money when we held all the leverage & could of made him play under his old contract. Shady never wanted to be here in the first place & it took a new $40 million contract to make him to start tio warm up to the idea of playing here. Not exactly the kind of guy I would of liked the Bills to build a team around.


& to Zonabb - great post this is exactly how I feel. Back in the 90's when the Bills loss I would be miserable for the whole week. Now I am over the loss before I even get home. Having kids changes your perspective on things. At least it did for me.

Edited by Gordio
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I didn't suggest that we should be like Pats fans, but I do agree 100% with your assessment that Bills fans should wait until the details come out for the legal side of this argument. It's seems Bills are pass judgment too quickly on our own players.

Jerry, seriously, have you been to that thread lately on McCoy? Fans have him nominated for sainthood. That thread has one heck of a spin to it

So the bottomline is.... stop caring about players, owners, and the league. You'll find life is better when you break free from this **** show that is the NFL. I'm still a fan, I come here daily to see what's up, but man life is better on away Sunday's when you're not sitting around all day watching football.

Yeah this, good post

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Shady isn't one of our own. He's a rent-a-player. He's making a lot of money and we haven't seen a return on that investment quite yet so a lot of us are still very much on the fence with him. If it was someone like Thurman then it would be a much different story.

I completely agree! He should have been kicking the crap out of buffalo police officers! what's he doing in philly anyway?

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I didn't suggest that we should be like Pats fans, but I do agree 100% with your assessment that Bills fans should wait until the details come out for the legal side of this argument. It's seems Bills are pass judgment too quickly on our own players.

I think we gave him plenty of chances...Whining when he was traded (like a kid who pouts because he wasn't picked for the team he wanted)...


1. A party that was for women only, signing a non-disclosure agreement. (He didn't have the party when there was a public uproar)...


2. Making himself the main story coming up to a pivotal game (I will not shake hand with Chip Kelly)...


3. Kissing the Eagles insignia at the stadium (who cares about the people paying my check - that's US, people!)...


Why do I feel like the girl who was taken to the prom by a jerk who stiffed her on the dance floor for the person he REALLY wanted to go with?


Now he's in trouble in Philadelphia. Apparently that's where he wants to be, so I say let him go there and try to actually EARN a living instead of playing a game for millions.

Edited by NorthBuffaloKid
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Shady isn't one of our own. He's a rent-a-player. He's making a lot of money and we haven't seen a return on that investment quite yet so a lot of us are still very much on the fence with him. If it was someone like Thurman then it would be a much different story.

I couldn't disagree with this post more. McCoy is a Buffalo Bill -ergo, one of ours. His returns thus far are exceptional -Pro Bowl nominated RB, serious pass-catching threat out of the backfield and easily the teams' best backfield blocker.


Where and how do you come up with this take?

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I think we gave him plenty of chances...Whining when he was traded (like a kid who pouts because he wasn't picked for the team he wanted)...


1. A party that was for women only, signing a non-disclosure agreement. (He didn't have the party when there was a public uproar)...


2. Making himself the main story coming up to a pivotal game (I will not shake hand with Chip Kelly)...


3. Kissing the Eagles insignia at the stadium (who cares about the people paying my check - that's US, people!)...


Why do I feel like the girl who was taken to the prom by a jerk who stiffed her on the dance floor for the person he REALLY wanted to go with?


Now he's in trouble in Philadelphia. Apparently that's where he wants to be, so I say let him go there and try to actually EARN a living instead of playing a game for millions.


Disagree. It didn't matter the Bills player, as soon as a Bills player got in trouble in the past, there were a lot of posters on here that were already crucifying that player and trying to run that player out of town. It's just like the two terrible sports writers for the Buffalo Snooze (Gleason and Sullivan) as they both have written articles about getting rid of Dareus and now McCoy because of their brushes with the law.

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It seems a lot of Bills fans are out to nail their own players as soon as they hear a Bills player has gotten in trouble with the law compared to the Patriots fans who believe every lie their organization sells them. I'm not saying that Bills fans need to be mindless sheep like the Mazzholes up north, but it's absolutely ridiculous to bash a player as soon we hear they've gotten in trouble and try to run them out of town.



this is the internet.....your going to get takes from one extreme to the other.


we have video on shady that is pretty damning.....he is certainly facing a league suspension and will miss games. doesn't rise to level of getting rid of him.

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Could it be that the Bills fans we hear about as being some of the best in the league, loyal and deserving of much credit for their support, BE A MYTH?


Could it be that Bills fans are overrated by some, including themselves?


It also could be that is an overgeneralization, sometimes representative of this board. But, how overstated is it really?



IMHO, from being on this board the last few years.


There are those who wine constantly about not having made the playoffs in 16 years as if entitled.


There are those who are only negative, especially related to the lack of a "franchise QB".


There are those who are those who think everything done by the front office is incompetent and part of a conspiracy.


There are those who think they are "experts" and talk down to everyone.


There are those who are just look to be contrarian and to argue with strangers.


Oh and I almost forgot the "moralizers", those people put people into 2 camps. Good people like themselves. And, bad people like Shady McCoy, who don't even deserve their day in court.

