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Americans hate the Federal Government more than ever

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I'll put this here.................................some Americans love their government.




#PAAG Democrat ballot: Kane 31%, Zappala 18%, Shapiro 13%, Morganelli 9%. Yep, you read that right.


http://harperpolling.com/polls/pennsylvania-statewide-democratic-primary-poll--1-22-1-23-2016 …


In the race for the Democrat nomination for Attorney General in Pennsylvania


Mind you, the Democrat leader, Kathleen Kane, is currently under indictment & her LAW LICENSE was revoked.


but hey.....................let's not discriminate.






PA politics are !@#$ed. Why? Philadelphia's a big part of it. WAYYYYY too many on the dole in that shithole.

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Will one of you "other posters" please ask him? Please!

i don't think anyone cares about you. that's just it.


see, i once learned a valuable lesson from a preacher about things and i don't really give a **** to explain it too much. but there is love. there is hate. and both of those things are the same - feelings, emotions and beliefs. see, most people ignore you or choose to not take you serious because no one cares about you and whatever alter ego nonsense you present.


nonetheless, if you disappeared forever from this site no one would care. you add nothing but fodder to the few who feel like swatting when they have nothing to do.


you're meaningless.

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We were supposed to build a Great Society.


That's what the last 50 years of "activist government" and "social engineering" promised us. They pointed at Columbia, Maryland and said "See? You can build it all from the top down". But they never understood Columbia, and they still don't to this day, because while it was planned from the top down, it was never "centrally planned". The entire design approach and execution begins at the lowest level and then proceeds to build syngeries between the pieces until they fit with the next group of pieces. These pieces are flexible enough to change over time, because while they have all been fitted together, they are still pieces: they retain the autonomy of their internal systems.


All the Great Society people see in Columbia is "Rich and Poor Living Together"; they get lost in the euphoria of the outcome. They completely miss the actual design, and thus have no chance of ever replicating it elsewhere. They've been promising they can replicate Columbia's design since 1964. They have failed miserably, because again, all they can see is the outcome, they don't care to get themselves qualified to understand the material or how to design, and while they say they care about problems, they don't care to do the work that TRULY solving them requires.


In 2016, this is what confronts us. Everyone is going to hate government to a degree(it's called govern...ment) no matter what. That however is no excuse for the current state of the government, or the problems it creates, and the solutions it fails to provide, for ALL Americans.


These "social engineers" aren't engineers of any kind: just the opposite in fact. Look. At. Obamacare.


They can't build a house with Lincoln Logs, and if you hold them to account for why the house they promised isn't built? They scream they need more $. More $ is not an excuse for sucking at designing systems, or for refusing to fix schitty designs...not when you've had 50 years to get it right. (EDIT: $, time, and quality are all intrinsically linked...in a triangle. The closer to you move to one point, the more is taken from one of the other points, or both. Depending on how much quality you want, or you promise, you can spend your time, or your $, or both to get it. QED 50 years is more than enough time spent to get quality, no matter how much $ has been spent, thus the only reasons for failure are incompetence and/or corruption.)


They know this. People who have screwed up always know it before, better, and how badly than anyone else. That's why we've gone from "social engineering"...to now..."social justice". :lol: NOBODY takes them seriously as engineers, so, now they are going to try to hold their positions of power, $ and influence...by claiming that they have a right to it all, and that taking it away is...


...injustice. :lol: Worse? At least when one is "engineering" they are puporting to solve problems. What does a social justice...person?...purport?

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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As they should. That situation in Flint, and the one continuing to unfold in Los Angeles, are both egregious on the part of the state, local, and federal governments.

who runs those towns historically? one party towns never fare so well

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The article is a simple explanation for why Trump and Sanders are so popular. Populism coming from both sides of the spectrum.

And whom do you think wins when 2 populists meet, one's answer is more government, the other's answer is reform government, and the people hate government now more than ever?

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And whom do you think wins when 2 populists meet, one's answer is more government, the other's answer is reform government, and the people hate government now more than ever?

More government, because he'll have media backing, and the "the other one is dangerous" narrative will sway enough voters.

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No one has really talked about this but if Sanders and Trump win the nominations who on earth would want to be their running mate? It could be political suicide.


Maybe they could be each other's running mates?


That would be entertaining. Whichever way the vote goes, you'd have a VP who's likely to try to knock of the President and take the office for himself, and a President likely to try to knock off the VP to protect himself. And neither'd be competent enough to do it. It'd be like a real-life Spy vs. Spy.

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Maybe everyone hates The Fed, and they're just confused?

Along those lines, when did the government get into the ammunition business?

I wonder what Hairy Reid and Stretch Pelosi think about the Feds making money by selling ammunition.


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And whom do you think wins when 2 populists meet, one's answer is more government, the other's answer is reform government, and the people hate government now more than ever?

while I know that's a question (mixed in with a statement or vice versa), how'd you do predicting the last presidential election?

No one has really talked about this but if Sanders and Trump win the nominations who on earth would want to be their running mate? It could be political suicide.

sanders and Warren, of course!
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