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Americans hate the Federal Government more than ever

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“Now five years old, CFPB was intended as a model for government when Obama joined with one of his top appointees, Elizabeth Warren, in designing and proposing the bureau in 2010.


I'm starting to think Warren is every bit the fraud that Hillary and Barry are. I essentially saw her as a younger, female version of Bernie. I mean, I know she used her 'indian' thing to get special treatment at universities, etc., but I didn't think she was willing to go after info as to people's financial positions.


Maybe I shouldn't be so surprised.

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In its five year existence, CFPB has done little other than compile two huge intrusive databases containing billions of bytes of information about individual Americans financial position.


Not true. They've also !@#$ed up the real estate industry beyond recognition.


The CFPB is one of the most asinine government productions I've ever seen.

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CFPB has been an abomination that has done far more harm than good to the average American. It's a classic case of lowering the standards to protect a fictional problem that leaves nearly everyone else worse off.


Remember when banks used to offer overdraft protection to most of their customers? Say goodbye.


Thank you, progressives.

Overdraft protection is racist because only white people would have two accounts open in the same bank.

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They already make on average 78 percent more than private sector works – counting salary and the value of benefits – but a coalition of federal employee unions claim they deserve a 5.3 percent pay raise, reports Katie Watson of the Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group.

“At a time when we need to recruit the best and brightest to civil service, federal pay is falling further behind the private sector and living standards for federal employees and their families continue to decline,” the coalition claims in a letter to Congress. “A catch-up raise to reflect market rates in 2017 is imperative.”

Yes, that’s really what they said.

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They already make on average 78 percent more than private sector works


Not for the same work, they don't. Right now I make about 10% more as a contractor than an equivalent federal worker, even including benefits.


Used to be more - nearer 30%...but thanks, Obamacare.

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Can anyone explain these two tweets/articles ?






Democrats block $1.1 billion Zika bill - CNNPolitics.com

CNN‎ - 2 hours ago



The Republican Zika bill had sort of poison pill in it (maybe abortion-related) that the Democrats wouldn't vote for.


The surprising thing is that CNN referred to it as a "Zika" bill and not an "abortion" bill.

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The Republican Zika bill had sort of poison pill in it (maybe abortion-related) that the Democrats wouldn't vote for.


The surprising thing is that CNN referred to it as a "Zika" bill and not an "abortion" bill.


What CNN explains as a poison pill..............is the democrats complaining that Planned parenthood wasn't allocated enough of the billion dollars.



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What CNN explains as a poison pill..............is the democrats complaining that Planned parenthood wasn't allocated enough of the billion dollars.




I heard about that poison pill from a different source...but that still doesn't surprise me.

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71% of Americans believe economy is 'rigged'


(because it is)





It’s Time for the Elites to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses

The Brexit has laid bare the political schism of our time. It’s not about the left vs. the right; it’s about the sane vs. the mindlessly angry.


Edited by Deranged Rhino
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It’s Time for the Elites to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses


The Brexit has laid bare the political schism of our time. It’s not about the left vs. the right; it’s about the sane vs. the mindlessly angry.




People aren't mad at elites as much as they're mad at what currently passes for "elites."

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HEY, let me hear a little more about the $7 million dollars "wasted" on the Benghazi investigation.....Okay ?



Michelle Obama Pledges $100M of U.S. Tax Dollars to Educate Girls… in Morocco


Via Morocco World News.

Morocco will receive millions of dollars in funding from the United States government through programs aimed to address challenges that prevent girls in the country from quality education, a
ccording to a Monday White House press release.

The Millenium Challenge Corporation, an independent U.S. Government foreign-aid agency, is expected to give nearly $10
0 million dollars to
invest in a new model for secondary education in Morocco, the announcement stated. The U.S. Agency for International Development will also invest $40,000 to build five girls’ dormitories, known as “Dar Talibas”, by the next school year.

am so proud that the U.S. is working with the Moroccan Government to make…transformative new investments to educate and empower girls across Morocco,” stated United States First Lady Michelle Obama in the release


The announcement was made as Obama visited Marrakesh Tuesday where she was joined by actresses Merryl Streep and Freida Pinto in a panel moderated by CNN’s Correspondent Isha Sesay to promote quality education for girls worldwide through the Let Girls Learn initiative….



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71% of Americans believe economy is 'rigged'


(because it is)






Its Time for the Elites to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses

The Brexit has laid bare the political schism of our time. Its not about the left vs. the right; its about the sane vs. the mindlessly angry.



Wtf is a rigged economy?

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Maybe the civil war should be removed entirely from history teachings and should never be mentioned publically either.


Would we be required to repeal the 13th Amendment, too?


'Cause I have some work that needs to be done around the house...

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