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Cam's last fumble...

Big Turk

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who knows? he may have thought it was going to squirt out to his right the way the guard was sliding into it from his left. impossible to know (especially since he's not talking). Its easy to be critical of this in slow-mo replay, but in real-time, on the field, it can look very different to the player

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All you really need to do to evaluate that play is to ask yourself what the truly great (and even not-so-great) QBs of the past and present would have done. I have to admit, I think even Marcia dives for that ball.


Quite simply, it was not one of Cam's finer moments.

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It looked to me he froze for just a second, and it was too late. To call him a wus is overstating it. He has been one of the most physical QB's in the league diving head first for TD's.


He made a mistake, but the game was over. Now his sulking after the game was so immature, and not a professional. Does he celebrate a little too much for me, yes, but I really don't care. I like how he hands the balls to the kids after scoring TD's.


The sulking is bush league.

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This is proof that you can pull on Superman's ca[e. This Superman is a fraud.

He didn;t go after the ball because he had already given up on the game and he thought it was not worth the risk. Iy was like spitting into the wind.

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People have been lambasting him for lack of effort on the play, but I honestly didn't think that immediately as I watched it happen...


Initially I think he thought it was a dead ball, then it looked like he was going to try and pick it up but just as he approached, 2 big dudes came diving and sliding towards him and it looked like he kind of moved back to avoid his leg getting hit. From where he was and how he was approaching the ball, I don't think he even could have dove on the ball...he would have literally had to stop, almost jump straight in the air and then land on it. If he would have dove, the ball probably would have been around his knee as he went over the top of it....


I just watched and rewatched the video and I see the same thing...the Denver player comes diving in very close to his leg as he was bending down to pick it up, causing him to move back. There is really no possible way he could have "dove" at that point and made any real attempt near the ball. He was bent down, kind of back off balance to avoid having his leg hit and really in no position to dive and was too close at that point.


If he was going to dive, he needed to do it after he took a few steps before he bent down to pick it up. Once he did that, his body position, balance and then when he kind of moved his leg back out of the way meant there was no real way a "dive" anywhere near he ball was possible.


I initially thought Cam backed off the ball, but on replay I too saw the Denver player and the Carolina player (lineman? TE?) diving for the ball. At that point I thought Cam jumped back so as not to clobber his own player, and also to be ready to chase the ball if it popped out, which it did and bounced quite a way downfield. So yeah, I don't get all the criticism.

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I initially thought Cam backed off the ball, but on replay I too saw the Denver player and the Carolina player (lineman? TE?) diving for the ball. At that point I thought Cam jumped back so as not to clobber his own player, and also to be ready to chase the ball if it popped out, which it did and bounced quite a way downfield. So yeah, I don't get all the criticism.


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I initially thought Cam backed off the ball, but on replay I too saw the Denver player and the Carolina player (lineman? TE?) diving for the ball. At that point I thought Cam jumped back so as not to clobber his own player, and also to be ready to chase the ball if it popped out, which it did and bounced quite a way downfield. So yeah, I don't get all the criticism.

Yea, that's one way to look at it. Not the correct way, but one way.

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People have been lambasting him for lack of effort on the play, but I honestly didn't think that immediately as I watched it happen...


Initially I think he thought it was a dead ball, then it looked like he was going to try and pick it up but just as he approached, 2 big dudes came diving and sliding towards him and it looked like he kind of moved back to avoid his leg getting hit. From where he was and how he was approaching the ball, I don't think he even could have dove on the ball...he would have literally had to stop, almost jump straight in the air and then land on it. If he would have dove, the ball probably would have been around his knee as he went over the top of it....


I just watched and rewatched the video and I see the same thing...the Denver player comes diving in very close to his leg as he was bending down to pick it up, causing him to move back. There is really no possible way he could have "dove" at that point and made any real attempt near the ball. He was bent down, kind of back off balance to avoid having his leg hit and really in no position to dive and was too close at that point.


If he was going to dive, he needed to do it after he took a few steps before he bent down to pick it up. Once he did that, his body position, balance and then when he kind of moved his leg back out of the way meant there was no real way a "dive" anywhere near he ball was possible.



You pretty much nailed it.

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He pussed-out. He was going to go after it until he saw Ware get near it.


He likely wasn't getting it, and he sure as hell didn't look like he had any interest in seeing himself lose that battle.



BS, he pussed out, it was clear to see that he didn't want to get hurt so he backed off.


This, this and this. He knew he'd get pounded on in a pile up and just didn't want to get hit anymore.

