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The Blizzard of '77


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I was in high school. They let us go home early which was weird because there was no snow on the ground. I remember looking out the window at the sky. It was a freaky glowing yellow/green color.


Two weeks of no school. One week from too much snow and one week too cold. Thank you oil embargo.

I was at home and bored.

Ahhh life pre Internet.

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Ahhh life pre Internet.

Yeah it was tough .... Had to get naked women pics from magazines ... While they were gone by 77 I even remember party line phones.


It is amazing to think how different the world already is as compared to when we were kids. Much less how different it will be when we are **** ourselves in the nursing home....

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7th grade. Can remember climbing around on drifts that were as high as two story houses and running around on the rooftops. There was an area a few blocks from my neighborhood that was open and the drifts were as high as telephone poles. At the time I didn't fully appreciate it - looking back it seems insane.

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I wasn't alive yet.


Interesting comparison I can relate to, my parents who very much lived through the blizzard of 77, said snowvember of 2014 was significantly worse and more paralyzing.



I agree, can't really remember 77 because I was only 4 years old but bottomline is we only got 20 inches of snow. Like I said don't remember but I don;t know how people could say it was worse then the 8 feet we got in 2001 or the 8 feet we got last year.

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I agree, can't really remember 77 because I was only 4 years old but bottomline is we only got 20 inches of snow. Like I said don't remember but I don;t know how people could say it was worse then the 8 feet we got in 2001 or the 8 feet we got last year.


the wind, which was fierce at times, blew huge amounts of snow off Lake Erie which had frozen over. so the snow totals were relatively low, but the drifts that piled up against houses and buildings were truly immense.

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the wind, which was fierce at times, blew huge amounts of snow off Lake Erie which had frozen over. so the snow totals were relatively low, but the drifts that piled up against houses and buildings were truly immense.


And the weather itself killed people directly. Usually, in a winter storm, people die of secondary results (car accidents, heart attacks shoveling snow, roof collapse). People actually froze to death in the Blizzard of '77. Plus...when a 60mph wind picks up snow and drives it against any surface, it melts and refreezes quickly. You weren't just digging through powder in '77...they had to bring in mining equipment to dig people out.


There've been snowier storms. And mass quantities of snow can be incredibly paralyzing on their own (as DC is discovering right now - 2-3 feet, and the region's still a mess because there's simply nowhere to put it all.) But '77 was probably the most outright dangerous storm winter storm we've seen in our lifetime.

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