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Tom Brady quiz

Big Turk

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24. Well it was 23 but McKeller was spelt by me with an a. Got the backs. Remembered Armour in a game against the Browns in maybe Belichicks last season with them, rain and mud. Darrick Holmes. Big Cardwell Gardner. Guessed a bit on guys like Jamie Meuller, Didn't Quinn Early have the longest reception by a Bill? Remembered the Fina TD too, was that his rookie year?

Edited by Shamrock
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that was awesome i got roasted only got 8. forgetting mckeller killed me. had reed, beebee, lofton, metzelaars, tasker, thomas, cline, moulds,

That's almost the same as I got, but I got mckellar and Kenny Davis and didn't get cline. 9/32. Still not bad for a guy who was a toddler during the glory years.

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Did OK, got 16. Billy Brooks and Chris Burkett are the two I didn't get but should have. Also should have gotten Carwell Gardner but every time I pictured him the name Carlton Bailey popped into my head.

This is a pretty good one that most should do well on. I got all but 1.....couldn't come up with Tampa's QB.




This was a good one too, though trying to spell the last name of Johnny U., Joe T and Big Ben was a fruitless exercise.

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No. He's usually standing up or laying on his back when he wets himself.


I got a 100 on the quiz!


I got a 110.


Because I figure, on a quiz about Brady, cheating isn't just acceptable, but required.

This is a pretty good one that most should do well on. I got all but 1.....couldn't come up with Tampa's QB.




Same with me. Remembered his last name, not his first.


Hardest part of the test was making sure the names were spelled right.

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