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I initially thought Cam backed off the ball, but on replay I too saw the Denver player and the Carolina player (lineman? TE?) diving for the ball. At that point I thought Cam jumped back so as not to clobber his own player, and also to be ready to chase the ball if it popped out, which it did and bounced quite a way downfield. So yeah, I don't get all the criticism.

It has ti be instinctive. The effort needs to be present. He just looked skittish and tok stunned to react. I think if he immediately tried to recover the ball, he may have affected the location of the ball. This particular play just culminated a terribly lackluster game from Cam. After the first few minutes, it just looked like the heart, desire and fire weren't there. Which is why Denver didn't even try hard to get a first down in the fourth quarter and was just using each possession to knock 2 minutes off the clock. I pictured a Brady or Rodgers in place of Cam and imagined how they would have approached the game after being down. Did Cam's ddmeanour and effort come any where close to that picture? Not in my mind.

The game and the PC after the game showed a very immature side of CN, something which shows up way too often for him to be the face of that franchise. Remember 'Donkey Kong Suh' and that juvenile dancing on the sideline in pre season? Dude has all the skills and abilities but is immature.

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The game and the PC after the game showed a very immature side of CN, something which shows up way too often for him to be the face of that franchise. Remember 'Donkey Kong Suh' and that juvenile dancing on the sideline in pre season? Dude has all the skills and abilities but is immature.


I can't disagree with this at all. But most of us, and many of our greats (Jim Kelly) start out immature and grow some with time.


LOL at Wade Phillips (@sonofbum) on Twitter: "A little Dab will do you but too much Dab will undo you!"



All you really need to do to evaluate that play is to ask yourself what the truly great (and even not-so-great) QBs of the past and present would have done. I have to admit, I think even Marcia dives for that ball.


No way, Marcia makes a definite "business decision".


I could totally be misremembering and don't want to slander, but I seem to remember our own Jim Kelly, hard as he went and tough as he played, taking some flack in one of the Superbowls (I think it was 26, v. Washington, he was getting his a** kicked all day and fumbled 3x) for not pursuing one of his fumbles the way some thought he should. Anyone else remember this?

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... Does he celebrate a little too much for me, yes, but I really don't care. I like how he hands the balls to the kids after scoring TD's.


The sulking is bush league.


While giving balls to kids gets attention, it is still in violation of League rules. It's why there's nets behind the goal posts. Games at the Rockpile were insane watching PAT's go into the Endzone seats! Balls in the crowd create riotous fights. Even the kids fight over who the player intended to give it to.


Lawlessness, I tell ya!

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If the Broncos were the ones down 16-10 in the SB in the 4th quarter and Peyton was in Cam's shoes, I'd be willing to bet he would have made an attempt at that ball. Old as dirt (NFL QB wise) bad back, bad hip, bad foot and all, and I am confident he would have done everything in his power to recover that ball. The SB was on the line there. That effort was inexcusable no matter how close you look at the replay or how you try to justify in Cam's eyes. Showed a real lack of heart IMO, which he seemed to display all game long.

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On the one hand, Cam doesn't have a track record of being a wimp as far as I know. One moment you're looking down field. The next moment you're looking down, trying to find the ball, while bodies are flying around everywhere. It must be hard to make an instantaneous decision in an unexpected situation like that.


On the other hand, he took two steps toward the ball and then backed off.


I won't judge the guy on one brief moment of his life and say he 'tapped out' but it looked odd live and still looks odd now watching the replay.

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People have been lambasting him for lack of effort on the play, but I honestly didn't think that immediately as I watched it happen...


Initially I think he thought it was a dead ball, then it looked like he was going to try and pick it up but just as he approached, 2 big dudes came diving and sliding towards him and it looked like he kind of moved back to avoid his leg getting hit. From where he was and how he was approaching the ball, I don't think he even could have dove on the ball...he would have literally had to stop, almost jump straight in the air and then land on it. If he would have dove, the ball probably would have been around his knee as he went over the top of it....


I just watched and rewatched the video and I see the same thing...the Denver player comes diving in very close to his leg as he was bending down to pick it up, causing him to move back. There is really no possible way he could have "dove" at that point and made any real attempt near the ball. He was bent down, kind of back off balance to avoid having his leg hit and really in no position to dive and was too close at that point.


If he was going to dive, he needed to do it after he took a few steps before he bent down to pick it up. Once he did that, his body position, balance and then when he kind of moved his leg back out of the way meant there was no real way a "dive" anywhere near he ball was possible.



I think you might be over thinking it, from pop warner on you are "loose ball, dive and get it". I think Simms summed it up, he didn't want to pay the price.

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