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Americans hate the Federal Government more than ever

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I'm not religious, I don't drive a big truck but I have an iphone, so really isn't talking much about me. I'm not a materialist and that and religion is what he is complaining about. Sounds like he is pissed he's dying, poor guy. Hardly says anything constructive though.


Considering your piss poor reading comprehension and cognitive abilities, it's not surprising you'd arrive at that conclusion after listening to that clip.


Gator, asshatting like it's his job.

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Being Tom's cabin boy isn't a real job


Again, old jokes. Not funny jokes, and there's no truth to it. But if thinking that makes you feel better about the small, ignorant life you're leading, then have at it.


But you're a fraud. You add nothing but comedic value to this forum, and that value is found in the joy others take in pointing out how fuking ignorant your positions are most times. You're incapable of having serious discussions and have shown no interest in debating honestly.


In other words, you're a giant asshat who revels in his asshattery.

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Again, old jokes. Not funny jokes, and there's no truth to it. But if thinking that makes you feel better about the small, ignorant life you're leading, then have at it.


But you're a fraud. You add nothing but comedic value to this forum, and that value is found in the joy others take in pointing out how fuking ignorant your positions are most times. You're incapable of having serious discussions and have shown no interest in debating honestly.


In other words, you're a giant asshat who revels in his asshattery.

You boasted about being his minion. I didn't make that up

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Again, old jokes. Not funny jokes, and there's no truth to it. But if thinking that makes you feel better about the small, ignorant life you're leading, then have at it.


But you're a fraud. You add nothing but comedic value to this forum, and that value is found in the joy others take in pointing out how fuking ignorant your positions are most times. You're incapable of having serious discussions and have shown no interest in debating honestly.


In other words, you're a giant asshat who revels in his asshattery.


DR you can't get worked up about Gatorman insulting you when you are both are trading insults, now maybe you think that your insults are witty and intelligent while his are more mundane but the truth is Gatorman serves a purpose of engaging an therefore wasting the time of clueless regressive dolts here where there negative energy can be harmlessly contained - while your participation seems to stroke some ego issues you have.

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DR you can't get worked up about Gatorman insulting you when you are both are trading insults, now maybe you think that your insults are witty and intelligent while his are more mundane but the truth is Gatorman serves a purpose of engaging an therefore wasting the time of clueless regressive dolts here where there negative energy can be harmlessly contained - while your participation seems to stroke some ego issues you have.


DR is not a clueless regressive. He's actually a clueless progressive. :D

Edited by Chef Jim
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DR you can't get worked up about Gatorman insulting you when you are both are trading insults, now maybe you think that your insults are witty and intelligent while his are more mundane but the truth is Gatorman serves a purpose of engaging an therefore wasting the time of clueless regressive dolts here where there negative energy can be harmlessly contained - while your participation seems to stroke some ego issues you have.


I don't get worked up over Gator insulting me, not by a long shot. For insults to hurt they have to have either truth or wit behind them. Gator lacks in both his ability to tell the truth and to deliver anything deemed witty.


Believing Gator serves any function on this board other than comic relief where people laugh AT him (not with him) just shows you're not paying attention. So who's really clueless? The guy (you) who believes everyone here is a regressive dolt if their politics differ from your own, or the guy calling an asshat out for being an asshat.



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He's not getting worked up over gator insulting him. He's getting worked up over gator being really, really bad at it.


100%. I have NO problems with contentious debate so long as it's honest and/or entertaining. I do have a problem with a guy who injects himself into nearly every debate in a dishonest and trolling fashion. And, if ...lybob were paying attention he'd know that there was a time when I was more than civil to Gator. I went out of my way to try to converse with him for weeks and he showed no interest in it. All he wanted to do was insult me without prompting.


Two can play at that game. The thing is, I'm just way better at it that Gator is.

You boasted about being his minion. I didn't make that up


Actually, you did make this up. And I can prove it.


According to Gator, this is me "boasting about being (tom's) minion."







Should've saved that for when gatorman calls all of you my "minions."






Good for you. Try reading them then. Or are you too busy with your little minion? :lol:


He admits he is your little minion!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Where did I boast about being Tom's minion? Oh yeah, right, I didn't. You're so dense you don't even get the joke. And because you didn't understand the joke, you invented the meaning and context of these posts. Here's a hint, no one said what you think they said. The leap you make just with this assumption shows your complete inability to understand context, subtext, let alone what's actually said by people or in articles.


Serious question, when you play hockey do you wear a helmet at all? Because there's really no need.

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I don't get worked up over Gator insulting me, not by a long shot. For insults to hurt they have to have either truth or wit behind them. Gator lacks in both his ability to tell the truth and to deliver anything deemed witty.


Believing Gator serves any function on this board other than comic relief where people laugh AT him (not with him) just shows you're not paying attention. So who's really clueless? The guy (you) who believes everyone here is a regressive dolt if their politics differ from your own, or the guy calling an asshat out for being an asshat.



Well, looking over my post to I regret writing.......... their as there.

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100%. I have NO problems with contentious debate so long as it's honest and/or entertaining. I do have a problem with a guy who injects himself into nearly every debate in a dishonest and trolling fashion. And, if ...lybob were paying attention he'd know that there was a time when I was more than civil to Gator. I went out of my way to try to converse with him for weeks and he showed no interest in it. All he wanted to do was insult me without prompting.


Two can play at that game. The thing is, I'm just way better at it that Gator is.


Actually, you did make this up. And I can prove it.


According to Gator, this is me "boasting about being (tom's) minion."










Where did I boast about being Tom's minion? Oh yeah, right, I didn't. You're so dense you don't even get the joke. And because you didn't understand the joke, you invented the meaning and context of these posts. Here's a hint, no one said what you think they said. The leap you make just with this assumption shows your complete inability to understand context, subtext, let alone what's actually said by people or in articles.


Serious question, when you play hockey do you wear a helmet at all? Because there's really no need.


It's like as soon as he reads or posts something here he immediately forgets what he read or posted.


Come on, it's a little funny.


No it's not. Not even a little. It's sad actually.


Now if he said Cabana Boy......



Edited by Chef Jim
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I'll put this here.................................some Americans love their government.




#PAAG Democrat ballot: Kane 31%, Zappala 18%, Shapiro 13%, Morganelli 9%. Yep, you read that right.




In the race for the Democrat nomination for Attorney General in Pennsylvania


Mind you, the Democrat leader, Kathleen Kane, is currently under indictment & her LAW LICENSE was revoked.


but hey.....................let's not discriminate.





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