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Stage 3 CTE for the Snake. I think anyone with half a brain, not in denial, and not a shill for the league knows that football played a role in the degeneration: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/04/sports/football/ken-stabler-nfl-cte-brain-disease.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=photo-spot-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0



Column: News about Stabler's brain damage intrudes on Super Bowl fun http://apne.ws/1PiB1iA


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Column: News about Stabler's brain damage intrudes on Super Bowl fun http://apne.ws/1PiB1iA



One player saying "gee, I hope that doesn't happen to me".


Meanwhile a guy wants to play despite a broken arm!


The SB fun continues unabated, this skimpy article lamely attempting claim otherwise not withstanding....



A doctor writes: the @NFL has done almost nothing to protect players now or in the future: http://nyti.ms/1SKtdKV




"The only thing I love more than football is the human brain"




This doctor (another pathologist) led a futile crusade to ban boxing. That failed (in fact, things got worse for fighters' brains with the advent of wildly popular MMA). So now what does he propose to "address" brain trauma? "Publicly admit that there is a real problem with...brain damage". Yes, that should help, just in case the public hasn't gotten wind of this problem yet.


How to reduce head trauma, per this doctor? Make the field bigger, make players smaller and eject players for such hits. That's it...


Never mind that Shazier and Burfict, the players he cites in that incident that shocked him to his very core, are both less than 250 lbs. Or that bigger fields will.....I'm not sure what they will do, make it so no one is able to catch anyone else on foot? Ejections may do some good, but giant fines have never done anything.

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