Edited by The Thurmanator
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Could it be that the Bills fans we hear about as being some of the best in the league, loyal and deserving of much credit for their support, BE A MYTH?


Could it be that Bills fans are overrated by some, including themselves?


It also could be that is an overgeneralization, sometimes representative of this board. But, how overstated is it really?



IMHO, from being on this board the last few years.


There are those who wine constantly about not having made the playoffs in 16 years as if entitled.


There are those who are only negative, especially related to the lack of a "franchise QB".


There are those who are those who think everything done by the front office is incompetent and part of a conspiracy.


There are those who think they are "experts" and talk down to everyone.


There are those who are just look to be contrarian and to argue with strangers.


Oh and I almost forgot the "moralizers", those people put people into 2 camps. Good people like themselves. And, bad people like Shady McCoy, who don't even deserve their day in court.


So you really like it here, eh?

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I couldn't disagree with this post more. McCoy is a Buffalo Bill -ergo, one of ours. His returns thus far are exceptional -Pro Bowl nominated RB, serious pass-catching threat out of the backfield and easily the teams' best backfield blocker.Where and how do you come up with this take?

You must have read that wrong or you didn't get the point of the post. I thought he played fine but if you think he had a great year then you are mistaken.

2015 salary: $16 million (highest paid)

2015 rushing yards: 895

That's not a very good return on investment. He was injured, ok fine, but the fact remains we didn't get our money's worth.


But like I said it's not about how well he played, he's not vested in this city like someone like Thurman is/was. We would have Thurman or Jim's back no matter what. Don't have that connection with Shady and never will. You don't have to agree but others have already said they do and that's just our opinion on the guy

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It seems a lot of Bills fans are out to nail their own players as soon as they hear a Bills player has gotten in trouble with the law compared to the Patriots fans who believe every lie their organization sells them. I'm not saying that Bills fans need to be mindless sheep like the Mazzholes up north, but it's absolutely ridiculous to bash a player as soon we hear they've gotten in trouble and try to run them out of town.



I have some close friends who are huge Pats fans, several actually, including one who's one of the top editors at the NFL Network. Being around them and their friends, I can say one thing is VERY different between Pats fans and Bills fans. They ALWAYS support their players and the team overall. Bills fans spend more time trying to prove they still suck, prove certain UNPROVEN players suck and will always suck, find reasons why great players suck or should be gone, etc. I get winning and losing plays a part in that, but I have known some of these people from before the Pats were anything special. And it was always the same.


I used to be a VERY active member of this board, but its taxing and tiring to be on here listening to the same people railroad conversations, cram their "he sucks" campaign down everyones throat, we wont win 4 games next year speeches, etc. The fans here watch the games, go through the motions of being a fan, but will in an instant turn on a player if they don't like his draft slot...if they think we didn't need that player...if he shows Bills pride on Twitter...if he demands the ball...if we gave up something for him that the arm chair GM's thinks we shouldn't...any number of reasons. People are more concerned about proving the misery than rallying to support the team and players. And I am not saying that you can't be truthful and critical of players performances, or even the staff and FO. But it goes to extremes here and often beyond reason.


I mean it gets SOOOOOOO old to the point that its almost impossible to have rational discussions about this team anymore. And I don't want to hear this garbage about ownership, we have NEW ownership. I don't want to hear about the staff as IF its been the same staff all these years, its a NEW staff. Everyone here lumps the entire playoff drought onto each and every new Coach, new FO person, new draft pick, new FA signing, etc. They put a decade and a half of losing on EVERYONES shoulders that had nothing to do with the last decade and a half. They then scream at the top of their lungs that its their right to b*tch and moan about it because they suffered through it despite that it defies ALL LOGIC given the current team has nothing to do with he last decade and a half.


I mean look at TT...a guy who made the ProBowl as his first time starting. Instead of being excited about his potential, we still have people campaigning against him, demanding we waste a first round pick (thats not even a high pick) on a QB to replace or challenge him. Does he still have to improve, sure, but IT WAS HIS FIRST YEAR STARTING AT THE MOST DIFFICULT POSITION IN ALL OF TEAM SPORTS AND HE DID IT BETTER THAN MOST IN THEIR FIRST TRY. They ignore how tough he is playing through pain all year, or that he missed time, or that he didn't get first team reps like a starter would most of the offseason, or that ALL OF HIS PLAYMAKERS went down with injury for multiple games this year, and some for the season...and when they did play, they often were playing hurt. Or that he and the whole team were in their first year with a completely new system. Or that he got screwed bad on some bad calls that cost us games like the Giants game. Or that he made plays with his legs, not just his arm. Or that he single handedly won us games with others didn't show up.

Instead of finding the positive to build on and showing support, people railroad him still to this very moment. That is the difference of being a Bills fan and a Pats fan. They come out to support their players of all skill levels while we spend time finding reasons to bash them or hate on them even when its not warranted.


Last couple of years, its been tough to be a Bills fan, not because of the product on the field as much as it is being around other Bills fans.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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Its easy to root for a winner. When you are rooting for a bad team your whole life and they make dumb decisions over and over again that you don't agree with and the result is they still stink then how can you not second guess it?

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